Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1550 I’ll break up the queen

Two days passed in a hurry, and soon it was the agreed departure time.

Everyone at the Dali Sword Sect's position has also made preparations. Not only the real masters, but also many elite disciples under the real master are also going to follow.

Because the purpose of their operation was to eventually occupy the Netherworld Palace, a large number of manpower was needed to defend it.

And when they truly occupy the Netherworld Palace, they will face the siege of the entire Bixiao Palace, and the pressure they face can be imagined.

Jade Butterfly Peak has also selected a group of the sharpest disciples, and the remaining ones will retreat directly to the Dali Sword Sect.

"So, our mission here is over?" Baozi said to Lu Yu.

Although his strength was quite good, frankly speaking, he was not up to the standard to participate in the next battle, so he was also arranged to be temporarily withdrawn.

There is also another reason. Among the many retreating disciples, there is always a need for a leader, and Baozi's prestige in Jade Butterfly Peak is just enough to do the job.

Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's see what happens next!"

"But do we really need to retreat directly to the Dali Sword Sect? What should we do with this camp here?" Baozi said in confusion.

Lu Yu said: "You don't have to worry about this. Our operation this time will directly penetrate into the heart of the Bixiao Palace. Soon they will have no time to pay attention to this place. No matter how strong their star chain fortress is, it will be nothing more." In vain!"

"But this is too far to retreat? Wouldn't it be better for us to temporarily retreat to the Hunyuan Qi..." Baozi said again.

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "There are only two possibilities for our operation this time, either success or success. If we really all fall into disgrace inside the Bixiao Shrine, do you think the remaining people can still do it?" Block the steps of Bixiao Shrine?"

Baozi couldn't help but be shocked.

Only then did he know that the next battle would be a desperate and final stand for the entire coalition.

"If that's the case, then all the senior brothers and I will be on Jade Butterfly Peak, waiting for the good news that senior brother has won!" Baozi finally said.

He knew that there must be sufficient reasons for Lu Yu to make such a decision. The only thing he could do was to trust Lu Yu unreservedly, just like before.

After watching Baozi and the disciples leave, Yang Chudie also walked up and said, "It's time for us to set off."

Lu Yu said: "You go first, I will be there soon!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Yudie was surprised: "Aren't you with us?"

Lu Yu said: "It will be a long process to go around the Biyun Tianmen. During this process, they are very likely to notice our intentions. Therefore, I must stay and stop."

"Queen? Are you alone?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "What's wrong with me alone? Do you believe that if I go to the other side for a walk now, the entire defense line along the southern coast of Bixiao Shrine will be in chaos?"

Yudie couldn't help but became speechless.

She believed this to be true.

Lu Yu, who had just killed the Earth Seal God, had a great deterrent effect on the entire Bixiao Palace.

However, she still felt that this move was too risky...

"Why don't I stay with you?" Meng Ting said at this time.

After possessing the Star-Gathering Pearl Scepter, she once again had the ability to cooperate with Lu Yu. Once the two of them joined forces, there would be basically no opponent in this world.

But Lu Yu shook his head and said, "I feel more at ease if you stay with them...Besides, if you don't lead the way, we don't know how long the whole army will have to go around the Biyun Tianmen!"

Yang Chudie said: "Then, why don't you let Xiaolan stay with you, so that you can have someone to take care of you... In short, you can't stay alone to break up the family."

After Ye Weilan acquired the Phoenix Yu Blade, her strength was already above that of ordinary Tiangang experts. Although it was still not as good as Meng Ting and Lu Yu when they cooperated with each other, it was difficult for anyone to threaten her and Lu Yu. of joining forces.

Looking at Yang Chudie's concerned eyes, Lu Yu finally nodded and said, "Then let her come with me!"

At this time, the Divine Wood King Ding suddenly jumped out and said, "Don't worry, I, Old Ding, am here, and I will never let Brother Lu have any problems!"

Unfortunately, before anyone could take notice, Lu Yu stuffed it into his pocket again.

So everyone set off with the large army.

Next, they will fly directly to the top of the sky, then pass through the Tiangang Barrier under the arrangements of the Tiangang ancestors, find the gap in the Tiangang Barrier in the second heaven, and enter the Biyun Tianmen.

Although many disciples have not yet reached the cultivation requirements to enter the sky, this is only to enter the second heaven after all. Under the cover of the Tiangang ancestors, this can still be achieved.

Lu Yu watched everyone leave.

He believed that Yang Chudie and others would not be in any danger along the way. Not to mention that they had already experienced entering the seventh heaven before. Even without the help of other Tiangang ancestors, there would be Spring Snail and Meng Ting. With the Star-Gathering Pearl Scepter here, it won't be difficult for Tianyu to break through to the second level.

"Leader, it's time to set off!"

Many other Tiangang ancestors came over to say hello to Lu Yu.

After learning that Lu Yu was going to stay, everyone couldn't help but be stunned, but in the end they didn't say anything.

They all couldn't help but think of Lu Yu's series of wonderful performances when they were in the seventh heaven.

Indeed, it is as he said. Now, even if he just runs to the defense line of Bixiao Shrine and shows his face, it will cause the entire Bixiao Shrine to be in chaos. There is really no better cover than this.

So, everyone left one after another as Lu Yu watched.

In the end, only Lu Yu and Ye Weilan were left on the huge Resent Mountain Peninsula.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked into the depths of the sea of ​​worms and said, "Let's go, it's time for us to take action!"

Ye Weilan didn't say anything and followed him silently.

But the sacred wooden king tripod poked out of his pocket again and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Yu smiled strangely and said, "Let's ambush them!"

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