Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1520 The last resort

Although everyone had doubts in their hearts, they did not hesitate in the face of the approaching Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation. They all used their unique skills to launch the most fierce offensive against the Earth Seal God.

Dozens of ancient dragons, more than a dozen powerful Tiangang warriors, and all kinds of magic weapons and artifacts were brought out at once. What they represented was not just their strength on paper, but also their long-standing heritage. .

It can be said that the power displayed here at this time is the sum of the power developed in this world over hundreds of thousands of years!

But at this time, the Earth Seal God was firmly controlled by Old Man Tianjian, and was unable to offer any effective resistance or counterattack.

In an instant, countless powerful forces poured into the body of the Earth Seal God, which naturally inevitably led to the old man Tianjian.

The earth shook and the space shattered.

The Earth Seal God and the Heavenly Sword Old Man were in the shattered space, constantly tossing and crushing back and forth. It seemed that their figures had been mixed up everywhere, but they never fell apart or disappeared into ashes.

After a while, the offensive stopped.

Everyone's hearts could not help but be filled with shock and horror. They did not hold back. They had used all their strength, but at this time the offensive had stopped, but they still failed to crush the two people in front...

Fortunately for the old man Tianjian, he is a spiritual body after all and cannot be calculated based on common sense. However, the Earth Seal God Lord is a real physical body, but he can withstand such a powerful attack. So what should he do? How powerful is it?

"Hey hey hey...what? Don't you all have the strength?"

The regional god chuckled darkly again.

"It's impossible for you to completely eliminate me with your strength! In the end, the result of your doing this is just to let this old guy die in vain!"

"I would like to advise you, it is best to run away now! Otherwise, you will all die here!"

The tone of the regional god became more and more fierce, almost crazy.

Everyone felt chills in their hearts after hearing this.

It was not because of the threat of the Earth Seal God, but because after such a fierce offensive, he still had so much energy, which couldn't help but create a sense of frustration in everyone's hearts.

"Diyin! Do you still want to continue to hold on in front of me?"

At this time, the old man Tianjian suddenly said.

"Don't be discouraged! I can feel that he is at the end of his strength and will soon die! If you push harder, he will definitely die!"

Everyone was stunned, and before they had time to react, Lord Diyin immediately laughed wildly and said:

"It's true that I can't hold on much longer, but how much time do you think they have? At least before the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation comes, they will definitely not be able to completely destroy me!"

"Shen Shang! I'm afraid your wishful thinking will come to nothing this time!"

"Run, run away! Otherwise, you will all be buried here!"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Lu Yu.

It is true that the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation is imminent, and the remaining time is simply not enough for them to launch another round of offensive like just now.

Whether to leave or stay, everyone subconsciously left it to Lu Yu to make the final decision.

"There's no time, let's use the last resort!"

At this time, Patriarch Wangchuan suddenly appeared beside Lu Yu and said in a deep voice.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink suddenly.

The last method is to annihilate the entire seventh heaven. This move will not only bring many unpredictable consequences, but also means that the Wangchuan ancestor will sacrifice for this, and Lu Yu will end his life personally. .

Ancestor Wangchuan saw Lu Yu's inner struggle and said: "There is no need to think too much at this time. Since Senior Tianjian can sacrifice himself, why can't I sacrifice myself?"

"We just want to do a good job in the present. As for the future, let the younger generations think about it!"

After hearing this, Lu Yu finally calmed down and said in a deep voice: "The generations to come will never forget the sacrifices made by our predecessors today!"

Most of the people around him didn't know that Ancestor Wangchuan had the ability to hijack the laws of heaven and earth. At this time, they were confused after hearing the exchange between the two.

In an instant, the light of heaven and earth surged, and golden laws appeared one after another, connected in a chain shape.

Ancestor Wangchuan stretched out his hand, and chains immediately moved sideways and entangled in his hand.

For a moment, it seemed like the whole world was shaking with his gesture.

Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

The Earth Seal God couldn't help but change his expression.

"This is... the power of the heavens! You have actually reached the highest state of the Supreme Forgetfulness Dao?"

Ancestor Wangchuan looked back at the Emperor Seal God. At this time, his eyes had disappeared and turned into a golden color: "I can make the whole sky be buried with you, now you can be satisfied!"

As he spoke, he kept waving his hands, and more and more chains of the laws of heaven and earth gathered in his hands, and the golden light in his eyes became stronger and stronger, almost to the point that no one could look directly at him.

Liu Hongxu once again opened the red road, leading directly to the Ark on the other side in the distance.

For all this, Lu Yu and others have already made plans. If they are eventually forced to use the plan to annihilate the seventh heaven, then the best place to take refuge is the Ark on the other side. Otherwise, even if they hide in the neighboring The seventh and eighth levels of the sky, the shock caused by the annihilation of the sky is not something that everyone can easily bear.

For a time, the dragons retreated one after another, and a group of Tiangang strong men once again entered the cave space of the Spring Conch. Although they could not directly enter Liu Hongxu's red light channel, after entering the Spring Conch, Ye Weilan could lead them Evacuate quickly.



Sisters Chudie and Yudie walked up to him and hesitated to speak.

Lu Yu said: "You guys retreat first, I'll be fine!"

The two sisters didn't say anything else, they just took a deep look at Lu Yu and returned to the cave space full of reluctance.

"Yu Lang..."

Ye Weilan put away the Spring Conch and carried it with her, her eyes also full of reluctance.

Lu Yu said: "You take a step first, I will catch up with you soon!"

Ye Weilan couldn't bear it but was still frustrated. Liu Hongxu walked over.

Although she has the bloodline of the five ancient heavenly clans and her body is as strong as a giant dragon, she still needs Liu Hongxu's guidance to travel through the red light channel.

Before finally entering the red light channel, Liu Hongxu also looked back at Lu Yu with a complex expression, and his eyes seemed to contain a thousand words.

But Lu Yu just said to her lightly: "See you later in the ark on the other side!"

"See you later..."

Liu Hongxu responded, no longer hesitating, and stepped into the red light channel hand in hand with Ye Weilan.

In a moment, the originally crowded airspace was completely cleared, leaving only Lu Yu, Ancestor Wangchuan, and the entangled Earth Seal God and Old Man Tianjian.

At this time, there were more and more chains wrapped around Ancestor Wangchuan, and only a few chains were left. As long as the last few chains were gathered together, then he would be equal to the entire third chain. The incarnation of the seventh heaven.

At that time, as long as Lu Yu kills him with one sword, it will be equivalent to annihilating the entire seventh level of the sky.

However, at this moment, the Earth Seal God suddenly managed to gain a break from the entanglement of the old man Tianjian. When his head leaned out, he opened his mouth and spit out a stream of black energy.

This black energy was like a sharp sword, but it did not shoot towards Ancestor Wangchuan and Lu Yu who were standing aside, but towards Ancestor Yunxiao who was pushing Fuyun Palace away not far away.

Lu Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that at such a time, the Earth Seal God would still refuse to let Ancestor Yunxiao go.

Ancestor Yunxiao obviously did not expect that the Earth Seal God would suddenly attack at this time. He was hit by the black energy unexpectedly. His body suddenly trembled, as if struck by lightning, and the Floating Cloud Palace came to a standstill.

Lu Yuman thought that Earth Seal God Lord's move was to bring Ancestor Yunxiao along with him.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the void.

But the mysterious strong man in the chaotic cloud was released!

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