Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1597 Move forward resolutely

Guided by starlight, the sky opened up, and an unparalleled force shot straight out of the sky.

Lu Yu felt an indescribable sense of familiarity. Although everyone's power was centered on Meng Ting, the basis of their power was derived from the Ark on the Other Side.

"Is this...the power of the Ark on the Other Side?"

Lu Yu said in surprise.

At the same time, he also understood that even if everyone gathered their strength, they could only break through the sky barrier. If he wanted to withstand the tearing force of the laws of the world and fly into the sky, it would be impossible for him to do so in his current state. Therefore, it is necessary to borrow a vehicle.

At this time, the outer shell of the Ark on the Other Side is a natural vehicle that can help him pass through the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation safely and smoothly soar into the sky.

In other words, they are going to use the Ark on the other side to send themselves away...

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Liu Hongxu in the crowd. He knew clearly how important the Ark on the other side was to the Dragon Clan. Even though he had contributed most to the recovery of the Ark on the other side, he didn't dare to expect that the Dragon Clan would take it directly. Leave the ark on the other side to yourself.

However, Liu Hongxu seemed to see Lu Yu's thoughts, smiled very generously, and said calmly: "Young master, there is no need to worry, we have no objection to this... What's more important is that with the current development scale of the Dragon Clan, we and others There is no ability to control this Ark across the star field. Only by protecting this world and buying more time can we have a more glorious future... Otherwise, if the skin is gone, how will the hair be attached? "

Lu Yu nodded, he understood Liu Hongxu's intention.

Although the giant dragon clan has awakened, they still have to go through a very long period of recuperation before they have the strength to return to the heavens, and the most important point among them is to rekindle the fire of the abyss...

Before these things are realized, the Ark on the Other Side is indeed of little use to them.

On the contrary, if this side of the world is destroyed, even if they can escape by hiding in the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, they will no longer have the soil to recuperate and recuperate. Wanting to regain the glory of the Dragon God in the past is just a dream. .

Therefore, they are not just simply supporting Lu Yu. For them, it is also crucial to protect the safety of this side of the world. The two sides have the same position on this point.

Since the design of this star field-level weapon requires the soul of Lu Yu who possesses the Lotus Seed as the weapon spirit, then as long as Lu Yu leaves this big world, no matter what kind of conspiracy the Bixiao Palace has, this star field weapon will The manufacture of weapons will be forced to abort, and this world will naturally be safe for the time being.

Lu Yu couldn't help but glance over the faces of Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan one by one.

In their eyes, he saw infinite attachment and deep reluctance, but there was also a sense of determination in them.

Obviously they all knew that this was the last resort, and there was no other option.

“I will definitely come back again.”

Lu Yu said silently in his heart.

He didn't say this sentence, but he believed that Yang Chudie, Ye Weilan, and even Yudie would definitely understand what he meant.

His body began to gradually climb up, heading towards the huge calamity cloud in the sky.

This is the final moment of separation.

Everyone looked after him with eager eyes.

I believe that since the establishment of the major sects, no one has ever soared into the sky in this way. However, the reason why everyone watched him was obviously not just because of the unique way he soared into the sky, but because there was something in him that Carrying everyone's hope.

He is already the last hope for hundreds of millions of creatures in this world...

If there was anyone at the scene who didn't want to see Lu Yu ascend like this, it was the Chaos God of War.

"Bold! You actually want to steal the way of heaven in this way!"

"Meng Ting, stop your wanton behavior! This is a betrayal of the Great Bixiao Saintess!"

"Come back quickly!"

Along with the angry roar of the Chaos God of War, a huge black hand appeared in the void and grabbed Lu Yu, trying to prevent Lu Yu's body from entering the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation.

However, at this moment, Meng Ting's body suddenly burst out with a bright light, like a bright star hitting the giant black palm.

"You are mistaken, I am not Meng Ting, I am Meng Feiyan!"

"Thanks to your guidance, I finally awakened the true power deep in my soul..."

"I am Meng Feiyan, so why should I betray you?"

Meng Ting's voice was impassioned and passionate.

In her response, the black palm gathered by the Chaos God of War was completely shattered.

From then on, no force could stop Lu Yu from flying into the sky.

The shell part of the Ark on the Other Side automatically responded, placing Lu Yu into the hull, and rushed into the nine-day thunder tribulation of rolling thunder clouds.

Thunder and lightning, thunder and calamity bursts.

The unspeakable terrifying power was looming over the entire world, but under the protection of the Ark on the Other Side, it could not harm Lu Yu at all.

Lu Yu looked at the terrifying scene in front of him, but what he recalled in his mind was still the shocking blow that Meng Ting had launched with the Chaos God of War at the last moment.

"So, are you my mother?"

"The Great Bixiao Saint...Meng Feiyan...has countless divine thoughts and thousands of faces...but which one is your true face?"

Lu Yu thought silently.

I don’t know how long it took, but the scene in front of me suddenly became clear.

The Ark on the other side has broken through numerous thunder tribulations, crossed the sky barrier, and successfully escaped from the laws of this big world.

At this moment, he no longer had to be bound by the laws of this big world, and an unprecedented feeling filled his body.

What was displayed in front of him at this time was an extremely brilliant starry sky, without any cover or barriers. It seemed that every star was within his reach.

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Yu suddenly woke up. He had forgotten to ask, where would the starlight passage designed by Meng Ting and others take him?

What exactly is waiting for you ahead?

Suddenly, Lu Yu couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

But he soon felt relieved again.

We have reached a point where no matter what awaits us ahead, it no longer matters.

For the billions of living beings in the world behind him, for the people he cares about, and for the mission he carries...he has only one choice, and that is to continue to move forward resolutely.

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