Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1572 Head-on Collision

Lu Yu walked alone into the dark wilderness.

Gradually, he discovered that these remnant souls and resentments in the wilderness were not wandering around unconsciously. In fact, the direction in which they moved showed a certain regularity, just like the ocean currents in the sea.

It's just that the ocean currents in the sea are formed by the influence of climate, and the "ghost currents" formed by the resentment of these remaining souls are driven by a certain powerful force.

Combined with the situation on the entire seventeenth floor underground, Lu Yu had reason to believe that these "ghost currents" were formed by the power of the ancestor of the earth evil.

In other words, he can roughly determine the specific location of the ancestors of the earth evil through the flow direction of these "ghost currents".

This saves a lot of trouble...

Lu Yu directly deduced an Earth Ancestor who was closest to Ancestor Xueyun and others, and lurked in the middle of the road. If the Earth Ancestor really wanted to come over to check the situation, it must be the closest Earth Ancestor. Make the first move, and then he will give the opponent a fatal blow here.

Lu Yu soon chose one of the places and sat down on a rock. At this time, the surroundings were dark. He was sitting on the rock, and his body had merged with the rock. It was impossible to distinguish the specific figure. .

What's more, there are wandering remnant souls and resentments all over the place. It's normal for one of them to appear on the big rocks occasionally. If you don't investigate carefully, it's impossible to notice the difference.

However, the remnant soul Yuenian around was very sensitive to Lu Yu's aura of strangers, and they rushed towards this direction.

Lu Yu didn't panic at all, he just showed a little bit of malice, and the resentment of the remaining souls around him immediately dispersed on their own, and they no longer dared to come closer.

It didn't take long for the surroundings to become normal, and the dark environment here became an excellent cover for Lu Yu.

"Brother Ding..."

Lu Yu called out softly and took out the sacred wooden king tripod from his arms.

I saw a circle of clear brilliance blooming on the body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron, as if it had entered a state of deep sleep. However, even in this state, the lines on the body of the cauldron were still slowly squirming and glowing. Vibrant vitality.

Lu Yu immediately understood that in fact, this was the Divine Tree King Cauldron solidifying itself. Although the Divine Tree nodes underwent a huge transformation during the Earth's Thunder Tribulation, this transformation was actually not stable and needed time to settle. and solidity.

Therefore, the current stage is an extremely important stage for the Divine Wood King Cauldron. To a certain extent, this can also be regarded as a kind of retreat practice.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel relieved immediately.

In fact, he had no intention of letting the Divine Wood King Cauldron participate in the next battle. He just felt relieved after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

In the next battle, Lu Yu didn't know who his opponent would be, but no matter who it was, he planned to try to kill the opponent directly with his own strength. This was a kind of training and training for himself. His own practice.

Fighting is undoubtedly the best way to improve oneself, and the emergence of a large number of real strong men from the ten major sects undoubtedly fully proves this point.

Now Lu Yu had no more time to play steadily. He had to force himself and strive for a breakthrough on the spot, so that he could have a chance to defeat the final Chaos God of War.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lu Yu had been sitting quietly on the rock, closing his eyes and concentrating.

I don’t know how much time passed, but suddenly there were loud noises behind me.

Lu Yu was shocked.

He knew in his heart that this must be the official hand-in-hand between Patriarch Zhaoyun and others and the four Patriarchs of Tiangang in Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Suddenly a strong wind blew around.

The entire underground world was originally in deathly silence. The reason why there was a sudden violent wind was because the power of the earth evil was greatly mobilized.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, the fluctuations in the power of Earthly Evil were so violent. This shows that the four Tiangang ancestors of Wuya Immortal Pavilion have already mastered the power of Earthly Evil to a considerable extent.

It seems that Patriarch Zhaoyun and others will not be too relaxed...

However, Lu Yu didn't have time to pay too much attention to the situation there.

The sudden fluctuation in the power of the earth evil just now will definitely spread to every corner of the entire underground world. The surrounding earth ancestors should react soon after receiving such a signal.

Lu Yu immediately stretched out his thoughts, like a huge invisible spider web, covering an extremely wide area.

At this time, he is like a patient hunter. As long as any powerful existence appears within the range of his perception, he will immediately catch his ruthless offensive.

The shaking behind them became more and more intense, and the ground trembled faintly, but Lu Yu was unmoved at all.

His thoughts swept through this area, and his body was always ready to go.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

This violent wind is completely different from the howling wind caused by the previous fluctuations in the power of the earth evil. It is like a tornado, powerful and dense.

It is not formed by any fluctuations, it itself is the source of fluctuations!

Lu Yu suddenly opened his eyes and without thinking, he raised his hand and struck out with a sword.

Suddenly, the surrounding sky was filled with stars twinkling.

An incomparably sharp sword light slashed towards the tornado whizzing past with an indomitable momentum.

This is a direct collision between the power of the stars and the power of the earth.

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