Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1528 Who else would you be?

Three days passed in a hurry.

On this day, it was finally time for the Tiangang ancestors to withdraw from the Ark on the other side to make room for the dragons to make repairs.

Lu Yu, Yang Chudie, and Ye Weilan also withdrew.

As for Yudie and Meng Ting, they were more interested in the Dragon Clan's process of repairing the Ark on the Other Side, so they insisted on staying.

Lu Yu was naturally also interested in the repair process of the Ark on the Other Side, but there were other more important things waiting for him, and he could no longer delay inside.

However, he did not expect that when he withdrew from the Ark on the Other Side, he found that all the Tiangang ancestors were guarding the entrance, seemingly waiting for him.

"Ancestors, what are you doing? Are you going to make a special trip to say goodbye to me? We all know each other so well, so there is no need to be so polite, right?"

Lu Yu just thought that everyone refused to leave and still wanted to continue visiting the Ark on the other side, so he spoke first.

All the ancestors were silent.

Finally, Patriarch Tailing spoke: "Xiaoyu, all the Taoist brothers have something they want to discuss with you!"

Seeing that the other party spoke so solemnly, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a sudden thought. Could it be that these Tiangang ancestors really wanted to stay here and attack Liu Hongxu?

He didn't have any objections to this, but

"Ancestor, don't be so formal. I'm very stressed by you... Let's talk about what's going on first!" Lu Yu said.

The Tiangang Patriarchs silently exchanged glances with each other for a while, and finally Huitang Patriarch of Daluo Holy Land stood up and said:

"Mr. Lu, after this incident, we all have a clearer understanding of the current situation in the world. Bixiao Shrine is plotting to steal the world, and they have an extremely grand background in the world above, but we are still It’s a plate of loose sand…”

"I remember when we were in Daluo Holy Land, you once told us that we would build Daluo Holy Land into a transcendental sect that could rival Bixiao Shrine. Frankly speaking, I was very dissatisfied with this proposal at the time, but Looking back today, this matter is already very necessary!”

"In order to preserve the continuation of this world, and to protect the Ten Thousand Forests from the poison of the Bixiao Palace, we secretly discussed it and thought why can't this matter go further? Why can't all the sects be gathered together and merged? To form a unified sect? In this way, we will have the capital to fight against the Bixiao Palace!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

The Tiangang ancestors present at this time come from four major sects in total, namely the Dali Sword Sect, the Daluo Holy Land, and the Taishang Immortal Sect Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Among the remaining sects, it goes without saying that the Bixiao Shrine has become the mortal enemy of everyone; the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is also hostile, and without Ancestor Shanwen, they are only an empty shell; Wuya Immortal Pavilion has also been damaged and can be ignored.

The only remaining Shenhuo Xuanzong, with a remnant of its troops living in the Luoguang Strait, has now become a vassal of the four factions alliance.

These people present already represented the mainstream will of the eight major sects.

I didn’t expect that they would sell so quickly and even want to merge into a sect in one fell swoop.

And looking at their posture, it is obvious that the merged sect will be led by themselves...

"Are you serious?" Lu Yu looked at the crowd and said.

Patriarch Xishi of the Hunyuan Qi Sect said: "Divided, we are weak, and united, we are strong. Now that the world is not at peace, merger is the general trend!"

Ancestor Yichao of the Taishang Immortal Sect said: "Although the Earth Seal God has been eliminated, the world has not returned to normal. Only under your leadership can we have the opportunity to deal with those giants from outside the world and protect them. The final peace of this world... This is what our Taoist brother Wangchuan means!"

Ancestor Hongyi said: "Ancestor Yunxiao broke into the void and left without leaving any arrangements for us. Now the Dali Sword Sect can only rely on you..."

Ancestor Gunlong said: "The top inheritance of our Daluo Holy Land has been cut off for many years. Thanks to the guidance of Senior Tianjian, we have recovered the long-lost ancestor's inheritance. Senior Tianjian is really the best way to recreate our Daluo Holy Land. achievement……"

"Although Senior Tianjian has passed away, young master, you are his only successor. It is most suitable for you to lead our Daluo Holy Land. We have no objection at all to this!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but show a strange expression on his face and said: "You guys really praise me too much. How can I, Lu Yu, be qualified to lead such a transcendent sect!"

"Stop being modest!"

"If it weren't for your strategizing, perhaps the current world would have been destroyed long ago!"

"If you are not qualified, then who else is?"

"To rule all the major sects and determine the world, who else can you do?"

Everyone advised.

Lu Yuzhi heard this and waved his hands repeatedly, saying: "You don't need to praise me is difficult to decide this matter in a hurry. The situation below is undecided, and there are many matters that need to be dealt with urgently. How about we discuss it later?"

Ancestor Yi Chao said: "We naturally know that the merger is complicated and difficult to accomplish overnight. I am just proposing this idea here. The specific details will definitely be studied later... "

"However, there is one thing that can be implemented first, and that is to respect you as the leader of our major sects. As a transition, the subsequent merger can also become smoother!"

"Don't refuse anymore. The results achieved in the previous successive battles are all due to your strategizing. You have long been the de facto leader among our sects, and now you just deserve the title!"

With that said, Ancestor Yi Chao bowed deeply to Lu Yu and said loudly: "Meet the Alliance Leader!"

The other Tiangang ancestors also imitated his example, bowed and clasped their fists, and then said: "Join the alliance leader!"

The loud voice echoed across the sky.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned.

It seems that these people have obviously discussed this long ago.

At this point, he had no room for evasion and said: "Well, thanks to your love, I agree to this matter! But I will say the ugly things up front. If this alliance leader is not good at it, you will be able to do it then. Don't blame me!"

Everyone burst into laughter and said one after another: "The leader is too humble, this is impossible!"

Amidst a long burst of laughter, all the Tiangang ancestors bid farewell to Lu Yu one after another, fell into the sky, and returned to their original posts in the first heaven.

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