Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1594 Wheel of Fortune

The lights and shadows of giant dragons transformed from the ark on the other side and bombarded the mysterious palace below like a meteor shower.

This scene is extremely shocking.

Lu Yu didn't know what kind of offensive this was, and he couldn't understand how Liu Hongxu and the dragon clan achieved this, but there was no doubt that the offensive in front of him was unprecedentedly powerful, even if it was the one he had used before. The power of the stars that wasted on this world is slightly inferior to it.

This ancient artifact that has been circulated throughout the world has finally exerted some of its power in the past. Now it only refers to a broken body, and it only has a mere shell. It is really hard to imagine that it would be a complete body. What kind of powerful power will the Ark on the other side erupt...

However, facing the powerful offensive from the Ark on the Other Side, the mysterious palace behind the Chaos God of War, instead of crumbling, gradually rose up, as if it was about to confront the Ark on the other side.

The God of Chaos also imitated Liu Hongxu's appearance and stood alone at the top of the mysterious palace, looking up to the sky. He dominated the entire mysterious palace with his own power and started a head-on confrontation with the Ark on the other side.

Countless giant dragons bombarded down crazily, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the world was turned upside down.

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a flash of worry in his heart.

After all, there are many secrets hidden in this mysterious palace, and there are even clues related to the whereabouts of his mother hidden in it. If it is completely destroyed like this, all the clues will be lost.

However, personal gains and losses are nothing compared to the success or failure of the entire world. The whereabouts of his mother are only very important to him personally. For the sake of the billions of living beings in this world, he can only choose to destroy the mysterious palace first. Say it again.

Moreover, this was also my mother's long-cherished wish. At this moment, no matter what happened, it was more important than completely crushing the conspiracy plan of Bixiao Shrine.

However, this is obviously Lu Yu's own overthinking...

Unexpectedly, after experiencing countless violent bombardments by the power of the Dragon God, the mysterious palace was still intact and unmoving. On the contrary, there were countless large and small scars and wounds on the body of the Chaos God of War. He was wearing a pair of extremely exquisite black armor. It became dilapidated, like a pile of scrap metal.

Obviously, he had single-handedly withstood the offensive of the Ark on the Other Side, which was blessed by the power of the Dragon God. At this time, the mysterious palace was like an extremely large and complex magic circle, with all the power added to his On the body, with him as the core, he resisted the power of the Ark on the other side.

However, although the mysterious palace is safe and sound, the surrounding area is in a mess, especially the area connecting the mysterious palace to the eighteenth floor underground. It has become festering and completely broken and disintegrated, finally revealing the hidden The scene on the eighteenth floor underground.

Sincerely, the entire star field weapon has finally revealed its full appearance.

It turns out that the mysterious palace exposed above is just a part of it. There is a series of extremely large and complex systems below it, like rings one after another, constantly intertwined, but each forming its own. The unique system and the power of strange laws are madly devouring the secret avenue of this world.

Everyone couldn't help but be deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

As expected of the ancient inheritance of the Demon Spirit Clan, this star field weapon is not inferior to the Ark of the Other Side built by the Wandering Dragon God Clan in terms of its size and power.

Even after thousands of years of countless simulations and improvements by later generations, it can be said that the power of this star field weapon is even higher than that of the complete Ark on the Other Side.

Of course, assuming that he can successfully complete it in the end, it will only be a semi-finished product now.

After watching for a while, Lu Yu was suddenly completely stunned...

He suddenly felt that the operation of the strange rings in the part of the star field weapons hidden on the 18th floor was very familiar... It could even be said that it was exactly the same as the operation of a certain power.

Suddenly, Lu Yu quickly turned his head and looked at Meng Ting beside him, only to find that Meng Ting had also turned his head and was looking at him in surprise.

"The way these law circles operate seems to be simulating the golden elixir law in your body..." Meng Ting said in astonishment.

Lu Yu couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart. It was precisely because he saw that the internal operation rules of this star field weapon were very similar to the golden elixir rules in his own body that he turned to Meng Ting for confirmation. Unexpectedly, everything turned out to be true.

He didn't know exactly how all this was caused, but it was obviously an indisputable fact.

"How could this happen..." Meng Ting said in disbelief with eyes full of disbelief.

"I don't know either..." Lu Yu's mouth was full of bitterness.

Regarding the secret of the golden elixir law in his body, only he has known it all this time. Even Meng Ting only knew part of it through the combination of their powers just now. Even if Meng Ting had something wrong The problem is that it is absolutely impossible to synchronize the star field weapons so quickly...

What's the problem with all this? Lu Yu was puzzled...

"No need to worry anymore!"

At this time, the Chaos God of War standing on top of the mysterious palace suddenly spoke.

"These are all destined long ago, everything should be like this...otherwise, how do you think the lotus seed in your body came from?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

Could it be said that all this is because of the lotus?

So it turns out that all this was planned long ago?

No wonder Bixiao Shrine needs his soul, no wonder the other party wants to train himself at all costs. Could it be that the improvement in the lotus in his body is actually a process of self-improvement of this fairyland weapon?

But if this is the case, does the mother know this?

After all, according to what his father and Old Man Tianjian said together, the lotus seed was planted into his body by his mother...

Was all this the result of her deliberate actions, or was she also kept in the dark?

Lu Yu originally thought that he had the power to escape from reincarnation and had already escaped the control of fate, but then he realized that he was still a pawn on the wheel of fate.

"Thank you for your efforts. Without your hard work and hard work, this artifact would not have reached this level..."

"Now we are only one step away from the final artifact. I know you are not willing, but it doesn't matter. At this point, things are no longer up to you!"

"The Earth Seal God, the Great Bixiao Saint, including your cheap father Lu Tianying, they have all returned to their respective positions, and now it is your turn to return as well!"

"Return to your position, Lotus Seed! Everything is as promised, you will become the new spirit of this artifact!"

As the words of the Chaos God of War fell, the strange rings on the star field weapon started to drive crazily, and an extremely huge suction force surged, dragging Lu Yu towards the core of the ring.

Lu Yu suddenly felt a sense of impending disaster.

It turns out that all this was planned to separate his physical body from his soul and become the weapon spirit of this star domain weapon?

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