Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1571: Full of bad intentions

Encirclement and reinforcements were Lu Yu's strategy after careful consideration of the current situation.

He can indeed lead the coalition forces of various factions to attack the mysterious palace in the center, but in that case, they will inevitably fall into a tight siege. In any case, the strength of the ancestors of the Disha cannot be underestimated. .

The Chaos God of War alone is already too much for them to deal with. If the six Earth Evil Ancestors are also assisting, even if all the hundreds of giant dragons from the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom are summoned, it will be difficult for them to win. Opportunity.

After all, the opponent is fighting at home, and there is an endless supply of earth evil power here.

It is for this reason that Lu Yu intends to let Daluo Holy Land directly take the lead. He does not intend to personally participate in this battle.

Firstly, this is for strategic reasons.

Secondly, this is also to allow the coalition forces of various sects to become more familiar with the situation here.

He did not expect the Tiangang ancestors to directly understand the method of driving the power of Earthly Evil during the battle, but at least he had to let them adapt to how to deal with the power of Earthly Evil.

The same is true for Lu Yu himself. Although he has had successive battles with the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor, the Earth Seal God Lord, and the Earth Ancestor who possesses Zhu Wuwang, he still has no idea how to deal with the power of Earth Evil. grasp.

"So, are you planning to deal with the Earth Evil Ancestors who are attracted to you alone?"

Yang Chudie said.

As soon as she saw Lu Yu's eyes, she understood what he was thinking.

"Even if you don't bring Xiaolan with you, at least bring Miss Meng with you, right?" Yang Chudie suggested.

Lu Yu shook his head, looked at Meng Ting aside, and said: "The four ancestors of Wuya Immortal Pavilion have been in the Jiuyou underground for a long time, and no one knows what they have got. The change……"

"Therefore, I'm afraid there will still be certain risks in the battle over there, so I need you to go over there to suppress the situation and try to delay the battle, but don't let our people get hurt. Only in this way can we achieve our goal. !”

Meng Ting looked at Lu Yu, his eyes seemed thoughtful, but finally said: "Okay, I understand."

"What a good thing!"

However, Yudie stood up and stared at Lu Yu with a pair of big flashing eyes.

"Do you really plan to deal with the ancestor of the Earthly Evil by yourself? I heard that when you were in the Netherworld Palace, you also relied on Meng Ting's help to defeat the ancestor of the Earthly Evil, right? Could it be that the scar healed so quickly and was forgotten? It hurts, what if the car rolls over?”

Lu Yu spread his hands: "If you don't push yourself, you will never know where your limits are..."

"Actually, I am not only asking Patriarch Zhaoyun and others to practice their skills, but also myself, including myself, I also want to take advantage of this opportunity to practice!"

"That Chaos War God will be far more difficult to deal with than the Earth Evil Ancestor. If I can't even deal with the Earth Evil Ancestor, how can I deal with the Chaos War God? This will open up the palace where he is hiding. Woolen cloth?"

After hearing what he said, everyone immediately understood that Lu Yu planned to take advantage of this opportunity to understand the remaining two secrets of the stars.

In fact, he had already made it clear that the attack he had made when he and Meng Ting joined forces to kill the Earth Seal God had a lot of luck in it.

If they were to join forces again, it would be difficult to recreate the same effect as before.

Therefore, in order to reduce this uncertainty to the lowest level, only if they each comprehend the complete twelve stars, the special products can maximize their cooperation with each other.

What's more, the potential of the Galaxy Sword has yet to be fully utilized. If he can understand the secrets of the twelve stars, then the use of the Galaxy Sword will be further improved.

"Hmph! You know how to show off your talents. If the game turns over by then, let's see how you end up!" Yudie snorted coldly.

Although her tone was still very unkind, her opposition was no longer so firm.

Seeing Lu Yu's resolute attitude, Yang Chudie said nothing more.

Because she knew that this was not only a matter for the billions of beings in this world, but also a personal matter for Lu Yu. In that mysterious palace, there were probably clues about his mother hidden. Whether in public or private, she There is no objection.

"But how are you going to lie in wait and wait for the lords of the earth to take the bait?"

At this time, Ye Weilan suddenly raised a technical problem.

At this time, the surrounding area is filled with resentment of residual souls. They have great resentment towards the aura of strangers. Once a living person appears near them, they will launch indiscriminate attacks.

Under such circumstances, it was really difficult for Lu Yu to hide his whereabouts and achieve the effect of an ambush.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said, "This is actually very simple. As long as I transform into one of them, there will be no problem!"

As he spoke, a strong evil aura suddenly emerged from Lu Yu's body. He actually used his thoughts and consciousness to simulate a residual thought with a heavy and violent aura.

Lu Yu walked directly into the darkness in this state.

Suddenly, the remnant souls around him, instead of attacking him, moved away one after another, as if they had encountered something very scary.

Lu Yu waved his hands to the crowd without looking back, and walked into deeper darkness. Soon, his figure was mixed with the resentment of the remaining souls, and he could no longer distinguish between them.

It is naturally impossible to attract the other party's attention by mixing in this area in such a state.

For a moment, everyone could not help but be amazed.

After two kicks, until Lu Yu's figure completely disappeared, Yudie said something.

"Look, this guy is really full of evil, he is really bad!"

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