Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1585 Traces of Shuoyuan

"Your father?" Meng Ting asked in shock.

Lu Yu's father, Lu Tianying, originally thought that his father was just an ordinary cultivator. After all, his greatest achievements in life did not exceed the Dawu Dynasty.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

The reason why he did not build a larger industry was not because he could not do it, but because his ambition did not lie in this. His energy should have been involved in how to rescue his mother...

Moreover, the judgment of his strength has been far underestimated. Putting aside everything else, the fact that he can successfully travel through the lightning tribulation at the end of the earth and reach here fully illustrates the problem.

Before, Lu Yu used his mind and consciousness to perceive the situation here, and he had "seen" traces of fighting around the mysterious palace. The reason why he was able to "see" it at the beginning was precisely because he was familiar with the Tianxing created by his father. The swordsmanship is induced...

Now that he has seen the situation here with his own eyes, he feels even more that things are extraordinary.

In fact, the Star Sword Technique created by my father was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and contained changes in the secrets of the stars.

The reason why he only left behind a set of Heavenly Star Sword Techniques and not other more profound sword techniques was ultimately due to his high standards and low profile.

Compared to ordinary people, the Heavenly Star Sword Technique Transformation is already the limit of what they can understand. If there is a more advanced solution left, ordinary people will not be able to understand it at all.

The Star Sword Technique is the foundation of everything. It can be said that it is a set of sword techniques specially tailored for Lu Yu. With this as the foundation, Lu Yu can understand more of the secrets of the stars.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to complete a brand new set of Star Sword Techniques based on the Star Sword Technique at the Sutra Storage Tower of the Dali Sword Sect, and its power was far greater than the original Star Sword Technique. It even became the thirty-seventh magical secret of the Dali Sword Sect.

It turns out that the reason for everything is because of this!

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Yu suddenly understood and deeply understood his father's good intentions.

"Is your father... so powerful?" Meng Ting said with emotion.

She also masters the secrets of the stars. Just through the traces at the scene, she can think of the powerful force that drove all this at that time.

"It wasn't until this moment that I realized this clearly...Father, he is far more powerful than I imagined!"

Lu Yu said sadly.

"But, so what, he failed in the end!"

Lu Yu didn't know what his father's final fate was, but he was not able to bring his mother back in the end, and the Bixiao Shrine's plan to destroy the world has been operating as usual to this day. This is enough to explain everything.

"Who could be the person who fought with him here?" Meng Ting asked again, "Could it be the Chaos God of War?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "I don't know either... If the God of War of Chaos was also guarding the mysterious palace before this, then nine times out of ten it should be him!"

Meng Ting looked at the traces of the battle in front of him thoughtfully, and said: "Perhaps, we can use these traces to deduce the specific circumstances of the battle at that time, so as to get some information about the opponent. Even if the person is not the Chaos God of War, he will still be Our enemies, this will definitely help us... If we work together, we can definitely do it!"

Lu Yu also looked at the traces of these battles. After watching silently for a while, he finally shook his head: "This should only be a sporadic part of the battle at that time, and the intelligence information provided is very limited..."

"Actually, I have seen more traces. The real focus of the battle is around the mysterious palace... But if we wait until we get there, I'm afraid we won't have the chance to take a closer look!"

Meng Tingdao: "It is always a good thing to know more information about the opponent, even if it is just a little bit, this may become the key to the battle..."

"It is indeed urgent to stop the opponent's plan, but if we cannot guarantee the chance of success, it will be useless even if we rush there..."

"Besides, it may be difficult for others to do this, but it is not difficult for us. It shouldn't take much time!"

Lu Yu finally compromised: "Okay! Let's study it carefully and see what kind of information we can get from here!"

So the two stopped temporarily and began to study the traces of battle around them.

However, as Lu Yu said before, the traces of the battle here are very sporadic, and more than ten years have passed, and the landform has changed somewhat. It was only through the traces of the stars that the two of them could detect the clues, but so The clues that can be obtained are very limited.

The two searched a very vast area before finally restoring some of the details of the local battle.

But when the two successfully completed the deduction, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"This... what the other party used seems to be the same offensive of the secrets of the stars."

Meng Ting made a jaw-dropping conclusion.

"The opponents your father faced back then were either people who were also proficient in the secrets of the stars, or they were fighting against themselves!"

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