Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1583 Walking Alone in Darkness

Everyone suddenly couldn't help but burst into an uproar again.

"Why do you want to deal with the Chaos God of War alone?"

"Isn't this too dangerous?"

"Leader, why are you so anxious..."

"Can't we just wait a little longer? Even though I'm in such a miserable state now, I can quickly regain my strength after a few days of rest. It doesn't mean that the other party is going to destroy the world, and it's not bad in the last few days. Time?"

"Lu Yu, is this too radical and risky?"

Everyone tried to persuade him.

Lu Yu shook his head and gave his reason:

"During the battle with the two Earth Ancestors, Ghost Sword and Prison Axe, many strange things happened..."

"They clearly had many opportunities to summon helpers to help, just like when Lingyou Earth Ancestor summoned them, but they never did so. This shows that their plan has reached an extremely critical stage and they can no longer pull out any more. Manpower comes..."

"So, you are right. Under such circumstances, we really cannot afford to delay even a few days! We can only attack Huanglong as quickly as possible to destroy their plans!"

"Therefore, it is the best strategy for me to go to that mysterious palace to hold back the Chaos God of War first, and then for you to act accordingly!"

Ancestor Tailing said: "Act according to the opportunity? What opportunity do you want us to see? What do you want us to do?"

Lu Yu glanced at him and said meaningfully: "Since the other party can call friends, then naturally we have to call our most powerful friend over..."

"I have already left a message to Her Majesty the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons Country before. If there are no accidents, she should have seen it by now. She must be thinking of a way to get here as quickly as possible..."

"So, I hope you can stay here and set up a teleportation channel that directly connects to the outside world. This teleportation channel does not need to be too far away. It is enough as long as it can be connected to the surface. By then, Wanwan will be looking for the mainland. The Dragon Queen will definitely notice...then hundreds of giant dragons from the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom will come to support us as a new force!"

"I originally planned to leave this matter to Ancestor Zhaoyun and others, but time waits for no one. The situation here has changed beyond our expectations. It is the best choice for you all to work together to complete it!"

Ancestor Tailing thought for a moment and said: "But it is too dangerous for you to go to that mysterious palace alone, not to mention whether that palace will have other special abilities, but just the Chaos The God of War is not something you can handle alone..."

"How about we divide the Tiangang Realm Taoist brothers into two parts, one part will follow you to attack the mysterious palace, and the other part will stay here to communicate with the outside world and coordinate with the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons. What do you think of this?"

But Lu Yu still shook his head and said, "It is precisely because I know the dangers there that I want to go alone..."

"As far as I know, the Chaos God of War masters a secret law called Chaos. Even if you look at all the worlds, this is one of the top secret laws. Lord Chiyue borrowed part of his power and power back then. I am at war, I have experienced this deeply..."

"Everyone, please forgive me for speaking too bluntly. Facing the Mysteries of Chaos, your power is simply unable to compete. The battle there will be a contest between the top Mysteries of Chaos. I'm afraid you won't be able to provide me with much help... "

Everyone couldn't help but feel dumb for a while.

They are already in the relevant ranks, how have they ever been disliked like this?

However, thinking of the power displayed by the Chaos God of War before and the scene of desert quicksand in front of them, they had to admit that what Lu Yu said was indeed the truth.

"Including you, too..."

Lu Yu turned to Yang Chudie and others and said.

"You still have to stay here this time..."

The two sisters, Chudie and Jadedie, had complicated expressions. Although their natural beauty was extremely outstanding and extremely rare in today's world, they also knew that with their own level of cultivation, they would not be able to intervene in such a battle. middle.

"Perhaps, I can go with you..." Ye Weilan said weakly.

Although she is also in the realm of condensing inner alchemy, which is comparable to the golden elixir realm of humans, due to her special bloodline, her power is much stronger than the average golden elixir realm expert.

Relying on her special abilities, perhaps she is indeed qualified to join the battle against the Chaos God of War.

But Lu Yu still refused: "Your ability may be of greater use if you stay here. At that time, you may have to get in touch with Liu Hongxu and bring the dragon family here! This is also important to us. Very important!”

Ye Weilan nodded blankly, looking a little discouraged: "Okay, I understand..."

"what about me?"

At this time, Meng Ting suddenly said: "I should be able to help, right?"

Lu Yu turned his head and smiled at her: "I didn't want to exclude you originally. This is something we have in common!"

Thus, the final plan was decided.

Lu Yu and Meng Ting walked hand in hand into the deeper darkness to take the lead in testing the reality of the mysterious palace.

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