Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1527 A bigger game of chess

Hearing what Ancestor Wangchuan said, Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

At this time, the Earth Seal God was dead. Unexpectedly, the plan to destroy the world not only did not stop, but also continued to advance at an even faster speed.

According to time estimates, the Chaos War God should have just returned to the Jiuyou Underground. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived under the Jiuyou Underground, such a situation occurred. From this, it is not difficult to infer that this matter is probably related to that person. Related to three celestial flints.

Combined with the strange scene of the Earth Seal God turning his head to look at the Chaos God of War when his soul was gone, Lu Yu suddenly had a bold guess in his heart...

Could it be said that the Earth Seal God had already anticipated all this?

He hijacked the laws of heaven and earth before and intended to completely destroy the entire world. Was it just an illusion?

In fact, he did not give up his plan to destroy the world and create star field weapons, he just continued it in another way...

And the Chaos God of War is his designated successor?

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine. The calculations of these old guys were too dark and profound...

However, judging from the final battle between the Chaos War God and Yunxiao Ancestor just now, in terms of pure strength, the Chaos War God is indeed comparable to the Earth Seal God. He can also promote the things that the Earth Seal God can promote. Push it on.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Lord Diyin chose to give up his life, because he knew that even if he was gone, there would still be people who could continue to promote this plan that lasted for 200,000 years...

But what is his purpose in doing this?

Lu Yu was puzzled.

Originally, he thought that he had used a shocking move and successfully escaped from the opponent's chessboard layout. But when things came to an end, he found that he was still in the opponent's chessboard.

Lu Yu was silent for a long time.

Finally, he sighed leisurely: "Everyone, it seems that it is not the time for us to relax our vigilance. Next, there may be successive wars waiting for us..."

Everyone couldn't help but be silent for a while.

This was the first time for many of them to hear about the life span of heaven and earth, but from the weak state of Wangchuan Ancestor and Lu Yu's solemn expression, it was not difficult to see that this matter was extremely serious.

But no matter what happens, eradicating the Earth Seal God is a happy thing. No matter how serious the next battle situation is, it will be a matter of the future, and it needs to be considered slowly and long-term in the future.

At this moment, all the Tiangang ancestors should have returned to the front line, continued to confront the Bixiao Shrine, and looked for opportunities to completely defeat the Bixiao Shrine.

But all the Tiangang ancestors were very curious about the Ark on the other side in front of them, and they all wanted to take a closer look. After all, this is the oldest inheritance of the Dragon Clan. It is unknown how many thousands of years it has existed in the world. Such an opportunity Extremely rare.

So, Lu Yu asked Liu Hongxu for advice. Liu Hongxu agreed to everyone's request, but he only had three days, because the Dragon Clan also had to seize the time to repair the outer shell of the Ark on the Other Side.

Immediately, a group of Tiangang experts entered the interior of the Ark on the Other Side and visited this ancient relic. Although they only had three days, they believed that they could gain considerable benefits from it.

Naturally, Lu Yu, Yang Chudie and others were no exception. They also entered this huge ship to visit, and Meng Ting also followed them.

Originally, Lu Yu thought that it would be a very awkward process for Meng Ting to get along with everyone at first. After all, she was once the Holy Maiden of the Bixiao Shrine.

But unexpectedly, Yudie got along very well with her, and the two soon started chatting happily, constantly exchanging views on the internal structure of the Ark on the other side.

"I didn't expect Yudie to be so easy-going..."

Lu Yu looked at Meng Ting and Yu Die who were walking in front and talking selflessly, and said with emotion.

The five people were walking around in the Ark on the other side. They were originally walking and chatting together, but gradually the two people walking in front became more and more engaged in talking, but they clearly distanced themselves from the three people behind them without even noticing it. .

"This shows that Miss Meng is good enough."

Yang Chudie said, "Her talent, vision, and knowledge shocked Yudie in all aspects. Otherwise, do you think she is really so easy-going when meeting people?"

"You can't say that..." Lu Yu said, "My talents are not necessarily worse than Meng Ting's in all aspects. Why don't you see Yudie showing such an attitude towards me? Could it be that you think I'm not as good as Meng Ting?" court?"

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him: "I've never seen someone put such gold on her face... Besides, how can you be the same as her?"

At this time, Ye Weilan who was standing by the side suddenly said in a lowered voice: "Yu Lang, this Miss Meng, can she really be your mother..."

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Why, do you still want to go over and recognize her as your mother-in-law?"

Ye Weilan suddenly looked embarrassed.

Lu Yu then said: "Actually, I don't know either. Although Senior Tianjian called her my mother's name, it's probably because of a mistake..."

"No one knows what kind of tricks Bixiao Shrine has done here. Perhaps only after entering the seventeenth floor of Jiuyou Underground will the truth of all this be revealed..."

"Then, what if, I mean what if..." Ye Weilan said again, "What if she is really your mother?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment and was silent for a while before saying, "Then I will be both happy and sad..."

"Fortunately, she is safe and sound now. At least she is not being held in a dark prison and being tortured..."

"It hurts because of what kind of hardships she went through during this process to become what she is today..."

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan couldn't help but fell silent.

Indeed, if Meng Ting and Meng Feiyan are really the same person, she must have been tortured, just like the Chaos God of War. I don’t know what kind of differential reorganization she has gone through before she finally became what everyone is seeing. status.

It's just that the Chaos God of War was a reorganization of the physical body, while the Heavenly Palace Saint was a tampered splicing of memories and souls.

Yang Chudie added: "You once said that you thought the death of the Earth Seal God was very strange... If all this was really premeditated, would it be possible that Miss Meng came to you now as part of the other party's plan? "

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

He had never thought about this problem before.

But assuming that the death of Lord Earth Seal God was to play a bigger game, then this is indeed very possible.

But what is the other party’s purpose in doing this?

What could this "bigger game" be?

Lu Yu thought for a long time and still had no clue, and finally said:

"Even if all this is really the other party's conspiracy, then I have to accept it... After all, I am very likely to be her last relative!"

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