Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1577: Enemies from both sides


Under the conflict between the two forces, the violent sound lasted for a long time.

This slash from Prison Ax Earth Ancestor has almost drained away all the power of the Earthly Evil around him, but relatively speaking, the power of the stars is extremely weak.

Therefore, although the power of the stars is a higher level of power than the power of the Earthly Evil, in this collision, the Earthly Evil's power did not fall at a disadvantage, and it felt like a strong dragon could not suppress a local snake. .

Finally, the stars gradually dimmed, and the giant ax gradually melted away.

After the two forces collided with each other, the remaining energy could not be vented, and all of it was immediately reduced and transformed into the power of the five elements.

Some turned into flames, some turned into ice, some turned into water, some turned into rocks...

There are all kinds of power methods, all available, all poured into this underground world.

Suddenly, the entire underground world became chaotic, which made the remaining souls around him resentful, and Wen let out a shrill scream.

The screams continued to spread, and finally turned into tens of thousands of ghosts throughout the underground world roaring at the same time, as if boiling.

In the midst of the boiling noise, Lu Yu's mouth was bleeding and his body was already crumbling. He thrust the Galaxy Sword straight to the ground and managed not to fall down by relying on the support of the sword.

On the other hand, the prisoner axe ancestor on the other side didn't feel well either. Under the light of the fire, his face was as pale as paper. He suddenly coughed violently and spat out several streams of blood from his mouth.

Although he was not at a disadvantage when the two sides' offensives collided, this level of collision was obviously beyond his ability to bear. The powerful backlash had already caused him serious internal injuries.


Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

Although this sword succeeded in severely injuring the opponent, he himself did not take too much advantage. More importantly, the Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor on the side had successfully got rid of the shackles of the starlight. This time he could not Kill him, and I'm afraid there won't be as good an opportunity as before.

However, although he was a little regretful, Lu Yu was not discouraged. Although the sword just failed to kill the Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor, it allowed him to successfully activate the ten secrets of the stars, and his strength was greatly improved.

Compared to this point, the failure of the sword just now seemed inconsequential.

At this time, he had stronger confidence than before.

"This son... must not be kept here any longer!"

The prisoner's axe ancestor's body was trembling slightly, and he finally regained his composure. He glared at Lu Yu and said through gritted teeth.

Although the momentum had gradually subsided, the confrontation just now still left him with a lingering feeling of fear.

"He...can't run away!"

A trembling voice responded.

I saw the figure of the Ghost Sword Patriarch slowly crawling out from the sea of ​​fire, his whole body shrouded in flames, looking even more embarrassed than the Prison Ax Patriarch.

But these are just superficial phenomena. In fact, his injuries are not as serious as those of the Prison Ax Earth Ancestor. As the Earth Evil Ancestor, the ordinary power of the Five Elements will do minimal damage to them.

"Brother Ax, it seems that we were tricked by this kid before. There is no ambush around at all..." Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor said slowly.

At this time, the surroundings were being ravaged by wind, fire, thunder and lightning, and nothing could be hidden. Therefore, they were already convinced that there was no ambush around, and it was just Lu Yu's deliberate bluff.

It's a pity that they have just woken up now, otherwise how could they have ended up in this situation?

However, even if we react now, it is not too late. After all, there is only one person on the other side, and the situation has not fundamentally changed.

Saying that, the Ghost Sword Ancestor slowly came forward.

After the prisoner's axe ancestor suppressed his injuries, he walked to Lu Yu's back in a tacit understanding. It seemed that the two of them were preparing to attack from both front and back.

"Two of you, are you still being unreasonable? You are both dignified ancestors of the Earth Demons, and you actually plan to join forces to deal with a junior like me?" Lu Yu said.

This is not completely meaningless nonsense, the power of red lotus in his body has extremely terrifying recovery ability.

Therefore, he needs to delay for more time. Every extra minute of delay gives him one more advantage.

Just based on the speed of recovery from injuries, these two Earth Demon ancestors combined are no match for him.

However, the other party seemed to see his intention. Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor smiled coldly and said: "Do we need to be polite when dealing with you? Just take this as our respect for you!"

After saying that, he took action directly.

The ghostly black giant sword suddenly appeared again, stabbing straight down from above Lu Yu's head.

After the last experience, it was naturally difficult to successfully attack with this sword. Lu Yu stood still and the Galaxy Sword in his hand automatically flew upwards and slashed hard on the black giant sword.

The Galaxy Sword is a peerless magic weapon that has long been a psychic object. Even if it is not driven by Lu Yu, it can cope with ordinary offensives with its own strength without any problems.

At this time, Lu Yu used the Galaxy Sword as a defense to buy himself more time to recover.

The Ghost Sword Ancestor had naturally anticipated all this, so his target was not Lu Yu himself, but the Galaxy Sword in Lu Yu's hand.

After the series of fights just now, he already knew that this sword was extraordinary. As long as he entangled this sword, the prisoner axe ancestor landowner on the side would naturally take action and kill Lu Yu in one fell swoop.

He had tried to control this sword with his bare hands before, but in the end he was restrained by the opponent. Therefore, this time he fully learned his experience and lessons, and no longer used his bare hands, but used his own unique magic weapon. .

At the moment when the two swords were facing each other head-on, suddenly endless ghosts erupted from the black giant sword again and entangled themselves towards the Galaxy Sword.

It turns out that this black giant sword has been the shelter of countless residual souls and resentments for thousands of years, and it is unknown how many residual souls and resentments are hidden in it.

At this time, under the control of the Ghost Sword Landlord, they all burst out at once, with the purpose of tightly entangling the Galaxy Sword.

At the same time, the prison axe behind him was surrounded by endless black energy, and he lifted up the giant ax again and slashed hard at Lu Yu's back.

Suddenly, Lu Yu was surrounded by enemies from both sides.

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