Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1555 The fortress blocking the road

"I didn't expect that this world would be so magical!"

After entering Biyun Tianmen, the sacred wooden king tripod was still lying on Lu Yu's shoulder and let out a sigh.

In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, Biyun Tianmen is just surrounded by clouds and mist. Apart from the ever-changing clouds and mist, there is nothing special about it.

However, the Divine Wood King Cauldron has no eyes, and its way of viewing this event is different from ordinary people. It doesn't know what he discovered in it, so that it made such a sigh.

"Brother Ding, you are a person who has seen the big world. You have even wandered through the starry sky in the sky. These scenes in front of you are just small scenes to you!"

Lu Yu said something.

He didn't have time to sigh with the sacred tree king tripod here, so he immediately flew down and fell straight down.

Suddenly, the wind roared in my ears.

After a while, they landed on the ground.

Lu Yu walked out of the Biyun Tianmen, and what he saw was a dilapidated scene. The Biyun Stream, which was once quiet and peaceful, was now filled with gunpowder smoke.

"It seems that Sister Die and her large army have successfully succeeded..."

Ye Weilan looked at an empty hilltop and said.

She had also come here with Lu Yu and Yang Chudie before, and was deeply impressed by the original scene here, but now even the building that had received them no longer existed.

"After all, all the Tiangang ancestors are here, wouldn't it be easy to uproot a Tianshu Palace?"

Lu Yu said.

"The key is not to remove this Tianshu Palace, but to prevent the news from leaking out... However, I think it shouldn't be a big problem."

As he said that, Lu Yu couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the edge of Biyunjian.

There are still traces of the distortion of the laws there. If he read correctly, it should be the work of Ancestor Hongyi. It must be that when the large army launched a large-scale attack, the barrier set up by Ancestor Hongyi blocked the communication in the surrounding area.

"Let's catch up quickly!" Ye Weilan said.

Lu Yu then looked at the sacred wooden king tripod lying on his shoulder and said: "Brother Ding, it's time for you to show off again!"

Although without the black tail of the dragon fish, the Shenmu King Cauldron can no longer reach the ultimate speed as before, but its newly installed Hot Wheels speed is not slow either.

Especially since it has now unloaded the Star Gathering Pearl and no longer has the heavy burden of the Star Gathering Pearl, its speed still has a huge advantage over Lu Yu and Ye Weilan's Escape Light.

Shenmu Wangding suddenly laughed: "Brother Lu! Just watch it!"

After saying that, it soared into the air, its body quickly expanded in front of the two people, and the Hot Wheels were revealed at the soles of its feet.

When Lu Yu and Ye Weilan jumped up, he immediately activated the fire wheel under his feet, and his body suddenly turned into a ray of light and flew out.

"Huh? Brother Ding, why do I feel that your speed seems to be faster than before?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

"Ha, brother Lu, do you think I was just lazy when I was lying on your shoulder just now?"

Shenmu Wangding laughed.

"Actually, I was looking back at the previous battle. I felt that there was still room for improvement for this pair of Hot Wheels, so I tried to adjust it... Unexpectedly, it started much faster!"

Lu Yu was stunned and admired: "Brother Ding, you are worthy of being the treasure left by the Heavenly Lord. You are really powerful!"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron suddenly sighed again: "What a pity! Brother Tianjian is no longer here, and I can no longer ask him for advice..."

"Actually, my biggest wish is that one day I can be like Brother Tianjian, break away from the shackles of my body and transform into a human form... Brother, do you think I can succeed?"

Hearing it suddenly mention Old Man Tianjian, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little sinking in his heart, and said: "It all depends on man-made efforts. As long as you persist in working hard, you will definitely succeed... However, Brother Ding, to be honest, apart from your external appearance, I think you It’s no different from humans anymore…”

"Haha, is that so? I'll give you some good advice! When that time comes, we can truly be brothers!"

"Brother Ding, we are already good brothers!"

"No, no, no... Really good brothers should have a good time over wine, but look, we haven't even had a drink yet! How can we be considered real good brothers?"

While speaking, Lu Yu also did not forget to point out the direction for the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

The two of them cooperated very skillfully. They cooperated tacitly while talking non-stop, without delaying their discussion on the topic "What is a true good brother?"

Along the way, they saw more traces of the march of large troops.

At this time, the territory of Bixiao Shrine was like a torrent passing through. As long as the large army passed by, any force of Bixiao Shrine would be destroyed.

After flying like this for about an hour, they finally saw the traces of the large army.

A huge fortress stood in front of everyone, and a large force was attacking him.

"Huh? Brother Lu, didn't you say before that there were no large strongholds along this road? How come a fortress suddenly appeared?" Shenmu Wangding said in confusion.

Lu Yu said: "According to the original internal layout of Bixiao Shrine, there are indeed no large strongholds along the way, but that is already old information, and no one can guarantee whether it will change during this period. "

After a while, as it continued to approach, more details on the huge fortress were revealed.

Ye Weilan suddenly took a breath of cold air and said, "This... seems to be a star chain fortress!"

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