Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1591 Don’t let the dream come true

For a time, the mysterious palace was shaking.

At the same time, the Chaos God of War stood in front of the palace. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and the black armor on his body fell off piece by piece.

"Could it be that this is also part of the arrangement of the Earth Seal God..."

Lu Yu's words stopped abruptly in the middle of his words.

His eyes were fixed on the Chaos God of War in front of him, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.


With the violent shaking, the visor on the Chaos War God's face fell off, revealing half of his face.

Although many years have passed, this face is still fresh in his memory.

Unexpectedly, what was hidden under the Chaos God of War's armor was actually his father's face!

Originally, he had been struggling with the fate of his father, but now he finally had the answer.

Meng Ting beside him turned his head in surprise and looked at Lu Yu in disbelief. He did not expect that the man in front of him would be his father.

"Are you calling me? This name really makes people feel friendly... But unfortunately, I'm afraid I'm not the person you are looking for!"

The Chaos War God said with an indifferent expression.

Lu Yu's body stood frozen on the spot, motionless.

He knew that what the other party said was indeed true. Although the man in front of him had the same appearance as his father and adopted the body of his father, his spirit had been completely wiped out and he was no longer the father in his memory. .

"What on earth is going on with all this? Who did this!"

Lu Yu said in a low voice.

His shoulders were shaking slightly, and his whole body had reached the edge of anger.

It was difficult for him to accept that his father's final outcome turned out to be like this. Even though he was dead, his physical body was still unable to stop and was enslaved to him for eternity...

The Chaos God of War still had an indifferent expression on his face and did not speak. Perhaps even he himself had no answer to this question because he himself was the creation of others.

"Forget long as all of this ends, you will naturally know all the answers. No matter who is behind the scenes, whether he is the Heavenly Lord or the Immortal King! I will make him pay a heavy price!"

After speaking, Lu Yu waved the Galaxy Sword in his hand again.

This time the target is no longer the Chaos God of War in front of him, but the mysterious palace behind him.

He had a hunch that as long as this palace was returned, the interview plan that had to be successful would be completely aborted, and the person behind all this would naturally jump out.

Although the Earth Seal God has worked hard here for 200,000 years, in reality he is just a pawn who obeys orders and cannot be regarded as the real mastermind behind the scenes.

Seeing Lu Yu's actions, Meng Ting quickly followed suit. Although Lu Yu already possesses a huge amount of power, it is obviously difficult to shake this mysterious palace without her cooperation.

However, just as the two men launched their combined attacks, the Chaos God of War also launched his fists again at the same time, parrying the two men's joint attacks.

This time, the combined offensive of the two still reached the optimal level, which was a transcendent power that could shake the entire world. However, the Chaos God of War seemed to have the support of the mysterious palace behind him, and he actually came into contact with the two of them. This human story.

Both sides were equally divided.

The mysterious palace behind him suddenly ignited with raging black flames. At the same time, stars appeared around the body of the Chaos God of War. These new ones were also black in color. It seemed that the infinite power of the mysterious palace was blessing him. on the body.

And in the performances of Lu Yu and Meng Ting, all of this is clearly seen.

This palace is indeed the top priority of the Bixiao Shrine plan. What is connected below it is the eighteen underground levels of hell. It can be said that this is the entrance to the eighteen underground levels.

They could even clearly feel that the entire palace was continuously sucking in the power of the world through the eighteen underground floors.

When all this is finally completed, it will be transformed into a star field-level weapon.

At that time, it can completely destroy an entire star field with just one strike.

"With your current strength alone, it is impossible to defeat me!"

The Chaos War God said coldly.

"Now this star weapon only needs the last step. As long as a wisp of the star soul is injected into it, it can be fully activated... We have trained you for so long, and we hope that your soul can be used for it!"

After saying that, he raised his hand again.

A huge palm print appeared in the void, carrying infinite destructive power and slapping towards Lu Yu. It seemed that this moment would completely destroy Lu Yu's body and imprison his soul.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Now he finally understood why the Earth Seal God used his soul before, actually to activate this star field weapon.

All this may be related to the lotus seed in his body. Carrying the lotus seed, he plays a vital role in the activation of the star domain weapon.


Facing the power of the star field-level weapon, Lu Yu was violently slapped and flew away, and Meng Ting who was beside him was also thrown away.

Lu Yu's whole body was shaking violently, and he felt that his thoughts had a strong desire to fly out of his body, but he suppressed it, firmly adsorbing it in his sea of ​​​​consciousness, and refused to leave.

Through this collision, he understood in his heart that this was indeed a force that he could not resist...

For a moment, he couldn't help but despair.

Thinking that after such a long effort, everything ended in failure in the end...

However, just when he was feeling depressed, a strange throbbing suddenly came from within his body.

The golden elixir seeds kept changing and gathered rapidly, seeming to be on the verge of a breakthrough.

Taking another step forward, he would already be in the Golden Core realm.

Although he can't compete with his current strength, if he can successfully form a golden elixir and successfully enter the golden elixir realm, then all this may not be possible.

But why is the breakthrough happening at this time?

Lu Yu was immediately stunned.

Although the last time he was in the seventh heaven, he was already halfway to the golden elixir realm and was only half a step away from the golden elixir realm. However, this half step is not so easy to cross. It requires comprehending the twelve stars. Only with mysteries can he completely complete the blueprint of the golden elixir law he constructed...

Now, although he has made great progress by joining forces with Meng Ting, so far, he has only comprehended ten secrets of the stars, and has not yet been able to comprehend the last two.

Under such circumstances, how could he suddenly successfully break through?

Lu Yu looked back and found that Meng Ting's body was already in a floating light.

It turns out that she is decomposing her body and using her own power to fill the gap needed by Lu Yu to form the Golden Pill...

Originally, this approach was difficult to achieve, but after the two of them worked together sincerely many times, their tacit understanding had reached its extreme level and they were extremely familiar with each other's situations, so Meng Ting was able to do this.

"What...are you doing?" Lu Yu exclaimed.

A faint smile appeared on Meng Ting's face: "I can't let my dream come true..."

Since Lu Yu could see that the opponent's strength was difficult to contend with, he could also see it.

In her opinion, this is the only way to resolve the current situation.

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