Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1574 Suspicion

At the critical moment, Lu Yu advanced instead of retreating.

At this time, he had no extra time to hesitate. Perhaps the arrival of the other two underground lords would be unstoppable, but before that, he had to deal with the Lingyou Earth Ancestor in front of him.

Although the opponent has suffered heavy losses, he is an ancestor of the Earthly Evil after all. Even if he suffers heavy injuries, he still has fighting ability. If he continues to stay on the scene, then what Lu Yu has to face is not the two ancestors of the Earthly Evil. But the three ancestors of the earth evil spirits.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu's Galaxy Sword shone brightly, and nine different star mysteries appeared at the same time, turning into a sword light that penetrated the two tornadoes in Lingyou Earth Ancestor's hand, accurate and ruthless. It landed on his chest and heart.


Along with a clear sound, a clear line of blood slowly emerged from the chest of Lingyou Earth Ancestor.

Lingyou Earth Ancestor lowered his head and looked at this scene in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that Lu Yu's sword force could pass through the two tornadoes in his hands and hit him accurately.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But before he could make a sound, his body had already slipped along the blood line and split into two parts uncontrollably.

Killed with one sword, his head is missing!

To be precise, Lu Yu should have used three swords. The first sword was when he killed Zhu Wuwang, and the second sword was the ambush he had just prepared. It was precisely because of the foreshadowing of the previous two swords that this sword could kill Zhu Wuwang. Kill the opponent directly.

However, there is still no doubt about the power of this sword. In fact, Lingyou Ancestor is already in a defensive state. The two tornadoes in his hands have blocked most of the area. However, the combination of the angle and strength of this sword is at its peak. , even if two tornadoes seemed to be in hand, they could not save his life.

"It seems that killing you is not as difficult as you said..."

Lu Yu said lightly.

However, although he successfully eliminated the Lingyou Earth Ancestor, he was not very happy.

Because the transmission channel of the tornado force in the opponent's hand has been formed, even if he kills the opponent, it is already too late to stop it. It is a foregone conclusion that the other two ancestors of the earth evil will follow.


Soon two extremely powerful auras rushed towards his face, and at the same time there was a heart-rending roar.

As soon as the two earth evil masters walked out of the transmission channel, what they saw was the scene of Lingyou Earth Ancestor being cut into two pieces in the chest, and they couldn't help being shocked and angry.

"What should we call you two?"

Lu Yu asked calmly and calmly with his sword.

In fact, his heart was far less peaceful than it seemed on the surface. The arrival of two underground masters at the same time put a huge amount of pressure on him.

This pressure is even dozens of times stronger than the gravity in Ten Thousand Dragons Cave.

It's a pity that the sword that killed Linyou Earth Ancestor just now was not easy for him. Counting the sword from the ambush before, he had already fired two swords with all his strength.

This is also a very heavy burden for him. Therefore, at this time, he has not yet recovered and can only use words to delay more time. Otherwise, he will definitely have to worry about teaching these two underground ancestors again. Here comes the advice.

Unexpectedly, these two Earth Evil ancestors were really frightened by Lu Yu's move.

The other party was so calm and calm, and his momentum seemed to be natural. For a while, the two of them really couldn't see through Lu Yu's reality.

"Are you Lu Yu?"

"You brat! Did you kill Lingyou?"

The two of them looked around with vigilant eyes.

They sensed the call of Lingyou Earth Ancestor and rushed over immediately, within only a few breaths of time.

However, in such a short period of time, the ancestor of Lingyou Earth had lost his head. They couldn't believe that Lu Yu had done it on his own. It was very likely that there were other masters hidden around him. After all, Jiu Xuan Earth Zu originally died at the hands of a very powerful being.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said calmly: "Is there anyone else here besides me?"

It is true that the two Disha ancestors did not sense the existence of other people, but the more this happened, the more uncertain they became, feeling that this was really unreasonable.

Lu Yu was happy that the two of them were thinking this way. Seeing that the two of them were still suspicious, he completely let go. Without taking any precautions, he took the initiative to stride in front of the other party.

"It seems like you two haven't answered my previous question yet. This Galaxy Sword in my hand can't kill unknown people. Hurry up and tell me your names!"

The two Earth Evil Lords looked at each other.

Lu Yu's performance undoubtedly further proved their suspicions. If there were no other methods hidden secretly, how could Lu Yu dare to be so careless in front of them, and even clearly show his flaws.

There must be a ghost in this!

Although they didn't see any clues at the moment, the situation in front of them was not difficult to solve.

As long as one person is responsible for taking action and the other person is responsible for holding down the formation, even if Lu Yu secretly prepares some dirty tricks, there is no way he can trick them!

"Boy, you are very capable. This is the first time in thousands of years that someone has asked our names... You remember, my name is Ghost Sword, and his name is Prisoner Axe!"

After saying that, he raised his hand suddenly, and darkness suddenly surged like a tide, and boundless earth evil power surged up.

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