Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1596 Send you away

"Mother's is this possible..."

Lu Yu's face was full of astonishment and he muttered to himself.

This was really beyond his expectation, and it could be said to have completely subverted his cognition.

The Chaos God of War smiled coldly and said, "Now that things have come to this point, I might as well tell you all the truth... In fact, the plan to transform Huangtian World into a star-level weapon was planned by Meng Feiyan. It was proposed that her identity is not just the Saint of the Heavenly Palace here, but her identity in the world above is also extremely noble, and she is called the Saint of the Great Bixiao... As her number one fanatical believer, Diyin is just He is just the specific implementer of this plan.”

"Mother...Meng Feiyan...Da Bixiao Saint..." Lu Yu murmured and repeated, feeling that his mind went blank.

Originally, he had become a little confused due to the continuous passing of his soul. Now so many incredible things came to him at once, which made it even more difficult for him to accept.

"No! You lied!"

Lu Yu suddenly shook his head violently, his eyes regained their brilliance, and said loudly: "My mother is definitely not what you said..."

"You want to use this method to disrupt my soul and mind, causing my psychological defense to fall, so that I can completely become a part of this star field weapon and be enslaved by you forever, right? Don't you even think about it, you can't succeed. !”

The eyes of the Chaos God of War couldn't help but light up, and he said: "As expected of the chosen one, I didn't expect that I could still maintain my sanity until this moment... Yes, by telling you these things, I have indeed preserved your psychological defense. I’m completely devastated, but I didn’t lie, what I said is the truth!”

"The Great Bixiao Saint has boundless mana and countless divine thoughts. Each divine thought has a completely different and independent character. When the land seal first came, there were thousands of the Great Bixiao Saint's divine thoughts that came with it. Its purpose is to assist Diyin in completing the task of forging star field weapons..."

"The divine thoughts of these Great Bixiao Saints have formed independent personalities under the evolution of the power of reincarnation. They all have a unique identity in this world, that is, the Saints of Tiangong..."

"I don't know exactly what kind of personality the Meng Feiyan you came into contact with has shown, but there is no doubt that they are just a part of Da Bixiao... Perhaps, to put it in a more popular way, It will be easier for you to understand that they are just clones of the Great Bixiao Saint!"

"What? The clone of the Great Bixiao Saint..."

Lu Yu's eyes were full of disbelief, and he couldn't help but look at Meng Ting aside.

If his mother is just a clone among the countless divine thoughts of the Great Bixiao Saint, then shouldn't Meng Ting, who is very similar to her mother, also have a similar identity?

He expected Meng Ting to deny the other party's statement, but Meng Ting was also shocked by this fact. His eyes were full of astonishment and he was speechless for a long time.

In the end, the Chaos God of War continued to speak: "Yes, as the Saint of the Heavenly Palace, how can there be any exception? She is just like your mother, she is also a spiritual clone of the Saint of the Great Bixiao..."

"Compared with your mother, she is still far behind. At least she has not awakened to self-awareness and does not know that her real name is Meng Feiyan... But at this level, she should have some awareness. , you should at least be able to sense that there is a powerful mysterious force in the world above that has an extremely abyssal influence on you, am I right?"

Meng Ting suddenly couldn't help but shuddered.

She has indeed sensed that in the world above, there is a mysterious force that is difficult for her to get rid of, like an invisible rope binding herself. She has only told Lu Yu about this matter, and now the Chaos God of War has also To say all of this accurately, it obviously couldn't be just a coincidence.

I didn't expect that the truth of everything would be like this...

All the saints of the Tiangong Palace are derived from the divine clones of the Saint of Great Bixiao... No wonder some people think that they and Lu Yu's mother are the same person one after another, even though they have completely different independent personalities. But in a sense, this cannot be wrong...

" mother, um, Meng Feiyan...where is she now?" Lu Yu asked.

"Didn't I already say this? She has accepted her fate calmly, and now she has naturally returned to the true form of the Great Bixiao Saint..."

The Chaos War God said calmly.

"If you accept your fate peacefully, then maybe you will meet again soon, but the place where you meet then will not be here!"

"Of course, even if you don't want to accept it, it's useless. You will still meet again sooner or later, but it will take more time to get along, maybe it will be thousands of years later... "

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. I hope you won't continue to be stubborn. Now it's time to end this completely!"

After saying that, the Chaos God of War suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly the main body of the star field weapon began to rotate crazily again, and the suction power that had been interrupted surged out again.

Lu Yu seemed to be out of his mind, but he also had no strength to resist. A heavy black shadow overflowed from his body and was quickly pulled away like quicksand.

The truth told by the Chaos God of War really dealt him a heavy blow. For a long time, rescuing his mother was the most primitive motivation in his heart. He didn't expect that in the end, all this was just in vain. All his efforts, all his hard work, sweat, and blood were all in vain.

Lu Yu gradually fell into a trance, feeling that everything in his life had lost its meaning, and he was drifting away from this meaningless world.

"Lu Yu——"

I don't know how much time has passed, and suddenly a hoarse roar appeared in his ears, turning him back to reality.

Lu Yu turned his head and saw that Meng Ting had reappeared beside him. In the moment of loss of consciousness just now, I don't know what she had experienced. At this time, she was covered in blood.

With a blazing fire in her eyes, she shouted to Lu Yu: "What are you doing! Cheer up!"

"Did you tell me? You can only control your own destiny! How can you just accept her arrangement?"

Lu Yu said sadly: "But, there is no way... Her arrangements are completely aimed at me. This is an unsolvable situation..."

"Even if there is no way, we can't just sit there and wait for death!" Meng Ting said, "Besides, this is just that you have no way, but it doesn't mean that we have no way!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, and raised his head in surprise: "You? What do you mean?"

Meng Ting looked at him deeply and said: "The unsolvable situation is only for this world. There is no way to crack it in this world, but it doesn't mean that there is no way in other places... Do you still remember the ancestor Yunxiao? If you can escape from this world, even the Bixiao Palace will be out of reach of you. We will do our best to send you out of this world!"

As soon as the voice fell, the stars appeared again and again.

Lu Yu then discovered that Chudie, Yudie, Ye Weilan, Liu Hongxu, Tianjinglong, Wuselong, Shijilong, Wangchuan, Yichao, Zhaoyun, Gunlong, Tailing, Hongyi, and other top masters of this world were already standing behind Meng Ting, forming a strange formation with him as the core.

He suddenly realized that perhaps his trance just now was not just a short moment, but a long time had passed.

He didn't know how this situation had evolved, but it was obvious that everyone had paid a huge effort and price for it.

"You... what are you going to do?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

"Send you away!" Meng Ting replied.

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