Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1558 Fighting against the stars against the stars

A meteor suddenly fell from the sky, and the brilliant brilliance flashed away.

"Did you just see that?"

On the ground, Yudie kept paying attention to the changes in the sky. After seeing this scene, she couldn't help but ask Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan.

"Is this the signal he's talking about?"

Neither Yang Chudie nor Ye Weilan answered her because they couldn't determine the answer to this question at the moment.

"Little Phoenix, do you know?"

Seeing that there was no response from the two of them, Yudie asked Ye Weilan again.

Ye Weilan hesitated for a moment and then said: "I don't think so... Since Yulang didn't make any special explanation, then his so-called signal must be clear and unmistakable, and it will never be such an ambiguous signal! "

Yudie couldn't help complaining: "I really don't know what kind of medicine he is selling in his gourd. He deliberately didn't explain it clearly and insisted on being mysterious here..."

Yang Chudie said: "Don't be anxious, maybe you will understand if you wait and see..."

Although she didn't know exactly what Lu Yu was going to do, she knew one thing very well, that is, Lu Yu's purpose was to separate the Starlink Fortress in front of him, and the scene just now was obviously not enough to shake the Starlink Fortress. the point.

Yudie was already very smart. When she heard what Yang Chudie said, she immediately understood the meaning behind her, so she patiently continued to wait.

After this moment, there was silence in the sky for a long time, and there were no other changes.

Just when Jade Butterfly couldn't help but complain again, suddenly starlight appeared again in the sky, and another gorgeous meteor streaked across the sky.

And this time after the meteors passed by, it seemed as if a certain kind of horn was blown, and then more meteors appeared. It seemed that the silence just now was just for this moment to launch a fierce attack!

In an instant, a brilliant meteor shower appeared above everyone's heads.

Now, not only the three women who had been paying attention to the changes in the sky, but also the ordinary disciples around them also noticed this dazzling scene.

"This should be his signal, right?" Yudie said in shock, "But what exactly does he need us to do?"

Yang Chudie said: "Since he didn't say it clearly, we don't need to do anything... I think you might as well wait and see!"

However, the wait lasted half an hour.

During this time, the meteor shower in the sky kept falling.

A meteor shower actually lasted for more than half an hour. No one had ever seen such a strange sight. Even the attacks on the ground stopped for a while. Everyone was watching this incredible scene closely.

Most of the disciples didn't know what was going on. Only a few people knew that all this seemed to be related to Lu Yu, but they had no way of knowing what the specific situation was.

As a result, the senior officials of Dali Sword Sect rushed over and asked sisters Chudie and Yudie what was going on...

Later, even the Tiangang Patriarch came over to find out what was going on.

In fact, they could have gone deep into the sky to check it themselves, but with the appearance of the meteor shower, a strange force field suddenly appeared in the sky.

This mysterious force field was extremely powerful and even more insurmountable than the Tiangang Barrier. They did not dare to break through without figuring out what was going on.

So they had no choice but to come over and find the Chudie and Yudie sisters to understand the situation.

Facing the inquiries from the Tiangang ancestors, Yang Chudie said: "Lu Yu did go deep into the sky with Meng Ting, but he did not explain what happened. I guess this was just their attempt. …”

"Ancestors, please be patient. When you need to take action, he will definitely give you accurate signals!"

Seeing what she said, the ancestors couldn't say anything more, but they were horrified in their hearts.

Now that such movement is just a try, what will it be like when they try their best?

However, they soon knew the answer to this question...

The falling speed of the meteor is getting faster and faster, and the gorgeous brilliance is getting denser and denser.

Finally, they discovered that an extremely large star sphere suddenly appeared above everyone's heads.

It turns out that the scene of falling meteor showers before was just debris falling from this huge star sphere!

The shocking scenes they had seen before were actually just the tip of the iceberg of what was really going on.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Including all the Tiangang ancestors, they could not help but be deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Is this the work of Alliance Leader Lu?"

"He and the Heavenly Palace Saint actually possess such powerful power?"

"Using stars against stars, is this how he cracked the Starlink Fortress?"

Everyone was in shock.

The ground shook violently.

The huge fortress in front seemed to be attracted by the huge stars in the sky. It gradually rose from the ground and slowly flew up.

It has broken away from the constraints of the original laws of heaven and earth and has become a lonely individual, no longer supported by the star chain system.

Now everyone understood instantly.

It turns out that this is what Lu Yu called a signal!

At this moment, everyone no longer hesitated, and headed by the Tiangang ancestors, they launched another fierce attack on the huge fortress ahead.

This time, no force can stop them.

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