Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1589: All about experience

"how are you feeling?"

Meng Ting asked from behind Lu Yu.

Lu Yu knelt down on one knee, the Galaxy Sword in his hand penetrated deeply into the ground, and he gasped violently.

The final blow just now was completed by him.

He maintained his attitude of delivering the final blow and did not move for a long time. It was only after he was sure that he would not launch another involuntary attack on Meng Ting that he said in disbelief: "We succeeded?"

Meng Ting said: "These weird traces of the battle have been removed, but we still don't seem to be out of the current predicament..."

At this time, they were still in darkness and chaos, unable to see any scenery around them.

Obviously these dark chaos and battle traces come from two completely different systems. Even if the battle traces composed of the power of stars have been destroyed, it does not mean that they have defeated the dark chaos.

But Lu Yu didn't care at all.

His eyes were full of confidence: "It doesn't matter, I think there should be no force that can stop us now!"

With that said, he pulled out the Galaxy Sword, stood up from the ground, and then extended his hand to Meng Ting.

After the hard work just now, and in the constant confrontation, the tacit understanding between the two has reached an unprecedented level.

At this time, Lu Yu had full confidence. If the two of them joined forces again, the offensive they would launch would be earth-shattering. Its power would be far greater than before, and it might even surpass this world...

Meng Ting obviously understood what Lu Yu wanted to do next, so he hesitated for a moment, but finally took his hand.

The powers of the two are combined in one.

At this time, there was no interference from the traces of the battle, and the strength between each other was no longer hindered. They were running unscrupulously, reaching an unprecedented level of closeness.

There were no unnecessary words between the two sides, and they raised their magic weapons in perfect agreement.

Suddenly, it was like the scene in the seventh heaven reappeared, a ray of starlight fell from the sky, and even the airtight darkness and chaos could not block it.

Twelve completely different star mysteries were driven at the same time. This time they were no longer simply driving with all their strength. While driving, they were also seeking subtle cooperation and the best combination plan.

Everything seemed to fall into place, and when all the secrets of the stars finally reached their optimal position, an incomparably huge force swept out.

Like the stars falling, like the universe rushing!

Violent bright light poured all over the place, breaking through all the darkness in front of him.

Even chaos dissolves.

The clear ones rise, the turbid ones sink, everything seems to be spread in the legend of Pangu's creation of the world.

The combined attack of the two of them was like a sword that opened up the world.

Finally they returned to the real world and saw the mysterious palace again.

However, in the eyes of the two of them, the palace was no longer an immutable darkness. Many details had been outlined in it, like a finely crafted work of art.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Is this the true face of this palace?

When I couldn't see the specific details, I just felt that this palace had a majestic and ferocious look. I didn't expect that this palace was so beautifully constructed...

Especially the lines carved on it can't help but give Lu Yu a meaningful meaning, which is endlessly memorable. They seem to be more full of charm than the lines on the sacred wooden king tripod. It seems that what they contain is the most important thing in the entire universe. A magnificent and vast mystery.

In an instant, Lu Yu had an idea: This is definitely not a creation of today's world! All of this is absolutely inseparable from the Bixiao Shrine in the world above!

Could it be that this mysterious palace itself is the main body of the secret plan of Bixiao Shrine? It is also part of the star field weapon!

However, before Lu Yu could take a closer look, a low and mechanized voice suddenly sounded.

"I didn't expect... your tacit understanding has reached such a level that you could break through my realm of chaos so quickly."

Lu Yu and Meng Ting turned to look at the same time.

The figure of the Chaos God of War appeared again, and he still stayed in place, seemingly not moving at all.

"Is this palace the star-level weapon that Bixiao Palace spent 200,000 years building?"

Lu Yu asked directly.

"That's only needs the last bit before it can be completed!" said the Chaos God of War.

"I'm afraid there will never be a chance to complete this last point!"

Lu Yu said.

"Now that we have broken through the realm of chaos, you should understand that there is no force that can stop us now..."

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for the experience you just provided. Without this, our cooperation would not be able to reach this level..."

"Now, you have failed! In the past two hundred thousand years, no matter what efforts you have made, you have now failed!"

The Chaos God of War's faceplate shook again, as if he was dismissive of Lu Yu's words.

"Experience? You are right, that was just an experience!"

"Actually, the power we have unleashed on you is just this one? Jiuxuan, Lingyou, Ghost Sword, Prison Axe... all of these people are just training for you!"

"Including the ground seal, it's not an experience!"

"All this is actually Diyin's arrangement!"

"You are wrong. We did not fail. Instead, this is the moment we are closest to success!"

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