Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1579 Echoing each other from afar

For a moment, the earth shook.

Lu Yu looked at it silently for a moment. Seeing that there was no problem at the Shenmu network, he turned to look at the prisoner's ancestor.

At this time, bursts of black energy wrapped around the body of Prisoner Ax Earth Ancestor, constantly sealing the gap in his chest. Although it still looked shocking, at least the organs in his chest had been fixed.

Lu Yu walked up slowly with the Galaxy Sword in hand.

The Ghost Sword Earth Ancestor will definitely not be able to break through the defense of the Divine Wood King Cauldron in a short period of time. At this time, Lu Yu can free up his hands to deal with the Prison Ax Earth Ancestor.

"You want to kill me, do you think it will be that easy?"

Prisoner Ax Earth Ancestor sneered and struggled to get up from the ground.

As he spoke, he raised the dark gold axe, and then suddenly reached out and squeezed it hard.

Suddenly, the dark gold giant ax was like a biscuit, he broke off a piece and put it into his mouth.

The prisoner's axe ancestor chewed slowly.

As he continued to refuse, dark gold runes flew out and filled his body.

It was as if he had swallowed a big tonic, and his spirit instantly improved. A blood scab quickly formed on the wound on his chest, with dark golden runes also distributed in it.

It turns out that this dark gold giant ax is closely related to his life essence. Over tens of thousands of years, he has poured an unknown amount of life essence into it, just in case of emergency.

"It's simply impossible to kill me here!"

The prison axe ancestor finally swallowed the piece of debris and said while waving the dark gold giant ax in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly startled, and then stopped.

"Is this your exclusive line? Lingyue seems to have said similar words, but you see he has turned into a corpse now!"

Lu Yu said slowly.

While speaking, he also took out something from his body and put it into his mouth just like the Prison Ax Dizu opposite him.

It's just that the prison axe ancestor swallowed the ax in his hand, but what he swallowed was the elixir he refined.

"You should only have this axe, right? You may not know that I happen to be an alchemist, so let's compare to see who has more supplies!"

Suddenly, a big war broke out again.

Even if the dark gold giant ax is missing a corner, it can still continuously absorb the power of the surrounding earth evil and turn it into an extremely fierce offensive to attack Lu Yu.

Lu Yu relied on the Galaxy Sword in his hand to fight back.

His own recovery speed is already extremely terrifying, but it is still not as effective as the opponent's direct swallowing of the dark gold giant axe.

Fortunately, the Galaxy Sword in his hand is far more powerful than the opponent's magic weapon, so even though the body's recovery speed is not as terrifying as the opponent's, it is still not at a disadvantage.

The Galaxy Sword and the Dark Gold Giant Ax collided head-on again.

There was no trickery on both sides, and they fought head-on for several times in a row. The attacks came back and forth, and the difference was evenly divided. No one took advantage.

In fact, Lu Yu could have evaded the opponent's attack by transforming his body into the sword light, but his purpose was to eventually eliminate the opponent. This approach was not helpful, and it also had nothing to do with his desire to hone himself. does not match the original intention.

For a moment, the scene was shaken, and the scene was no less than the battle between the sacred tree king tripod and the ghost sword landlord over there.

On the other side, although the dark giant sword of the Ghost Sword Land Ancestor is unpredictable and changeable, the Divine Wood King Cauldron does not play any tricks with it. It completely crushes the body shape. Even if the Ghost Sword Land Ancestor has all kinds of changes, Totally useless.

However, this is the Jiuyou underground after all, and the opponent has inexhaustible underground power. For a while, the Divine Wood King Cauldron was still unable to break through the opponent, so the situation on both sides seemed to be in a deadlock.

But the Shenmu King Cauldron was fighting more and more vigorously. Its purpose was different from Lu Yu's. Lu Yu wanted to find his own limit, but he wanted to test the results of his transformation.

I don’t know how long it took, but the prisoner ax landlord had broken off the dark gold giant ax in his hand for the fourth time and swallowed it into his mouth. The entire dark gold giant ax had shrunk by half.

"If you eat like this, your ax will be gone. What are you going to use to continue fighting with me? Are you going to use your bare hands?" Lu Yu teased.

Prison Ax Earth Ancestor snorted: "So what if you use your bare hands? How many times can you swing this artifact in your hand? If I guess correctly, you should have almost used up the supplies on your body, right?"

In fact, the real energy in Lu Yu's body has been completely exhausted. The reason why he has been able to persist until now is entirely due to the supply of the Lingxi Pot. However, the Lingxi Pot is different from the elixirs. The number of elixirs is endless, but the Lingxi Pot only has It’s just a lake.

The Prison Ax Earth Ancestor also saw through this, so he didn't panic at all. Even though more than half of the magic weapon in his hand had been lost, he didn't worry at all.

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled faintly: "It seems that you know nothing about the power of the stars... It's time to end this!"

After saying that, he raised the Galaxy Sword in his hand again.

This time, the Galaxy Sword burst out with extremely bright light, far more shining than any time before.

A beam of starlight pulled down, penetrated the sky, passed through the layers of nine secluded places, and fell on Lu Yu, greatly replenishing the power he drew from the starlight.

The ancestor of Qiu Ax couldn't help being shocked.

He didn't expect that Lu Yu would burst out with even more amazing power at this time. Could it be that he had been hiding his strength before? How can this be?

Then, he saw another beam of equally bright light, echoing the Galaxy Sword in Lu Yu's hand.

It is the Star-Gathering Scepter.

It turned out that it was Meng Ting and others who arrived.

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