Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1573 The Difficulty is Full

There are no stars in the underground world.

The power of the stars contained in Lu Yu's sword power was driven by his own power in the form of the secrets of the stars, thus briefly reaching a level comparable to the power of the stars.

Although compared with the real stars, the power of this sword can be said to be quite weak, but placed in this specific area, the power of this sword is unparalleled.

In this sword, he has activated nine different secrets of the stars. This is a feat that he has never accomplished before. It is one step closer than when he was in the seventh heaven.

In an instant, the dark underground world suddenly became as bright as day.

The remaining souls around them screamed with resentment, which was like a real ghost crying and wolf howling.

They are in this dark underground world. I don’t know how many years you have been trapped. This is the first time you have experienced such a scene. For a moment, you all instinctively felt fear.

And in that tornado, there was a heavy groan. It was obvious that the other party did not expect to be ambushed here.

The key is that the ambush sword is so powerful. Even if the power of the stars is weak, it cannot be blocked by the power of the earth evil.

"Lu Yu, it's you!"

The man suddenly shouted loudly, his tone full of shock.

"How will you be here!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Listen to this voice...couldn't it be the ancestor of the Disha who possessed Zhu Wuwang before?

This is really a narrow road for enemies!

Unexpectedly, the person Lu Yu was ambushing here happened to be him!

He didn't know what kind of damage the sword that killed Zhu Wuwang had caused to him, but Lu Yu was sure that the sword just now must have caused serious damage to him.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be you... Can you tell me your name this time?"

The man stared at Lu Yu, his eyes like a hungry wolf in the darkness.

"My real name has long been forgotten, but after I became successful in my cultivation, people called me Lingyou."


Lu Yu couldn't help but show a confused look.

He had never heard of this name before. It could only mean that the age when the other party was active was very long ago. Perhaps it was tens of thousands of years ago like those old dragons in the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom. indefinite.

"It seems that you are really right. I have never heard of this name... But it doesn't matter. Anyway, starting from today, this name can be truly removed from the list, just like the previous Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor. !" Lu Yu said.

Originally, he planned to hone himself through a hearty battle, but unexpectedly he happened to meet the landowner Lin You.

I don’t know whether it’s my own bad luck or the opponent’s bad luck. This ancestor of Lingyou Earth can be said to have been hit by rain all night. He just suffered a blow in Netherworld Palace, and now Lu Yu is waiting for him. A sword shot.

Under such circumstances, Lu Yu was absolutely sure that he could keep the other party here completely.

Although the sharpening effect is lost in this way, it is not unacceptable. Killing an ancestor of the earth evil directly here is also a good result.

"You want to kill me here?"

Just when Lu Yu was about to launch his second sword again to end everything completely, the other party suddenly laughed nervously.

"It seems that you know nothing about the power of the Earth Demon Ancestor! We have been operating here for more than 100,000 years, and everything here is already under our control. Do you think that you want to kill me? Is it that easy?”

After saying that, he suddenly raised his hands, and immediately two extremely thick black tornadoes formed in his hands.

He did not attack Lu Yu with power, but stretched the two tornadoes in his hands infinitely, like an endless torrent, and he didn't know where it ended up.

Lu Yu couldn't help but his expression changed.

This scene seemed familiar to him.

When he fought with the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor on the Sea of ​​Dragonfly, in order to lure the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor into the ruins formation, the two sides launched a fierce chase on the sea.

Among them, Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor has used similar methods many times to quickly teleport to the position next to Lu Yu.

These two infinitely elongated tornadoes are actually a special transmission channel. However, at the time when Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor relied on the Corpse Mountain Formation to cast it, here Lingyou Earth Ancestor could do it casually. Can be displayed.

The other party used such means at this time, and the purpose was naturally self-evident.

As expected, two extremely powerful auras soon emerged from the tornado in Lingyou Earth Ancestor's hand.

This means that there are two ancestors of the Earthly Evil coming here quickly.

Originally, Lu Yu was a little regretful because the tempering effect was not achieved, but now it's better. The two ancestors of the earth evil arrived at the same time, and together with the Lingyou Landlord on the side, there were three earth evil masters facing him at the same time. In this way, the difficulty can be regarded as completely full.

Lingyou Dizu laughed ferociously: "You want to kill me? You'd better think about how to save your own life first!"

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