Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1578 I am your ancestor

The two Earth Ancestors were very confident about their cooperation this time, and they were about to completely engulf Lu Yu in the offensive.

At the critical moment, Lu Yu shouted: "Brother Ding!"

Then, a strange sound wave came, like gold but not gold, like iron but not iron, vibrating the eardrums, and even the air became restless.

Even the dark black giant sword and the dark gold giant axe were affected, and the offensive was stagnant.

The two Earth Demon Ancestors were shocked. They had never encountered such a situation before. They didn't know why the weapons in their hands suddenly became uncontrollable.

Although this process was only a short moment, it was enough.

Lu Yu first withdrew the Galaxy Sword from the entanglement of the Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor in front, and then immediately turned around and swung his hand to slash at the Prisoner Axe Earth Ancestor behind him.

Originally, the synchronization rate of the two people's cooperation was extremely high, which could be said to be seamless, but because of this sudden change, the exquisite cooperation became a fatal flaw.

The Prisoner Axe Earth Ancestor's attack had not yet been completed. He was in a dilemma. Facing Lu Yu's suddenly shining sword, he had no choice but to avoid it.


A clear sound.

A brilliant light burst out from the Galaxy Sword. Although Lu Yu did not use the Star Sword Art in a hurry, the power generated by the simultaneous driving of ten star mysteries alone had reached a thrilling level.


The Prisoner Axe Earth Ancestor screamed and flew back. A bloody gap had been cut on his chest.

"Brother Axe!"

The Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor was so scared that he screamed loudly, but it was too late.

I saw the Prisoner Axe Earth Ancestor rolling on the ground for dozens of feet and hitting a protruding rock. He finally stopped. His chest cavity was completely open, and the internal organs inside were clearly visible.

You can see that his heart is contracting violently, and a shining golden elixir is faintly contained in it.

Thanks to the protection of this life-giving golden elixir, he was not directly cut in the heart by Lu Yu's sword, but even so, he had already suffered a serious injury.

"You don't really think I'm alone, do you?"

Lu Yu took back the Galaxy Sword and said slowly.

At this time, the Divine Wood King Ding got out of Lu Yu's pocket and slowly climbed onto Lu Yu's shoulder.

It turned out that the sound wave just now was emitted by it.

As early as when the Phoenix Feather Blade was subdued, the Divine Wood King Ding had already figured out how to use the same frequency resonance of sound to achieve the effect of disarming weapons.

Since the Star Gathering Pearl was taken away, the Divine Wood King Ding felt that his power was too weak, so he had been quietly developing this new skill along the way, practicing to disarm various artifacts.

The result was very gratifying. Now, in addition to Lu Yu's Galaxy Sword and Meng Ting's Star Gathering Scepter, it now has outstanding disarming effects on various divine weapons.

Now it is suddenly used here, and it really achieves an unexpected effect.

"Brother Lu, did I miss something? Didn't this just now... delay anything?" Shenmu Wang Ding said uncertainly.

Lu Yu laughed: "No delay... Brother Ding, you took action at the right time!"

Shenmu Wang Ding couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this: "That's good! But... Brother Lu, what's going on around here? Has the end of the world come early?"

Obviously, he had also noticed the chaotic scene around him.

Lu Yu said: "Not yet, but if we can't solve the problem here as soon as possible, then it will probably be soon... Brother Ding, have you adjusted yourself? Can you work with me to get rid of these two guys now?"

Shenmu Wang Ding shook his body slightly, as if he was examining the ghost sword and prisoner axe on the side, and said: "Are they the ancestors of the earthly evil here? No problem, let me check the latest transformation results!"

After saying that, it jumped down from Lu Yu's shoulder, and its body quickly grew larger, and in an instant it had turned into a small mountain.

In front of it, Lu Yu and the two Earth Demon Ancestors beside him were like ants in front of an elephant.

Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor could not help but look at this scene in astonishment, and could not believe that the other party actually had such a helper.

He had already understood at this time that the magic weapon in his hand suddenly became uncontrollable, which was the work of the giant tripod in front of him.

Lu Yu could not help but be slightly startled.

At this time, the scale of the change of the Divine Wood King Tripod had exceeded any previous time. It seemed that it had indeed achieved a transformation and surpassed its original shackles.

"What kind of monster are you?" Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor asked in doubt.

He had been hiding in the underground of the Nine Netherworld for tens of thousands of years. It stands to reason that he is the monster in people's eyes, but he did not expect that he would ask such a question to others now.

However, the Divine Wood King Tripod is indeed worthy of his title. As the master of the underground, the Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor has only existed for tens of thousands of years at most.

But the time that the Divine Wood King Ding has existed in this world is at least hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years. From this point of view, it is indeed more "monster" than any other existence.

"Hahaha! I am your ancestor!"

The Divine Wood King Ding said arrogantly.

Then he jumped up and pressed down on the Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor like a mountain.

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