Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1600 Temporary safekeeping

Lu Yu soon determined that the situation should be the latter.

Because none of the strong men who fell in his eyes at this time were below the Golden Core Realm. If only the top strong men in this world gathered here, there would definitely be many followers with less strength. It would be impossible for this to happen. Case.

In addition, although the strength of these people is profound, they do not show the aura that a superior person should have. At least judging from the items they carry, they appear to be very shabby compared with the powerful golden elixirs in the original world.

This shows that in terms of their status, they are not considered to be the top lovers in this world at all, so they cannot obtain truly valuable resources at all. Even if they are not at the bottom, they are not at a high level.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect such a situation to happen, but he couldn't help but disbelieve the situation in front of him.

Sure enough, there is a vast world full of wonders. Among the heavens and worlds, the situation in each great world is different.

Presumably this is a world with relatively scarce treasure resources. Although the difficulty of cultivation is very low, the treasures are very rare.

It is precisely because of this that these people are extremely enthusiastic about the sudden appearance of the Galaxy Sword. Even in the original world, the Galaxy Sword is already among the best in the world, not to mention that in such a world where treasures are relatively scarce, for the world of gazing at the sky For powerful people, even if the Galaxy Sword only reveals a little spiritual energy, it is enough to drive them completely crazy.

At this time, the fighting situation on the scene was getting more and more intense. It could be seen that these people belonged to several different camps, and they were all fighting on their own. The battle situation was very chaotic.

The Galaxy Sword was tossed back and forth in everyone's hands several times, but no matter who took control of the Galaxy Sword, he would immediately become the target of public criticism and be attacked by everyone. In the blink of an eye, he would be killed on the spot.

Lu Yu silently released his thoughts and consciousness, and found that a clear response came from the Galaxy Sword immediately, as if connected by blood. It seemed that even after arriving in a brand new world, under completely different world laws, the relationship between him and the Galaxy Sword The bond remains unbreakable.

As long as he is willing, he can take back the Galaxy Sword in his hand at any time. However, under the current situation, if he takes back the Galaxy Sword, he will also immediately become the target of public criticism. Although the equipment of these indigenous strongmen is very shabby, but the Golden Core realm His cultivation is real. Even in his prime, it is not easy to deal with such a situation, not to mention that he has not yet returned to his best condition.

What's more, the situation like this is just the beginning. I'm afraid more people will come in a steady stream. If you take back the Galaxy Sword in front of everyone at this time, you will only be at a disadvantage. situation.

The best way is to use a treasure such as the Universe Bag to put away the Galaxy Sword quietly, but Lu Yu's Universe Bag was completely destroyed when he broke through the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation.

Even if he wanted to rob one at the scene... Lu Yu scanned around and found that among the thousands of indigenous golden elixir experts at the scene, not one of them had a Qiankun bag.

"Damn, these poor guys..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but curse.

"Is the world outside the world so barren? No wonder Yao Ji said that our original world was a very special place. Panwu, Mingwang, Diyin and other various gods outside the world all chose Coming to that world, I bet it does have something unique and unique..."

"Since there is no treasure like the Universe Bag to hide the Galaxy Sword, then we can only choose one person..."

Lu Yu observed silently for a while, then continued talking to himself.

Although we don’t know the true situation of this world, if we continue to delay, more powerful people will definitely appear. This is a world completely different from the original world. It is very likely that the upper limit of strength here is no longer just It's just Tiangang Realm. If that happens, the situation will become even more difficult.

In short, Lu Yu cannot let the current situation continue to be delayed like this...

Soon, he selected a person among the crowd.

This person is a woman. The quality of the golden elixir is quite good, and her clothes are more elegant than other strong men around her. There are obvious traces of forging.

Lu Yu guessed that this woman should have a good background, and maybe she could temporarily become the candidate to take care of the Galaxy Sword...

Suddenly, the Galaxy Sword made a strange change of direction in the void, suddenly crossed the crowd, and landed in front of the woman.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect that the Galaxy Sword, which had been quiet all this time, would suddenly undergo such a change. Even the woman had a look of surprise on her face, but she still instinctively stretched out her hand and grabbed the Galaxy Sword in front of her.

The people around him immediately started shouting. Lu Yu couldn't understand their language, but he couldn't tell from their facial expressions that these people were obviously asking the woman to hand over the Galaxy Sword.

However, before the woman could respond, the Galaxy Sword suddenly flew up again. With two swishes, the whistling sword energy blew away all the people who were approaching.

After all the people in the surrounding circle were repelled, the Galaxy Sword naturally flew into the woman's hand.

The woman looked shocked and stared blankly at the Galaxy Sword in her hand, feeling unbelievable about this.

All of this was naturally the result of Lu Yu's remote control, but when he saw the woman's delay in responding, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. He had already created such an excellent opportunity for the other party, but the other party was still standing blankly. Know how to escape.

Fortunately, before everyone formed an encirclement again, the woman finally reacted, clenched the Galaxy Sword in her hand, turned around and ran away.

Lu Yu also used up his last bit of strength to remotely drive the Galaxy Sword to help the woman accelerate her sprint.

Suddenly, like a flash of light, the woman quickly disappeared at the end of the sky. Everyone at the scene screamed in anger, but they still refused to admit defeat and pursued her.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but relax a little and sat back on the ground slumped.

These few remote controls made him consume a lot of vitality, but fortunately, there is plenty of spiritual energy in this world, and it should not take long to replenish it.

"I hope it's too late..."

Lu Yu looked at the direction where the woman's figure disappeared and said silently.

He is not worried about not finding the Galaxy Sword. As long as the Galaxy Sword does not fall into the hands of a higher level expert, he can sense it from a distance.

What he needs to do now is to regain his strength as soon as possible, and then find the woman before she falls into siege again.

As for how to deal with it after finding it, it depends on the specific situation when you see it.

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