Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1551 You fell into the trap

"Report! The coalition forces of the major sects on the Resentful Mountain Peninsula are retreating in large numbers!"

An urgent military situation completely broke the peace along the entire south bank.

The five Tiangang ancestors who were sitting on Xuanji Star City also quickly received this urgent military information.

Faced with such a piece of information, they couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

For most people in the Bixiao Palace, the existence of the Earth Seal God is a top secret, but this does not include the five Tiangang ancestors.

At the same time, they have also learned the final result of the battle that took place on the seventh level of heaven.

The fall of the Earth Seal God was indeed very shocking to them, as if they suddenly lost a backbone.

Fortunately, after tens of millions of years of development, Bixiao Shrine has more than one backbone. This incident has indeed deeply shocked the entire Bixiao Shrine’s senior management, but it is not enough to cause Bixiao Shrine to collapse. Down.

However, the opponent actually chose to retreat in a large scale at this time. Such a move can't help but be thought-provoking.

"The other side is actually retreating in large numbers at this time? Is this true or false?" Huangshi Ancestor said with a frown.

Since the defeat in Luoguang Strait, he also withdrew and has been sitting on Xuanji Star City during this period.

Not only him, but several ancestors such as Dongjie and Xuanlu beside him couldn't help but be confused about this. For a while, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on the ancestor Dongzhen.

At this time, Patriarch Dongzhen was sitting in the middle of Xuanji Star City, with his eyes closed tightly surrounded by heavy brilliance. After a moment, he opened his eyes and said:

"The other party has already had Tiangang strong men take action to prevent my prying. I can't see the specific details... But the number of people on the Resentment Mountain Peninsula has been greatly reduced, and the fluctuations of spiritual energy are not as good as before. This is unmistakable..."

Huangshi Patriarch said: "So, they are really evacuating in large numbers!"

Patriarch Dongjie said: "It's possible that they are deliberately playing some tricks... Didn't their alliance leader arrive at Yueshan Peninsula two days ago?"

The ancestor of Huangshi snorted heavily and said: "I see those old guys on the other side, their brains are rusty! They actually chose a person who doesn't even have a golden elixir to be the leader of the alliance. They really can afford such shame." !”

Ancestor Dongzhen said: "This person has been recognized by many Tiangang experts even before he has achieved the golden elixir, which is enough to prove that he is extraordinary... Moreover, whether we are willing to admit it or not, the death of the Earth Seal God is inseparable from this person. It doesn’t matter, you better not underestimate him!”

Ancestor Huangshi said: "The death of the Earth Seal God was all due to the defection of the Tiangong Saint! The Tiangong Saint holds the important secrets of the Coin Sect, and only she knows the weakness of the Earth Seal God... This Lu Yu’s cultivation is ordinary, but his ability to confuse people is truly outstanding!”

Hearing what he said, everyone knew that he had remembered what happened in Luoguang Strait again.

When they were in the Luoguang Strait, the remnants of the Shenhuo Xuanzong had been persuaded by what he said. Just when they were about to be done, Lu Yu suddenly came and in a few words he persuaded the people of the Shenhuo Xuanzong again, and even took action to force them. The ancestor of Huangshi fled in despair.

Ancestor Huangshi has always regarded this matter as a great shame and humiliation, and has no good expression when it comes to Lu Yu.

"No matter what, we have to find out what tricks the other side is playing."

Ancestor Dongzhen said.

"Since remote detection is impossible, we need to go and check it out in person."

Several Tiangang ancestors looked at each other, and before others could express their opinions, Huangshi ancestor said first: "I'll go!"

"It's best not to meet that Lu Yu, otherwise I will definitely kill him with my own hands this time!"

Ancestor Xuanlu said: "It's not impossible for Taoist Brother Huangshi to go and investigate, but Brother Taoist must be careful. This is very likely to be the other party's plan... Jiuxuan Earth Patriarch and Earth Seal God Lord both hate this person. The scheming and viciousness of the calculations can be seen from this, Brother Tao must be on guard!"

Ancestor Huangshi said: "Don't worry, I know it well!"

After saying that, Huangshi Ancestor flew away from Xuanji Star City.

However, he did not just rush over like this. Instead, he ran to various star chain fortresses along the southern coast, pulled out a large number of Bixiao Shrine addresses, and assembled them into a mighty team to go there together. Resentful Mountain Peninsula.

In this way, an army was formed with the disciples of Bixiao Shrine in the Ming Dynasty and the ancestor of Huangshi in Annan.

Seeing this scene, several Tiangang ancestors in Xuanji Star City could not help but be speechless.

It seemed that Taoist Brother Huangshi was just being tough, but he still knew how powerful Lu Yu was.

Although this was an effort to mobilize a large number of troops, it did make the entire operation more secure, so none of the Tiangang ancestors said anything.

As a result, this large army marched toward the cloudy Yuanshan Peninsula.

However, they didn't expect that when they were just halfway there, a huge thing suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea.

"Haha, where are you running! You fell into the trap!"

The monster let out a wild cry.

At the same time, its body slowly emerged from the bottom of the sea, and its size was not inferior to that of Xuanji Star City!

Everyone was immediately shocked and turned around and ran away.

The monster refused to let go of everyone, and rolled towards the array of Bixiao Shrine disciples, routing them all in an instant.

Only then did everyone see clearly that the so-called monster turned out to be an extremely huge cauldron...

Under such circumstances, Huangshi Ancestor finally couldn't hide anymore and immediately showed up to block the offensive of the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

But at this moment, a bright star suddenly lit up between the sky and the earth.

An extremely fierce sword force came from the west and completely devoured Huangshi Ancestor in an instant.

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