Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1552 A complete show

In an instant, blood was flying in the sky.

A moment later, the figure of Huangshi Ancestor rushed out from the blood mist. Not only was his whole body soaked with blood, but everyone around him could clearly see that when he left, the sides of his body had become empty, with a pair of arms It was cut off at the root.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts could not help but feel cold.

Unexpectedly, in just one face-to-face encounter, the Huangshi Patriarch had his arms cut off by his opponent. How powerful are these enemies in front of him?

This is simply scarier than the big talking monster just now!

At that moment, everyone no longer had the slightest chance to take any chances, and they all ran away in panic, and the team became completely scattered.

"This must be a big fish, right? I didn't expect him to run away!"

The Divine Wood King Ding said with great regret towards the direction where Huangshi Ancestor escaped.

Lu Yu took back the Galaxy Sword in his hand and said, "I deliberately let him live. Otherwise, do you think he would still be alive?"

Shenmu Wangding said: "Huh? Did you just release the water?"

Lu Yu said: "Although this person is a powerful Tiangang man, his status in the Bixiao Palace is not very critical. There is no special benefit in killing him. It is better to let him go back and spread fear. This will be more beneficial to us." action!”

"...Brother Lu, you are still taller!" Shenmu Wangding said, "Then can we call it a day?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't be busy, they are all out anyway, so you have to do a complete show. Let's go to Xuanji Star City to have a look!"

King Shenmu was surprised and said: "Do you really want to take down Xuanji Star City?"

Although it has never seen the appearance of Xuanji Star City, the Floating Cloud Palace of ancestor Yunxiao has left a very deep impression on it. Now it is a Xuanji Star City, but it is even more famous than the Floating Cloud Palace of ancestor Yunxiao. It is a floating city, so Shenmu Wangding not only has lingering fears about it.

Lu Yu said: "Didn't I say it was just a show? At least let them think that we are heading for Xuanji Star City, but..."

As he said that, Lu Yu suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Weilan: "If they really give you a chance, it's not impossible to pull it out!"

Ye Weilan held the Phoenix Feather Blade in her hand, met Lu Yu's gaze and nodded gently: "I will obey your arrangements in everything!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Then what are you waiting for! Brother Ding, lead us to catch up quickly! Otherwise, that old man Huangshi will almost disappear!"

Shenmu Wangding said: "Are we going to follow him directly? Don't we need to hide our whereabouts?"

"No, the purpose of our stay here is to attract their attention. The more publicity we have along the way, the better...Brother Ding, this should be your specialty!" Lu Yu said.

"Uh... well, okay then!"

Therefore, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan rode on the back of the divine tree king tripod and followed the Huangshi Ancestor's escape route.

Although there are only two of them, the Shenmu King Cauldron has become extremely huge, looking like a huge black floating city. No one knows how many people are hidden in it.

Soon, the coastline along the southern coast is in sight.

As they continued to approach various port strongholds on the southern coast, warning signals were sent out one after another. It looked like the entire coastline was setting off fireworks, and the scene was spectacular for a while.

"Hahahaha! These people must have been frightened by us!" Shenmu Wangding couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that the other party was so panicked, the scruples in his heart that originated from Fuyun Palace disappeared.

Lu Yu said: "Ignore them and keep moving forward!"

At this time, although Huangshi Ancestor had escaped without a trace, his bloody breath still remained in the void. Although Lu Yu felt nothing about it, the Divine Wood King Cauldron was extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, so it was still firmly attached to it. Route locked.

After a while, rays of escaping light suddenly rose from various strongholds on the coastline. The number was probably in the hundreds. This meant that there were nearly hundreds of powerful real people from the Bixiao Shrine coming from all directions. Came over.

"Hey, what's going on?" Shenmu Wangding asked in confusion, "Are these guys coming to besiege us?"

Lu Yu said: "This means that we are almost there, and they finally can't sit still!"

Sure enough, a moment later a magnificent floating city appeared in their sight.

It hangs high and alone in the air, surrounded by rows of brilliance. It looks dazzling and naturally reveals a powerful momentum!

"Is this Xuanji Star City?" Shenmu Wangding said in shock.

In its opinion, at least in appearance, this Xuanji Star City is even better than the Floating Cloud Palace of Ancestor Yunxiao.

"Crash it over!" Lu Yu said in a deep voice.

"What?" Shenmu Wangding was immediately startled, "Brother Lu, didn't you agree that it was just for show?"

Lu Yu said: "It's a show, but I also said that the show should be complete!"

"Don't worry! Brother Ding, you even dare to break into the Tiangang Barrier. What does this mere Xuanji Star City mean?"

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