Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1559 All in one go

Originally, the strength of the Tiangang ancestors was greater than the strength of these star chain fortresses.

Previously, it was just because of the rat-throwing weapon that they did not dare to use their full strength.

Now that this fortress has been separated by Lu Yu and Meng Ting, they no longer need to have any scruples.

Led by their charge, the entire fortress was quickly breached in a very short time.

And as the various formation cores in the fortress were destroyed one by one, the entire flying continent slowly fell back to the ground. It seemed that everything was going to be calm again, but the original star chain system had been destroyed forever. This stronghold was lost.

Only then did the stars in the sky begin to dissipate. After the brilliance faded, the figures of Lu Yu and Meng Ting gradually emerged.

"How does it feel?"

Lu Yu took a long breath, turned to Meng Ting and asked.

At this time, his forehead was covered with sweat and he looked tired.

To sum up the process just now, he and Meng Ting worked together to gather an extremely large force of stars, thus distorting the connection between the star chain fortresses.

But such distortions are not without cost.

When the huge fortress in front of them was uprooted from the heaven and earth system, the power of the other four strongholds simultaneously blessed them.

At that moment, it was equivalent to the two of them lifting several other strongholds at the same time. One can imagine the pressure they were under.

Fortunately, they finally withstood the pressure.

The movements of the large forces below were indeed fast enough. They quickly captured the entire fortress and destroyed the core of the formation, allowing them to be freed from the huge pressure in time.

"This new's so powerful!"

Meng Ting said with emotion.

There was both excitement and lingering fear in her expression.

The combined force between the two this time was different from the last time they joined forces. The last time she faced the Emperor Seal God, she had no time to think about it. This time, she personally felt the power in her hands. How powerful it is.

"That's natural!" Lu Yu said, "The power of the Star Gathering Bead alone cannot be compared to your original Tianshu Star Chart."

Meng Ting couldn't help but look at the Galaxy Sword in Lu Yu's hand, and said: "But how do I feel that this weapon in your hand seems to be more powerful than my scepter..."

Lu Yu also looked at the Galaxy Sword in his hand, thought about it seriously, and said: "This sword is originally the Divine Sword from Heaven. It was originally named Shenshang. Although I don't know the specific texture, it may not be as good as The materials of the Star-Gathering Pearl and the Giant War Halberd are different..."

"What's more, your Star-Gathering Scepter is just something you assembled in a hurry in a few days. It's normal that its power is not as powerful as my Star Sword... But as long as you can fully utilize its existing power, It’s enough to play and change!”

Meng Ting shook his head and said: "How easy is it to give full play to them? If we can really use the full power of these two magic weapons, I'm afraid it won't be a problem to destroy the star chain fortress in the south!"

Lu Yu said: "We don't need to pay attention to those first training fortresses in the south for the time being. Let's solve the current problem first... How about it? Do you still have the strength? Let's go on to remove the other training fortresses?"

Meng Ting calmed down silently for a moment and said: "It's rare that I have found the feeling. I think I can continue to try!"

At this time, the two of them had slowly fallen back to the ground.

He said that he would continue to take out several other pre-training fortresses, but there was always time to take a breath.

Even if they can continue to persist, this will require the cooperation of large forces on the ground, or at least they will need to advance to several other strongholds before they can proceed.

Everyone gathered around them, looking at the two of them like stars over the moon.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely enthusiastic, and there were cheers of triumph everywhere.

Lu Yu took the lead before everyone could compliment him and said, "Everyone, get ready. Let's take advantage of the situation and capture all the other strongholds! We will arrive at Netherworld Palace within today!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, after experiencing such a battle just now, Lu Yu would immediately go to other battlefields.

Before anyone could say anything, Yang Chudie took the lead and said, "You guys look like this...don't you need to take a little more rest?"

Not only her, but also everyone else around her could see it. At this time, the two of them had a look of exhaustion that could not be concealed.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said, "If we don't take action quickly, we're afraid someone will take action for us!"

Yang Chudie was startled, then understood: "You mean, Bixiao Shrine will use self-destruction to completely bury the shortcut to the Jiuyou underground?"

Lu Yu said: "Since they have laid down defenses here in advance, it may not be impossible. It's just that they didn't expect that we would come so quickly and have the ability to destroy their star chain fortress..."

Yang Chudie couldn't help but hesitate to speak.

Lu Yu then said: "It doesn't matter, Meng Ting and I are indeed not in the best condition now, but the other party's star chain system has also lost one stronghold, and its power has been greatly reduced. The pressure on us will not be as great as before. "

Yang Chudie didn't say anything.

Naturally, the surrounding Tiangang ancestors would not question Lu Yu's decision.

As a result, the large army soon set off again, quickly uprooting several other strongholds like a torrent passing through.

After clearing out all the nearby strongholds, an extremely dark abyss appeared in front of them in a steep mountain stream.

This is the shortcut to the Jiuyou underground.

On the other side of the abyss is the famous Netherworld Palace.

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