Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1580 Earthly Evil and Raging Waves

Prisoner Axe's face changed, and he immediately realized that the situation was not good. At that moment, he did not care to continue attacking Lu Yu, and turned around to leave.

"Still want to run? Don't you think it's too late?"

Lu Yu shouted loudly, waved his sword again, and chased after the prisoner axe.

Unexpectedly, the prison axe ancestor suddenly turned around and threw the half of the giant ax in Lu Yu's face.

When the two of them were fighting with all their strength before, the giant ax attack could not be effective. Now with only half of the ax left, it was naturally difficult to pose a threat to Lu Yu. Lu Yu just made a mistake and dodged the flying ax attack. .

But the purpose of Prisoner Dizu was not to hope that this move could defeat the enemy. He just hoped to use this move to block the path of Lu Yu's pursuit, thus delaying some time.

Lu Yu's sideways turn more or less delayed the opportunity for pursuit. When he resumed pursuit, a black tornado had already formed in the hands of the prisoner axe ancestor, just like the teleportation channel used by the Lingyou ancestor before. Likewise, this is also a Disha passage that can be traveled quickly.

This passage not only connects him, but also connects the Ghost Sword Ancestor on the other side who is fighting fiercely with the Divine Tree King Cauldron.

Seeing that the two of them were about to flee, and this was the transmission channel exclusively for the power of Earthly Evil, only those who were good at controlling the power of Earthly Evil could pass through this passage. Lu Yu had no possibility of pursuing them.

But at this moment, a bright light burst out, hitting the tornado that was continuously pulling and lengthening.

Immediately, the tornado in the hand of Prisoner Ax stopped abruptly, the transmission channel disappeared, and Prisoner Ax himself fell to the ground with a plop, without any possibility of escape.

The strong light gradually faded, and Meng Ting's figure holding the Star Gathering Scepter was slowly revealed.

Just now, it was her who used the Star-Gathering Scepter to defeat the tornado in the opponent's hand, shattering the opponent's plan to escape in one fell swoop.

"why you?"

Prison Ax Dizu struggled to get up from the ground, looked at Meng Ting with a horrified expression and said.

"Do you know me?" Meng Ting hesitated for a moment, "But why do I feel like I've never seen you before?"

The ancestor in the prison uniform suddenly showed a very strange expression and said stiffly: "You've never seen me... You haven't seen me, but it doesn't mean that we don't know you! There were rumors before that our Tiangong Saint I still didn’t believe that the woman had rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, but now it seems that it is indeed true!”

When he said the last sentence, his tone had become furious, but it was still difficult to cover up the harsh change before.

"No! You must have seen me before, right?"

Meng Ting's bright autumn eyes instantly became extremely sharp, and his eyes were like blades.

"Although I was once a saint of the Heavenly Palace, my reign was only a short period of more than ten years. With your status, my qualifications are completely worthless. There is no need for you to pay attention to me... Come on, what's going on?"

The Prison Ax Patriarch ignored Meng Ting's question, but his eyes instantly became firm and he said loudly: "Brother Ghost Sword, the time has come!"

Lu Yu and Meng Ting couldn't help but be stunned.

I don’t understand why he suddenly shouted to the Ghost Sword Landlord on the other side...

And what does it mean that the time has come? What time has come?

Before the two of them could figure out the reason, bursts of explosions suddenly sounded from the other side.

Then, I heard the divine tree king tripod howling.

"Holy shit, what's going on?"

"You actually have such an explosion of power? Could it be that you have been holding back before?"

"No, are you burning your own life force? Are you really going to fight for your life now?"

In front of Lu Yu and Meng Ting, they saw the prisoner axe suddenly spread his arms, and his body quickly shriveled up and became thinner, like a mummy, but the golden elixir appeared more and more clearly. And a violent bright light erupted.

Just as Shenmu Wangding said, the opponent is making a final desperate move at the cost of burning his life force.

In an instant, a strong wind blew up.

Amidst the gusts of wind, the dry skin and flesh of Prisoner Ax Patriarch continued to fall off, and in the end only a skeleton remained.

But driven by their golden elixirs, the surrounding Earthly Evil forces were mobilized in an unprecedented way, forming an unparalleled frenzy.

This frenzy is centered on the Prisoner Ax Patriarch and the Ghost Sword Patriarch. Under constant agitation, the domains of the two gradually overlap and overlap, causing waves of earthly evil to rise.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were several loud noises in succession.

The huge body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron floated up and down in the violent waves of the earth, and violently collided with the ground.

"Ouch, I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore...Brother Lu, I can't stand it anymore!"

"I think I need to practice more!"

"Hurry up and think of a way to stop them!"

As he spoke, the body of Shenmu Wangding quickly shrank and flew back to Lu Yu's shoulder.

At this time, there was no obstacle to the union between the two Earth Ancestors, and endless underground waves surged towards Lu Yu and Meng Ting.

"The Holy Maiden of Heavenly Palace must die here!"

The two Earth Ancestors roared loudly, already looking like they were going to die together.

Lu Yu and Meng Ting looked at each other without saying much. They both raised the magic weapons in their hands at the same time.

Although they were full of questions, facing the situation in front of them, they had no other choice but to join forces again to fight head-on.

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