Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1570 Encirclement and reinforcements

Everyone quickly gathered at the edge of the Thunder Tribulation at the End of the Earth.

The resentment of the remnant souls around them immediately sensed the aura of strangers, and like ants seeing honey, they began to flutter towards everyone.

Everyone is already a real strong person, so naturally they are not afraid of the resentment of these remnant souls. However, in order not to expose their whereabouts for the time being, they do not dare to think with all their strength. They can only suppress their own strength and try not to make any big noise, so as not to be caught. The powerful people hiding in this area noticed it.

However, there are too many remnants of resentment here, and they are gathering here in an endless stream. If this trend continues, they will not be able to remain silent for much longer.

"Leader, which direction should we go next?" Ancestor Zhaoyun came up and asked, "Please make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise everyone will soon be unable to withstand it!"

Lu Yu thought silently for a moment, then stretched his hand towards the left front and said, "Let's go this way! Let's go meet some old friends first!"

Ancestor Zhaoyun couldn't help but be stunned: "Old friend?"

Lu Yu nodded and said: "They are the Tiangang ancestors in Wuya Immortal Pavilion. I have sensed the aura on their bodies..."

"According to Senior Tianjian, the purpose of the Tiangang ancestors from Wuya Immortal Pavilion entering here is precisely to replace the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestors. He actually needs to use replacement to leave here. It can be seen that he The work I was responsible for here must be very important, and it is most likely the work directly related to the compulsory successful interview plan..."

"Therefore, let's get rid of these old guys first. Then no matter what changes happen next, we have already dealt a heavy blow to Bixiao Palace's plan to destroy the world!"

Ancestor Zhaoyun suddenly said: "So that's it. If that's the case, then we understand!"

With that said, he was about to convey Lu Yu's instructions and prepare to move in the direction indicated by Lu Yu.

"Ancestor Zhaoyun!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu would suddenly catch him.

Ancestor Zhaoyun turned around, looked at Lu Yu differently and said, "Leader, do you have any other instructions?"

Lu Yu took a deep look at him and asked, "How do you feel about the situation here?"

Ancestor Zhaoyun touched Lu Yu's sharp eyes and instantly understood what he meant, and replied: "It is indeed the Jiuyou Underground. The environment here is very different from the outside world. To be honest, here Our power is severely limited..."

Compared with Jindan Zhenren, the biggest advantage of Tiangang realm experts is that they can use the power of Tiangang for their own use.

But in the environment here at this time, there is no power of Tiangang at all, only the endless power of Earthly Evil.

Under such circumstances, it can be said that this is completely the opponent's home court, and their actions here will be greatly restricted.

"However, please rest assured, Alliance Leader, we are not without the strength to fight..."

Ancestor Zhaoyun continued.

"In fact, during this period of time, we have been exploring the possibility of various Taoist combinations under the guidance of Taoist Brother Tailing. Now we have achieved great results, which will definitely surprise those old friends!"

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "In that case, how about letting the real people from Daluo Holy Land take the lead later?"

Ancestor Zhaoyun couldn't help but be startled.

Lu Yu stepped forward and patted Patriarch Xianyun's shoulder gently, his eyes full of meaning, and said: "Daluo Holy Land was the sect that initially supported me with a clear-cut stand, and I trust you the most. If we fight against you, If you can achieve the first goal, then I will have a more important task for you! This may be related to the final success or failure of this battle!"

Ancestor Zhaoyun's body trembled slightly and he bowed: "I understand, we will not disappoint the leader!"

As a result, the Da Luo Holy Land's real people soon became the vanguard under the command of the three ancestors Zhaoyun, Huitang, and Gunlong, and rushed in the direction indicated by Lu Yu.

Troops from other sects also followed suit.

Finally, the real troops in the Dali Sword also set off, but Lu Yu stood quietly on the spot, looking deeply ahead at the endless darkness, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Let's go! Why are you still here? Lord Alliance Leader?" Yudie urged.

"You guys go first!" Lu Yu said lightly.

Yudie was stunned for a moment: "What else are you planning?"

"How can you say it's a ghost idea?" Lu Yu rolled his eyes speechlessly, "This is obviously called a strategy, okay?"

"Then tell me, what's your secret strategy?"

Lu Yu was too lazy to argue with her anymore and said directly: "Although the other party already knows that we have entered the Netherworld Palace, they will never think that we will directly survive the Earth's Thunder Tribulation. They will only think that we will follow the order of the Nine Netherworlds. , Breaking through layer by layer, at this time, if they suddenly find us appearing behind them, what do you think will happen? "

"Uh... will you be surprised?"

"Apart from being surprised? Will they come over out of curiosity to check out the situation?"

Yudie suddenly realized: "You want to ambush them halfway!"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "To be more precise, this should be called encirclement and reinforcements."

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