Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1593 The arrival of the dragon


The giant dragons roared one after another, and the huge sound was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears along the transmission channel.

It can be seen that they are very excited. Obviously everything is just as Lu Yu guessed. They are also looking for a direct passage to the underground world. However, they did not expect that when they were at a loss, such a passage would suddenly open in front of them. .

Liu Hongxu was standing in the middle of the group of dragons. His slender figure looked very mismatched among the ferocious figures of the dragons, but he was clearly the center of the group of dragons.

She looked at Lu Yu through the transmission channel with clear eyes, and her eyes clearly showed an expression of joy, but she did not say anything, but instead spoke a dragon language.

"Yesa Alimosa!"

As she recited this dragon language, all the surrounding dragons began to arrange themselves in an orderly manner, connecting head to tail, gradually merging into one, and once again formed the form of the previous super dragon.

Liu Hongxu just stood on the head of the super dragon, an unparalleled power filled her body, and under the reflection of layers of light and shadow, her whole body glowed with a strange golden light.

This scene is like the reappearance of the Dragon God, just like the previous scene of the giant dragon Pantian, but it is far more real than the previous scene of the giant dragon Pantian, because this scene really happened in this world, just before everyone in front of me!

However, the fusion of super dragons is a very complicated process after all, especially when they are combined with the power of the Dragon God in Liu Hongxu, which takes a long time.

However, the transmission channel that Lu Yu intercepted Meng Ting could only open for a short moment, and it was too late to wait for the other party to complete the union.

The starlight gradually became fainter, and the transmission channel shrank rapidly...

Sure enough, until the teleportation channel completely disappeared, the super dragon under the leadership of Liu Hongxu did not completely complete the integration and could not cross over in time at all.

"It seems that these friends of yours are not very reliable..."

The Chaos God of War stretched his body and said.

Facing the Dragon God's power, which was already fully displayed, he already looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. But at this time, with the disappearance of the transmission channel, all the pressure disappeared.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

In that moment, he had exhausted all his strength. If Liu Hongxu and the dragon clan did not seize the opportunity, then he had no better way.

Based on his understanding of Liu Hongxu, the other party is a person who is very good at seizing opportunities, and he should not make such a mistake. However, the transmission channel has been closed at this time, and the other party did not travel through in time, but it is an indisputable fact.

Just when Lu Yu was confused, he suddenly noticed a red light passing by him. When he looked closely, it was a red swimming dragon, which was exactly the same as the power composed in Liu Hongxu's domain.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile happily: "Really? I don't think so..."

As he spoke, he gently raised his hand and put away a red dragon, letting it circle around his fingers.

"I think there is no more reliable friend in the world!"

The words fell.

Lu Yu waved his hand again, and the red dragon in his hand suddenly waved out, exploding in the air like fireworks.

The Chaos God of War focused his gaze, and the light in his eyes changed drastically.

This exploding red dragon actually does not have much destructive power. Its real function is the positioning effect, which is equivalent to the anchor point that the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons invested one step in advance.

And the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons spent so much time and effort to invest the "anchor point" in advance, her intention is naturally self-evident.

as expected.

The next moment, the void suddenly shattered!

An extremely huge sense of oppression followed, far more intense than when the starlight transmission channel opened and faced a group of giant dragons.

In the darkness, a huge creature crossed the space barrier and descended into this chaotic underground world following the guidance of the red dragon anchor point.

Not only the super dragons composed of countless giant dragon clans, but also the ark of the other side that was previously found on the seventh level of the sky!

Unexpectedly, Liu Hongxu's people not only completed the repair work of the Ark on the Other Side, but also successfully used its power to arrive here smoothly.

Although Lu Yu didn't know how they did all this, it was obvious that the power they possessed at this time had far exceeded expectations.

"Sir, is this the enemy we must face in the end?"

Liu Hongxu's graceful figure appeared again. She stood in the middle of the horns of the super dragon's head and said to Lu Yu in a charming way.

Lu Yu withdrew his stunned gaze and looked again at the Chaos God of War in front of him and the mysterious palace behind him.

He took a deep breath, took a deep look at the face that was very similar to his father, and said, "Yes, let's destroy them all..."

Liu Hongxu nodded: "I understand."

Suddenly, the super dragon began to twist and turn, wrapping around the Ark on the other side.

The Ark on the other side bloomed with incredible light, like an artifact that would destroy the ages.

This time it will not only be a showdown between the power of the Dragon God and the power of chaos, but also a showdown between an artifact that has been passed down through the ages and a star field weapon that has not yet been fully formed!

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