Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1556 I’m not the only one

Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

He observed carefully for a moment, and finally couldn't help but agree with Ye Weilan's statement.

This is indeed a newly built Star Chain Fortress. The details in the fortress are exactly the same as the many strongholds they saw on the southern coast before.

They took a detour to Biyun Tianmen, at least tens of thousands of miles away, in order to avoid the Star Chain Fortress on the southern coast, but they didn't expect that they would still be stopped by the Star Chain Fortress in the end.

"Why is there a Star Love Fortress here?" Shenmu Wang Ding said in astonishment, "Then we have traveled so far, isn't it just a waste of time?"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said: "Actually, there is a difference... The Star Chain Fortress is composed of many strongholds, sharing the damage suffered by each other, so as to achieve the effect of prosperity and loss together..."

"Such a system must have enough strongholds to achieve the purpose of defense. For example, the Star Chain system on the southern coast has nearly a hundred strongholds, which are spread throughout the framework of the entire continental plate, so it is difficult to shake..."

"And this stronghold here should be later It has not yet reached the scale of the system. At most, it is just a few strongholds. It is not impossible to break through..."

"But we must act as soon as possible. Otherwise, once it is connected with the Starlink system on the southern coast and completely merged into one system, it will be the same as the situation we faced on the southern coast before. There is no way to break through it easily!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Shenmu Wang Ding said, "Could it be that Brother Lu is sure to break through this fortress?"

Lu Yu said: "Why not try it first! How can you know if you don't try it?"

So, they quickly walked forward and merged into the large army lineup.

Seeing Lu Yu catch up so quickly, everyone couldn't help but be excited, and a group of Tiangang strongmen showed up to greet him.

"Alliance Master Lu, it's great that you're here!"

"With you here, it should be easy to take down this stronghold!"

"We didn't know what to do, but now we've finally solved our urgent problem!"


Lu Yu quickly learned about the situation from everyone, and then he realized that his judgment was indeed correct.

It's true that this huge fortress in front of him is a star chain fortress, but it belongs to another system and has not yet been formally incorporated into the huge fortress group on the southern coast. After many attempts by the Tiangang ancestors, it should only have five strongholds at present, which can only be regarded as a small star chain system.

However, the specific situation is still different from Lu Yu's estimation. The star chain system of this fortress in front of him is indeed not worth mentioning compared to the southern coast, but their location is extremely critical. Once everyone works together to completely destroy them, they will also bury the shortcut road leading to the underground of Jiuyou, so that they will no longer have a way to quickly reach the Nether Palace.

Because of this, the Tiangang ancestors hesitated here, otherwise if they worked together, they would still be able to break this fortress in one fell swoop.

But if they just broke it directly, then everything would be meaningless.

Therefore, they sent their disciples to attack head-on, wanting to see if there was a way to separate this stronghold from the star chain system, and then break it one by one.

After a story, everyone looked at Lu Yu with hopeful eyes. In their opinion, only Lu Yu could solve such a problem.

"Does the location of the five strongholds just block the shortcut?"

Lu Yu frowned.

"It seems that the high-level officials of the Bixiao Palace have realized the crisis. The purpose of their doing this is to prevent us from entering the underground of Jiuyou, which further proves the necessity of our action this time!"

"But what should we do next? Let me see the specific situation first!"

After speaking, Lu Yu temporarily bid farewell to the Tiangang ancestors and ran to the front line of the battlefield in person.

He did not take part in the battle, but just observed quietly on the side.

"Yu Lang, how is the situation? Are you sure you can separate this base from the star chain system?" Ye Weilan followed him and asked softly. Although she had extraordinary vision, she did not master the power of the mysteries of the stars, and her analysis of the details of these fortresses was still not as good as Lu Yu's. Lu Yu remained silent, as if he was still thinking. Ye Weilan then said, "If this shortcut is no longer passable, isn't there another way to enter the Jiuyou underground?" There are two entrances to the Jiuyou underground, one is Mingjian City, and the other is the Nether Palace in front. Although Mingjian City had been destroyed in the previous battle, the entrance to the Jiuyou underground is still unobstructed. If the road ahead is blocked, you can indeed choose to bypass Mingjian City to enter Jiuyou. However, Lu Yu shook his head and said, "No, the route around Mingjian City is too long, and we probably don't have that much time..." "Besides, entering the 17th floor underground is a very complicated matter. We must have a base as a foothold. Only the Netherworld Skill is the most suitable for such a foothold. If we go from Mingjian City, we can't find such a base at all." Ye Weilan frowned slightly: "Then how are you going to solve the current situation?"

Lu Yu said: "It is indeed difficult for me to do it alone, but fortunately we are not alone now, right?"

"Go and call Meng Ting over for me... Now, it's time for her to try the power of the new weapon!"

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