Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1584 Traces of the Past

Lu Yu and Meng Ting traveled through the dark world. With the blessing of the Galaxy Sword and the Star-Gathering Scepter, their speed was extremely strange.

There were still many resentments of the remaining souls along the way, but Lu Yu no longer used disguises to avoid these resentments as before. Instead, he went all the way without any scruples.

After all, after the battle just now, the news has spread throughout the underground world. The information that should be exposed has been exposed long ago, and there is no need to hide it anymore.

"Don't you really need a break?" Meng Ting asked.

Lu Yu shook his head: "No need..."

"But weren't you seriously injured just now?" Meng Ting said again.

"Really? How serious can it be? Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?" Lu Yu replied with a smile.

Meng Ting was slightly startled, and looked at Lu Yu carefully, only to see that his injuries were already almost healed.

You must know that in the battle with the Prisoner Ax Dizu just now, the two of them were completely fighting against each other, injuring the enemy by one thousand and themselves losing eight hundred. Therefore, Lu Yu's injuries were not only serious, but also shocking.

Meng Ting could never be wrong. The reason for this only shows that Lu Yu's recovery ability is too terrifying.

"How could this happen?" Meng Ting said in astonishment, "How could it be possible to recover so quickly?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "On the one hand, the skills I practice are unique and have a strong recovery ability; secondly, before coming here, we prepared a large amount of elixirs in Shenhuo Xuanzong. Do you think that during that time I Is it just a matter of refining the Turtle Breath Meteor Pill?"

"Of course, and the most important thing is, all this is thanks to your help!"

"My help?"

Meng Ting suddenly became even more stunned.

After thinking for a moment, she immediately reacted: "Are you talking about the starlight from before? In fact, I wanted to ask you before. When I rushed over, why did the Star Gathering Scepter suddenly automatically gather starlight? I obviously didn’t do anything…”

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said: "We have almost the same power, and we will naturally influence each other. Although you didn't do anything at the time, I was trying my best to drive the starlight... Maybe your power will also follow. responded!"

"Can it still be like this?" Meng Ting said unexpectedly.

Lu Yu nodded: "At that time, I was driving ten different star mysteries at the same time, exerting the power that I could exert to the extreme, so the power between us will be led by me... If you also make further progress, You should also be able to appreciate the mystery of this!”

Meng Ting was thoughtful and silent.

Lu Yu paused, and then continued: "With your help, after connecting that starlight, I entered a very strange state. Not only did the injuries on my body heal at a faster speed, but I was already squandered." Yi Kong's true energy has also been greatly replenished... It seems that as long as the two of us work together, I can draw power directly from the starlight!"

Meng Ting couldn't help but raise his head in surprise and looked at Lu Yu beside him naturally.

Lu Yu also looked directly into his eyes and said slowly: "If I can do it, then you should be able to do it too! Therefore, this will be our biggest asset against the Chaos God of War next!"

"You already have a strategy? What are you going to do?" Meng Ting said.

Lu Yu said: "How can I have any strategies? It's just a summary of some experiences from previous battles..."

"In the previous fight in the seventh heaven, his target was the ancestor of Yunxiao. He didn't pay much attention to me, so he couldn't do anything."

"Now earlier, the Red Moon Demon Lord had actually borrowed the power of the Chaos God of War to fight me. In that battle, the power of Chaos almost covered the stars in the sky, putting me in an extremely difficult predicament. , If Weilan and the others hadn't finally broken through from the outside, I would have been finished in that battle..."

"Therefore, this will also be our biggest trouble. If the other party activates the power of chaos again and creates a realm where starlight cannot shine, this will greatly limit the power of the stars..."

"But fortunately, I am not alone this time. If we can cooperate closely and position each other, even if we fall into a chaotic state where the stars cannot shine, he will not be able to completely restrict us..."

"Concerning this point, I think the star secret you used before called 'Lian Mu' may be of great use..."

Then, the two began to discuss some specific details.

Deducing situations that may be encountered, what methods should be used to deal with them, and how to use each of the secrets of the stars... Both of them had an in-depth discussion.

However, while the two of them were discussing it, they did not forget about their itinerary. Unknowingly, they were getting closer and closer to the mysterious palace...

Suddenly, Lu Yu stopped and turned his head to look at a rock not far away, dazed.

"What's wrong?" Meng Ting asked in confusion, "Are you there?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't you think the topography here is a bit strange?"

Meng Ting looked at it silently for a moment, and suddenly he was surprised again: "This... seems to be caused by the offensive of the stars?"

Lu Yu's eyes were gleaming: "If I guess correctly, these should be the traces left by my father back then!"

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