Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1515: Mastering the Hand of Destiny

Lu Yu quietly sneaked to the vicinity of the Tianshu Star Plate.

Watching the countless stars on the Tianshu Star Plate rise and then quickly fall, Lu Yu couldn't help but have an indescribable feeling.


Everything was too familiar. He was almost certain that the two of them had the same power.

I remember that when the Red Moon Lord tried to kill me, he had revealed that the Earth Seal God wanted to use his soul, which meant that he must have played a very important role in his plan to destroy the world.

Similarly, the Heavenly Palace Saint also played a decisive role in this plan.

And the two of them were also the same source of power.

Now Lu Yu has just learned from the Yunxiao Patriarch that the ultimate goal of the Bixiao Palace's plan is to create a fortune-level star field weapon.

Combining this series of clues, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel that there was an extremely huge net covering him, and it was not only himself who was caught in the net, but also Meng Ting in front of him.

They both had the same fate.

Not only did he have to break free from the giant net in front of him, but he also had to break free from the shackles of fate with Meng Ting.

Lu Yu did not speak, but raised his hand and swung his sword.

He remembered what Ye Fei had said to him. The last time the Supreme Immortal wanted to ambush Meng Ting, he found that there was a pair of eyes watching her every move all the time. The control of the Bixiao Palace over the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace was far beyond his imagination.

At this time, there were space cracks all around, and no matter what kind of surveillance methods, they should have been greatly affected. Seeing that Lu Yu still did not dare to be arrogant, he did not call Meng Ting directly, but communicated with her directly in the language of the stars.

The sword's momentum rippled, and the surrounding space was full of starlight.

Meng Ting felt something in his heart and was slightly startled.

She stood on the Tianshu star disk and waved her hand gently. Suddenly, countless stars burst out and merged perfectly with Lu Yu's sword momentum.

In an instant, it was as if two pieces of starry sky had been spliced ​​together and completely blended together.

All the surrounding scenery disappeared, the vast airspace, the dense space cracks, the chaotic clouds and the Floating Cloud Palace in the distance... all disappeared without a trace.

Only the two of them were left, as if they were walking in the starry sky, with only the stars shining all around them, and everything else was blocked out.

"Why are you here too?" Meng Ting met Lu Yu's gaze and said with some surprise.

"I came here specifically for you." Lu Yu said calmly.

His voice was not loud, but it was full of power, and his eyes were bright, worthy of looking at Meng Ting, and even more dazzling than the surrounding stars.

Meng Ting's heart skipped a beat, and he avoided Lu Yu's gaze, saying, "Why do you say such things..."

Lu Yu said, "Do you remember what I told you about my mother? Now I finally understand why she defected from the Bixiao Palace. She didn't want to continue to help the evil, and didn't want to destroy billions of lives in this world, and even let more lives in the heavens and the world suffer from unprovoked disasters!"

"I already know the secret of the Bixiao Palace! For 200,000 years, under the leadership of the Earth Seal God, all the people in the Bixiao Palace Many powerful people are constantly hiding deep underground in the Nine Netherworld. On the surface, they are pursuing more powerful power and becoming the Lord of the Earthly Evil, but in fact, they are constantly encroaching on the lifespan of heaven and earth, plundering and squeezing the power of this world, so as to eventually transform this world into a star field weapon of the Creation Level! "Such a weapon is enough to directly destroy a star field!" "By then, not only will all the creatures in this world be finished, but countless creatures in other star fields will also suffer a catastrophe!" Meng Tian couldn't help but stop and looked at Lu Yu in disbelief. Lu Yu continued, "In fact, you have already expected all this, right? So last time on Yuanjiang, you mentioned your dream to me..." "But I think your dream is not complete, and it has been transformed by someone... You said that you will eventually destroy half of the forest and redeem the other half. This is simply impossible. There is no redemption, only complete and thorough destruction!" Meng Ting opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Lu Yu took a step further and walked directly in front of her. They looked into each other's eyes and said, "So, come with me! Let's stop all this together, just like what my mother did back then!"

"But..." Meng Ting hesitated, "How can this be that easy..."

Lu Yu said, "Of course this is not easy, but if you don't try, how do you know if there is a chance? If you try, there may still be a chance. If you don't try, there will never be a chance! Do you want to see everything in your dream become a reality?"

Meng Ting lowered his head and whispered, "That dream is the nightmare of my life. I naturally don't want to see it become a reality. Even if it costs my life, I am not willing to compromise with it, but..."

"But what?"

"Even if it costs my life, I am afraid that I can't stop all this, and it may lead to even worse results!"

Lu Yu said thoughtfully: "Are you worried about the power of Diyin God? You said last time that it is almost impossible for the Saint of Tiangong to betray Bixiao Palace... Does Diyin God still have something on you?"

Meng Ting smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think there is only one Diyin God in Bixiao Palace?"

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

If moving to Bixiao Palace is not enough to solve the problem, then there is only one possibility...

"Are you saying that someone in the Bixiao Palace in the upper world is also involved in this matter? Your fate is controlled by the Bixiao Palace in the upper world?"

Meng Ting sighed softly and said, "You told me last time to let me control my own fate. I have tried it secretly myself, and then I realized that my fate is not in my own hands, nor in the hands of Diyin God..."

Lu Yu was stunned.

But at this moment, there were faint waves of violent vibrations in the void.

Lu Yu immediately knew that the final decisive battle had begun.

So, he didn't hesitate any more and said directly: "After we parted in Yuanjiang last time, Shenmu Wangding told me something. He saw that there was a blood relationship between the two of us, so there is actually a blood relationship between the two of us..."

"So, no matter who holds your fate, I will not watch you fall into the abyss! I will fight for it back! If it is this layer of the sky, then break through this layer of the sky! If it is the upper world, then break through the upper world!"

"However, the upper world is still too far away, so let's start by solving the Earth Seal God of this world!"

After saying that, the surrounding stars gradually faded.

They returned to the real world of the seventh layer of the sky.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked in the direction of the Floating Cloud Palace.

I saw that the void kept cracking, and an extremely huge space crack was forming, which not only penetrated the nine layers of clouds at once, but also reached the depths of the nine underworld.

The final decisive battle finally began!

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