Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1521 Chaos God of War

Lu Yu was stunned again.

Only then did he realize that the real purpose of Earth Seal God's move was to release the mysterious powerful man hidden in the clouds of chaos who was previously trapped by Ancestor Yunxiao.

I don’t know what means Yunxiao Ancestor used to trap him before, but in short, the restrictions on the mysterious strong man no longer exist.

In an instant, as the cloud of chaos exploded, endless darkness rolled in.

Lu Yu's heart tightened.

He keenly felt that it was a kind of darkness completely different from that of the Earth Seal God, and it was an extremely pure power of chaos!

Before Lu Yu could say a word to remind him, several chains in the void were cut off.

Lu Yu was immediately horrified.

You must know that these chains represent the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and they are not ordinary laws of heaven and earth, but the laws of heaven and earth that maintain the entire world.

Although Lu Yu had long expected that this mysterious strongman must be very powerful, he did not expect that the other party would be so powerful.

Ancestor Wangchuan frowned, stretched out his hand and grasped the chain in the air, trying to gather the chain back again.

However, it was followed by several more bangs.

Although Ancestor Wangchuan retracted the chains, other hunts were cut off by the opponent. The speed of his retraction was far less than the speed of the opponent's cut off.

In this way, it would be impossible for the Wangchuan Ancestor to complete the assimilation of the entire sky, and naturally he would not be able to carry out the last step of the plan.

Moreover, the cutting off of the chains has no impact on Patriarch Wangchuan. The chains represent the communication link between him and heaven and earth. The power of cutting on the chains is the same as cutting on him.

Although he looked uninjured on the surface, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

no! We can't let the other party continue to destroy so unscrupulously!

Without thinking, Lu Yu directly controlled the Galaxy Sword and headed towards the chaotic cloud.

Although everyone had retreated at this time, the starlight formation led by the Divine Tree King Cauldron had not stopped. It was still within the coverage of the starlight formation. Lu Yu had an absolute advantage in fighting in this area.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed in front of the chaotic cloud.

At this time, a figure emerged from the clouds, about to launch another attack on a chain connected to the Forefather of Wangchuan.

Lu Yu directly gathered the eight secrets of the stars, and swung his sword towards the opponent with unparalleled power.


The sword seemed to have struck some kind of metal, and Lu Yu felt the energy and blood surge throughout his body, and his body became numb.

The power of this sword is enough to break through the Tiangang barrier, and there is nothing that can be done to this mysterious strong man.

At the same time, Lu Yu finally saw the appearance of this mysterious strong man.

I saw that the man's whole body was shrouded in a pair of armor. The armor was as black as ink, and the adventure was strange, making the mysterious strong man look very majestic, like a god of war.


These two words appeared in Lu Yu's mind involuntarily.

If there really is a God of War in the world, then there is no doubt that the image of the man in front of him is the one that best fits people's inner fantasies.

At the same time, Lu Yu felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly understood that the God of War in front of him seemed to be similar to the half-dead Ice King Island Master before him.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to imitate the Ice Emperor Island Master. It is very likely that the Ice Emperor Island Master was designed based on him. Although the Ice Emperor Island Master was created by the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect at the time, Lu Yu had already understood at this time. The Scarlet Moon Demon Sect and the Bixiao Shrine are one and the same, so it is not unusual for them to directly confirm and refer to each other...

However, the Ice King Island Master's Moon Demon War God is just a copy after all, and it is completely different from the real original version at this time.

And when the Ice King Island Master was originally molded into the Moon Demon God of War, the bodies and corpses of countless golden elixir masters were used. Now, what is the composition of the body of the God of War with the power of chaos?

Although the body of the God of War was powerful, he did not seem to have any smart consciousness. Facing Lu Yu who was attacking him, he did not have any excessive communication. He raised his hand and slashed at Lu Yu with a sword. .

It was a huge black sword without any luster, but the so-called power contained in it was unbelievably powerful. Lu Yu faced it head-on with the Galaxy Sword that drove the secrets of the eight stars, but it was still difficult to resist it. He was slapped hard and flew away.

This shows that the power of this black giant sword is still far higher than that of the Galaxy Sword at this time. At least it can only drive the eight stars, which is far from enough to compete with it.

"Holy shit!"

Lu Yu's body tumbled back and forth hundreds of times in the air, and finally stopped. He couldn't help but utter a curse word.

Unexpectedly, the power of this mysterious strong man was so amazing. It seemed that the Yunxiao Ancestor had controlled him before, otherwise their process of encircling and suppressing the Earth God Lord would have been more dangerous.

I don’t know what means Patriarch Yunxiao used to control him before…

Lu Yu couldn't help but turned his head and looked in the direction of Fuyun Palace, only to see that Patriarch Yunxiao had regained his composure, but continued to push Fuyun Palace away, with no intention of turning back to help.

Lu Yu was not too surprised by this. He had long known that Patriarch Yunxiao was unreliable. At this moment, his last glimmer of hope was shattered.

Without the help of Ancestor Yunxiao, how can we control this extremely powerful Chaos God of War?

At this time, the Chaos God of War was driving the chaotic clouds and was rapidly approaching the direction of the Emperor Seal God.

It seems that he not only wants to destroy the hijacking of Ancestor Wangchuan and the laws of heaven and earth, but also wants to rescue the Earth Seal God from the entanglement of the old man Tianjian.

Once he succeeds, all previous efforts will be in vain.

At the critical moment, Lu Yu's thoughts suddenly changed.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded next to him.

"let me help you."

Lu Yu was startled and turned around to look, but it was Meng Ting who was driving the Tianshu star disk who appeared next to him.

Originally, due to the emergence of space cracks, her movements in this sky were greatly restricted, but after the Divine Tree King Cauldron activated the Starlight Formation, she became able to move freely.

She has the same power as Lu Yu. Since Lu Yu can control starlight, she can also do the same.

However, Lu Yu thought that with the blessing of the Starlight Array, she should have left long ago, but he did not expect that she still stayed here.

However, now that she has reappeared here, it means that she already has the answer in her heart.

So, Lu Yu smiled happily and said, "Okay!"

Then the stars appeared all over the sky.

Lu Yu used the Galaxy Sword as a guide, and a starry sky appeared around him. Meng Ting used the Tianshu Star Disk as a guide, and a starry sky also appeared around him.

There is no language between the two parties, and all communication relies on the transformation of the stars.

The two starry skies merged into each other, which meant that their realms were connected.

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