Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1575: The Starlight Array Reappears

Ghost sword...

Prison ax...

There are two names that I have never heard of before. So they should be like the ancestors of Lingyou before. They have been in the Jiuyou underground for at least tens of thousands of years.

In an instant, the power of Earthly Evil swept in from all directions with Lu Yu as the center, as if forming a huge whirlpool.

This ancestor of the Ghost Sword, the way he drives the power of Earthly Evil is completely different from Lingyou or Jiuxuan. Under his driving, countless resentments of the remaining souls are mixed in. Not only are these resentments of the remaining souls not swallowed up, Instead, it became part of the offensive.

For a moment, the surroundings suddenly became filled with ghostly aura. Under the blessing of the resentment of those remaining souls, this offensive became even more terrifying.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

It seems that the other party has no intention of testing it at all, and uses all his strength as soon as he comes up. This may also be because he is worried about the long night and dreams.

It seems that the effect of bluffing has both advantages and disadvantages, but this is an acceptable result for Lu Yu. After all, only the Ghost Sword Patriarch is taking action now, and the Prison Ax Patriarch on the side is completely watching the show.

In fact, what Lu Yu was most worried about was that the two of them raised their hands again, and like the Lingyou Earth Ancestor before, they each controlled two tornadoes in their hands, knocking down the other Earth Evil Ancestors and even the Chaos God of War. And summoned him, in which case he would have no choice but to run for his life.

Thinking about it, even in this Jiuyou underground, in order to complete their interview plan, these Earth Evil Lords cannot completely leave their posts and move freely, otherwise they would be suspicious and just call more Earth Evil Ancestors over.

Lu Yu also raised his hand and struck a sword in return.

Although the opponent's offensive swept from all directions, it seemed that Lu Yu had no way to avoid it, but his offensive had a fatal flaw, and that was the Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor in front of him.

At this time, all the surrounding offensives are driven by Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor. As long as he is forced to retreat, the surrounding offensives will naturally collapse.

However, seeing Lu Yu's sword sweeping toward him, Ghost Sword Master not only did not panic at all, but instead showed a successful smile on his face.

Suddenly, a black giant sword quietly appeared behind Lu Yu and stabbed towards Lu Yu's back silently.

In fact, this is his real killing move, and the surrounding offensives are just a cover.

This sword has an unpredictable and eerie feeling, it is extremely strange, and the name of "Ghost Sword" is indeed well-deserved.

Lu Yu also waited until the sword edge reached his body before he suddenly noticed it.

It was too late to dodge. Fortunately, in order to squeeze into the body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron with a group of real strong men, he had specially studied the bone-shrinking technique.

At the critical moment, the bones in his body suddenly contracted rapidly, and the organs in his body were quickly displaced. The structure of his body changed drastically in a short period of time. The sword was obviously stabbing him in the back of the heart, but when the black giant sword struck him After the hole was penetrated, it was discovered that only his shoulder was injured.

Suddenly, a big gap appeared on Lu Yu's shoulder, and the bones were exposed among the blood. It looked very scary, but this was already a good result.

The Ghost Sword Ancestor couldn't help but be slightly startled. He didn't expect that the other party would have such a way of dealing with it.

Although this sword hit the opponent accurately, it did not achieve the desired effect. Now, it was his turn to face Lu Yu's offensive, because even if he was hit by the sword behind him, Lu Yu's sword power still did not stop, Xinghe The sword shone with bright light and stabbed towards the Ghost Sword Landlord's face.

The Ghost Sword Ancestor's eyes narrowed.

Facing Lu Yu's sword power, he didn't dare to be confident at all. After all, the example of Lin You's landlord's head being dislocated was right in front of him...

So he crossed his arms in a defensive gesture.

Immediately, the surrounding earth evil forces immediately changed. They suddenly gave up sweeping Lu Yu and quickly gathered in front of him.

The little bit of resentment in the remaining souls, under the blessing of the underground power, suddenly exploded and expanded, turning into terrifying ghosts. They opened their bloody mouths and continued to bite and entangle with the Galaxy Sword.

Under the power of the Galaxy Sword, these fierce ghosts naturally collapsed upon contact, just like snow flakes falling on a soldering iron, they were instantly melted without a trace.

However, there are simply too many ghosts, tens of thousands, endless, and endless... Even a red-hot soldering iron will eventually cool down if it endures too many snowflakes.

Moreover, this is already the third time Lu Yu has used his sword with all his strength, and the power is no longer as effective as before.

Finally, under the constant entanglement of circles of ghosts, the Galaxy Sword finally came to an abrupt stop less than three feet away from the Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor.

"Is it just this little power?"

The Ghost Sword Ancestor suddenly sneered.

While he sneered, he stretched out his hand and drew circles around the Galaxy Sword Intent in front of him.

Suddenly, endless ghosts continued to wrap around the Galaxy Key, completely engulfing it in the blink of an eye, as if they were stuck to each other with layers of glue.

"Without this sword, let me see what else you can do!"

Ghost Sword Landlord, you smiled and started driving again, that black giant sword launched an offensive against Lu Yu.

Without the threat of the Galaxy Sword, to him, Lu Yu was just a fish on the chopping board, and he could cut it however he wanted.

However, he drove it several times in succession, but did not see any reaction from his black giant sword.

It's true that he successfully trapped the Galaxy Sword, but the problem is his Ghost Sword, which seems to have a problem...

Thinking at this time, Lu Yu had simply treated the wound on his shoulder, swallowed a healing pill, and then said with a faint smile: "Do you think my Galaxy Sword can only be used to kill people? "

As his words fell.

The Galaxy Sword, which had been surrounded by ghosts, suddenly erupted with strong light again. The bright light penetrated from the gaps between the ghosts and formed a strange shape. Not only did it envelope countless ghosts, but also the ancestors of the ghost sword. Shrouded in it.

This is a starlight formation.

Although there was no more Star Gathering Pearl and no help from the Divine Wood King Cauldron, Lu Yu relied on the power of the Galaxy Sword to create a star array again.

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