Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1590 Beyond Transcendence

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

All this is the arrangement of the Earth Seal God...

It's not that he has never thought about this possibility. He had already had doubts about this when he saw the remnant soul of the Earth Seal God showing a strange smile on the seventh heaven...

Now that this was confirmed from the mouth of the Chaos God of War, it still made him feel shocked, because until this moment, he still couldn't figure out the reason for all this.

What is the reason that would make Lord Diyin give up his life? Is it the so-called experience? But what is the purpose of this experience?

Lu Yu didn't have time to think too much. He saw the Chaos God of War on the opposite side raise his hand again and suddenly clenched his fist. Suddenly, the three celestial flints on his arm burst into brilliant light.

"Now, there is only one last step... I just need to knock you down here! Then all this will be over!"

After saying that, he punched out suddenly. The ground was shocked and the air exploded. An extremely violent force gathered in his fist.

Lu Yu couldn't help but change his expression.

The power of this punch would probably eclipse the stars.

The power he and Meng Ting combined may indeed be able to surpass this world, but the three heavenly flints in the hands of the Chaos God of War are not products of this world. He also has the power to surpass this world. The power above.

There is no way to avoid it at this point!

Perhaps Lu Yu and Meng Ting can avoid the damage of this punch by integrating their bodies into the essence of the secret, but the violent force in the punch will inevitably cause great damage to the surrounding laws of heaven and earth. , and even the entire underground world will completely collapse, which will be a huge disaster.

Not to mention that there are classes from various major sects in the underground world at this time, just because of the relationship between Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan, it is impossible for Lu Yu to avoid this punch.

Therefore, there is only one way to deal with it, and that is to join forces with Meng Ting again, collide with the opponent's fists head-on, and use power that transcends the laws of the world to resolve the power that transcends the laws of the world!

Rumble, rumble, rumble!

The violent crash shook the whole world.

The chains that appeared in the void were the embodiment of the laws of heaven and earth. These chains were already shaky, but fortunately they persisted in the end and were not destroyed.

It is conceivable that if Lu Yu and Meng Ting did not join forces to stop it, the entire underground world would have completely collapsed at this time.

The bright light faded, the shock gradually subsided, and amid the smoke, the figure of the Chaos God of War reappeared. He remained as motionless as the mysterious palace behind him, as if he was not affected at all.

"Very good, come again!"

The first offensive was thwarted, but the Chaos God of War was not discouraged at all. Instead, he became more excited. The sky flint in his arm burst out with bright light again, and he punched again.

It is also an earth-shattering offensive, a power that transcends the laws of this world!

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

He clearly felt that the other party was going to use this method to make it inevitable for him to avoid it, and he could only choose to fight him head-on.

This is indeed a major advantage of Tianfang Flintstone, but if it is just to defeat the enemy, the opponent obviously has a better choice... But the opponent chose this kind of frontal attack without any tricks. Could it be that this is actually something else? An experience?

It's not as simple as it seems...

However, even though Lu Yu had doubts in his heart, he had no choice. Unless he didn't care about the life and death of this world and the fate of those he cherished, he would have no choice but to confront him head-on.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble—

This time the sound lasted longer than the last time.

Suddenly, a ray of sunlight fell.

This was a ray of sunshine in the true sense, not caused by the power of Lu Yu and Meng Ting, because the violent vibration caused the earth's crust to move rapidly. At this time, the sixteen layers of hell above their heads had completely cracked, and the entire underground world was in ruins. It was dark again, and gradually became clearer.

Jiuyou is no longer Jiuyou... Except for the deeper eighteenth level of hell beneath their feet, the legendary Jiuyou Underground Sutra no longer exists from now on.

Even though the world has changed like this, I don’t know what the situation of other people in this underground world is now...

However, Lu Yu had no time to care about the conditions of others. When the shock subsided slightly, he saw the Chaos God of War wielding his third punch again.

Lu Yu couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Meng Ting.

At this moment, Meng Ting also turned to look at him.

Their eyes met in the air, and each understood what the other was thinking.

Fighting each other with punches like this is simply not an option...

Even if they managed to neutralize the opponent's attack, the shock caused by the violent conflict of forces was not something that the laws of this world could withstand.

Only by completely eliminating the other party can all this be calmed down.

To achieve this, the only way to achieve the optimal solution and form the strongest combination is to combine the twelve secrets of the stars.

This cannot be done by one person alone, it requires the sincere cooperation of two people.

So when the two of them joined forces this time, Lu Yu was only responsible for controlling the Six Paths of Stars, which he was most familiar with, and Meng Ting also only controlled the Six Paths of Stars.

Although there was no verbal communication, the two men controlled completely different secrets of the stars, without any duplication or redundancy.

In an instant, the two of them entered an indescribable ethereal state.

Finally, they found an optimal solution.

In a daze, it seemed as if there were streams of stars waving out from their offensive.

This time, their offensive finally completely overwhelmed the opponent's punches.

What is shaken is no longer the laws of this world itself, but the mysterious palace behind the other party.

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