Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1586 Chaos Arrives

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Another opponent who is also proficient in the secrets of the stars...

Or fight with yourself...

Either conclusion was unbelievable to him.

But judging from the traces at the scene, he had to agree with Meng Ting.

It was obvious that we were getting closer and closer to the mysterious palace, but things became more complicated and confusing.

"In other words, we may have to guard against another opponent who is also proficient in the secrets of the stars." Lu Yu said.

"Do you know of other people who are proficient in the secrets of the stars?" Meng Ting asked.

Lu Yu thought for a while and replied: "Senior Tianjian also mastered the secrets of the stars, but he only mastered the six paths, but how could he do something to my father? Besides, his level should not be enough to cause such a thing. trace……"

"In addition, my mother was the Saint of the Heavenly Palace before you, and she should have also mastered the secrets of the stars... But, how is this possible?"

Meng Ting was silent for a moment and said: "If you want to know more details, maybe you have to go to that mysterious palace... Didn't you say that there are more traces of battle outside that palace?"

"Yes, yes, but what will happen after we get there, I'm afraid we won't be able to decide..." Lu Yu said.

"Then let's get rid of the person who is hindering us! No matter who he is!" Meng Ting said decisively.

Lu Yu nodded silently.

Indeed, if the two of them can work together at their best, no one will be able to stop them. The previous experience of the Earth Seal God has fully demonstrated this point.

So the two of them continued to move towards the mysterious palace without any further entanglement.

Although this deduction did not yield accurate and specific information, it was better than nothing. At least it allowed them to be mentally prepared to deal with another situation.

Where they were, they were actually very close to the mysterious palace. Before long, a magnificent palace in the darkness was clearly visible.

It is completely made of black. There is already darkness in the dark world, but it looks even more gloomy and gloomy. It seems that the source of all darkness comes from this, and it is full of an indescribable and strange atmosphere.

As expected, there were dense battle traces all around it, and there were even starlights that had not dispersed in some places. This scene fell into the eyes of Lu Yu and Meng Tian, ​​as if they had seen a huge treasure.

Unfortunately, they had no time to focus on these "treasures" because a tall figure was already standing in front of the palace door.

His whole body was shrouded in darkness, and his facial features could not be seen at all, but he could be seen covered with a layer of dark armor. He was facing the direction where Lu Yu and Meng Ting were walking towards. direction, as if he had been waiting for Lu Yu and Meng Ting to arrive.

"You are here."

The Chaos War God spoke calmly.

The sound was full of a mechanical and synthetic sound, as if it had no emotion at all.

Lu Yu and Meng Ting coincidentally showed off the magic weapons in their hands.

The Chaos God of War turned a blind eye to this, and a faint flame suddenly lit up in his eyes. He looked at Meng Ting and said, "So, you are with them now, right?"

Meng Ting clenched the scepter in his hand, and suddenly a dazzling light burst out from the Star Gathering Pearl, and he shouted coldly: "Hand over the Tianfang flint!"

The Chaos God of War raised his right arm and clenched his fist lightly. Three bright crystals suddenly appeared on the back of his hand, forearm, and upper arm.

It turned out that he actually imitated the mechanical arm of Ancestor Yunxiao, and embedded three pieces of Tianfang gravel into his own arm, and judging from the degree of integration between the two, it was even more seamless than the mechanical arm of Ancestor Yunxiao. One body.

"The Tianfang flint is still in your hand?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

For these three heavenly flints, the other party and Ancestor Yunxiao fought hard in the seventh heaven, and the Earth Seal God finally paid the price with his life.

Obviously these three celestial flints are extremely important to their plan.

Originally, Lu Yu thought that the other party had already used these three heavenly flints and added them to key positions in the world-destroying plan. After all, the lifespan of heaven and earth had been greatly reduced... Unexpectedly, they were still in the hands of the Chaos God of War.

This fully explains the problem...could it be said that the Chaos God of War himself is the key to the Bixiao Shrine's interview plan?

The Chaos God of War's faceplate shook, as if he was grinning: "Now, it's not time to actually use them yet..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled, feeling that there was a lot of information hidden in the other person's words.

However, before he could figure it out, the Chaos God of War continued: "Similarly, it's not yet time for us to fight..."

"Weren't you just very interested in these relics of past battles? How about I let you see them more clearly!"

Lu Yu and Meng Ting were immediately shocked.

Unexpectedly, the two people's previous actions of deducing battle relics in the peripheral area were clearly understood by the other party.

However, the other party did not intervene in any way. Why?

Before the two of them could figure this out, the Chaos God of War waved his hand, and darkness descended and chaos filled the air.

In an instant, the two of them were swallowed up by endless darkness and chaos.

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