Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1599 Everyone’s Golden Pill

The thunder was rolling, and the shock was far more violent than Lu Yu imagined.

This sky-viewing world is completely different from the world Lu Yu originally lived in. There is no coverage of multiple heavens here. After being torn apart by the power of the law, it directly enters the scope of the big world.

In other words, there is only one level of heaven in this world.

However, when crossing the edge of the laws of the great world, Lu Yu felt a very strange power. This power was not as pure as Tiangang, nor as chaotic as Disha, but somewhere in between.

Lu Yu guessed that this should be the "Tiangang" power of this world. Only then did he realize that not every big world has the same Tiangang power, because the laws of the big world are different and are transformed by the power of stars. The power of Tiangang will be completely different.

And it is precisely because there is only one level of heaven in this world, so the power of Tiangang here is particularly strong, and the shock caused is particularly violent.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little worried. He didn't know whether the Ark on the other side could withstand such a violent shock...

Although this is the inherited essence of the Dragon God clan and a supreme artifact that has shocked the ages, it is not a complete body after all. It is just a part of the shell. If it were explained here, Lu Yu would have a hard time accepting it. .

This is not only a problem that cannot be explained to the Dragon God Clan, he believes that the Bixiao Shrine will not continue to give up tracking him, and maybe their minions will touch this place soon. If there is no Ark on the other side, then , I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape the pursuit of Bixiao Palace...

Just when Lu Yu was anxious, he didn't know whether the Ark on the other side sensed his thoughts or the self-protection measures in it took effect. The Ark on the other side suddenly changed the trajectory of its fall and kept rolling.

In this way, the force of the shock was immediately reduced a lot, but Lu Yu suddenly started to spin.

In times of crisis, Lu Yu couldn't care less about anything else. He kept his Taoist heart and kept the spiritual platform clear.

In a daze, he felt several powerful thoughts sweeping over him, but they quickly disappeared. It seemed that he could not withstand the violent shock force and was unable to lock the Ark on the other side.

"Is this the strong man in this world?"

Lu Yu said silently in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a sense of vigilance.

"We tracked them down so quickly. It seems that there are quite a lot of powerful people in this world..."

However, soon Lu Yu no longer had the mind to care about these issues. The Ark on the other side finally fell to the ground. Countless flames burst out, like meteorites falling from the sky. The violent collision force reached an unprecedented level, which made Lu Yu's body hurt. His internal organs were about to fly out.

Lu Yu fainted directly in the violent shock, woke up again soon, and then passed out. He repeated his moves one after another countless times.

I don’t know how long it took, but everything finally calmed down.

Lu Yu regained consciousness and looked back, only to see a huge chasm of divine punishment appearing on the ground, filled with blazing flames and endless smoke, stretching at least for hundreds of miles.

Obviously, this passage filled with smoke and flames is the trace formed after the Ark on the other side came into contact with the ground.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

It's not because this trace is too exaggerated, but because the Ark on the other side has completely disappeared at this time.

What's happening here?

After all, the Ark of the Other Shore is a supreme artifact renowned throughout the world. Even though it is only part of the outer shell, it cannot be knocked apart like this, right?

Besides, even if it was knocked to pieces, there should be some wreckage left behind. How could it be possible that there was not even a scrap left like now?

After thinking about it again and again, Lu Yu felt that this was probably caused by the self-protection mechanism on the Ark. Just like last time, the Ark on the other side directly entered the self-protection mechanism and hid itself. It could only be reactivated through special means.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief...

This would save trouble, otherwise he would have to worry about how to hide the whereabouts of the Ark on the other side. Unexpectedly, this artifact would be hidden according to local conditions.

After thinking about it, this is actually a reasonable thing. After all, it is a supreme artifact created by the Dragon God clan with all their efforts, and it has been rampant in the heavens and the world for countless long years. If not If it had any special skills, I'm afraid it would have been riddled with holes and would no longer exist.

Lu Yu felt as if his whole body was falling apart, dragging his scarred body out of the ravine.

Outside the ravine, I saw green mountains, green water, white clouds, and mist. At first glance, it didn't look much different from the original world.

Coming here was originally a rare fairy mountain treasure land, but with the arrival of the Ark on the other side and the violent collision, everything has completely changed.

Lu Yu didn't want to think about anything else, so he randomly found a swaying forest, hid in it, and began to meditate and regulate his breathing.

As he expected, the Nine Revolutions of Nirvana did not reject the spiritual energy of this world. The inner breath quickly started to circulate, and the power of the red lotus was continuously driven. Soon, the body that was torn due to the violent collision was restored. .

I don't know how much time passed, but suddenly a loud noise woke Lu Yu up.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He listened carefully and felt like a sound of fighting coming from not far away.

I don’t know what happened and why there were people fighting here, and it sounded like the fighting was very fierce.

Lu Yu had not returned to his best condition at this time, and he knew that given his current situation, it was best to stay away from him and not meddle in other people's affairs.

However, he suddenly felt a familiar wave... It was the Galaxy Sword! It seems that the Galaxy Sword is in a fierce battle group.

Regarding the Galaxy Sword, Lu Yu naturally couldn't let it go, so he got out of the swaying grove and walked towards the direction of the battle.

Soon, the sight that greeted him completely stunned him.

As he had guessed, it was the strong men from this world who were competing for the Galaxy Sword, but the number of these strong men far exceeded his expectations.

At this time, there are probably hundreds of strong men who are constantly fighting and strangling around the Galaxy Sword, and each one of them has a bright golden elixir shining brightly in their body.

In addition, there are people coming in a steady stream from a distance, and the light of King Kong is also shining in their bodies...

Lu Yu suddenly felt confused and confused.

What's happening here? Why are there so many powerful people with golden elixirs?

In the world he was originally in, all the masters of the eight major sects were gathered together, and that was just the scene now...

Could it be said that his arrival has completely alarmed the top powers in this world?

Or is it that everyone in this world is above the Golden Core realm?

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