Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1601 Kill them all with one sword

When Lu Yu opened his eyes again, several hours had passed.

At this time, night has already fallen, the moon is shining in the sky, and the night sky is filled with stars.

At first glance, the starry sky at night is very similar to the original world, but if you look closely, you will find that there are many differences. These are two completely different worlds.

"I don't know which star is my original world..."

Lu Yu said silently.

Soon, he gathered his emotions, discerned the direction, and chased in the direction where the faint fluctuations of the Galaxy Sword were coming.

At this time, his vitality has returned to its best state, and it is time to take back the Galaxy Sword and understand what is going on in this world.

Staying here is not a long-term solution. People from Bixiao Shrine may soon pursue him, so he must find a way to leave here as soon as possible. Even if he cannot leave for the time being, he must find a way to protect himself.

Lu Yu drove the golden elixir seeds in his body and launched the Escape Light.

In order to avoid exposing his whereabouts, he chose to fly close to the ground. Although this was much slower, it was undoubtedly safer.

He could vaguely sense that the fluctuations of the Star River Sword were at least a thousand miles away, but the direction of the fluctuations was still the direction the woman fled from before. This meant that the Star River Sword was probably still in the hands of that woman, and it should not be there yet. It will be snatched away by other strong men, otherwise the direction will definitely shift.

However, it is difficult to say how long this situation can last.

Lu Yu's journey was like wind, and he passed many villages along the way.

He found that even in these ordinary villages, there were faint powerful auras, as if strong men were sitting in command. This further verified his conjecture that even in an ordinary village, there were powerful auras. The strong men of the Golden Core Realm are sitting here, which shows that the level of cultivation in this world is obviously far higher than the original world.

When he sensed these powerful auras, the other party naturally sensed his presence, but did not attract special attention. Obviously, such a situation is already common in this world.

To be precise, at this moment in time, all this seemed normal, because Lu Yu soon discovered that there were many other strong people who were heading in the same direction as him. This was obviously not just a coincidence. So simple, it means that they are also here to chase the Galaxy Sword.

However, although the cultivation level of these people is much better than him, their speed is obviously much slower than him. Not to mention Lu Yu, the light escape speed of any real strong person from the eight major sects in the original world is faster than him. Much faster than these people.

It seems that this world is barren, perhaps not just for treasure resources...

Seeing this, Lu Yu stopped covering up, and simply jumped into the air, flying openly in front of these powerful natives.

Anyway, the further you go, the more people there will be. Sooner or later, you will be exposed. And the speed of these people is far inferior to yourself. Even if you discover your whereabouts, it will not be very difficult to get rid of them.

Suddenly, Lu Yu's whereabouts were exposed, attracting everyone's attention.

The surrounding strong indigenous people started shouting and yelling. Lu Yu didn't know what they were talking about specifically, but it was not difficult to guess from their expressions that they were obviously surprised that Lu Yu had clearly connected with the gold. How could he be so fast if he didn't even have Dan?

Lu Yu ignored everyone's surprise and continued to gallop forward, as fast as a meteor.

Not long after, a majestic mountain range shrouded in mist was in sight, and Lu Yu could sense the fluctuations of the Galaxy Sword more clearly.

"Are you hiding in this deep mountain? This is a good place to hide your tracks..." Lu Yu murmured to himself, "But these are completely useless to me."

With the bonding induction of the Galaxy Sword, no matter how complex the mountain terrain here is, he can accurately lock the opponent's position.

So Lu Yu didn't hesitate and rushed straight into the thick fog.

Lu Yu was not the only one in the mist. Just as he expected, many of the previous strong indigenous people had already chased here. However, when Lu Yu discovered them, most of them had lost their heads. There, under the mist was a bloody scene. It was not known whether there was a fight with the woman or the result of them fighting each other.

No matter what the situation is, this is a good thing for Lu Yu, and this situation is more suitable for him to fish in troubled waters.

Lu Yu kept moving through the fog, and suddenly a clanging sound of fighting came out.

He came closer and took a closer look, and sure enough, it was the woman who was using the Galaxy Sword to fight a group of golden elixir warriors.

Although the Galaxy Sword was extremely powerful, it was extremely difficult to use in her hands. Although everyone was still unable to do anything to her, she was clearly trapped in a tight siege.

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head. The reason why the woman was able to drive the Galaxy Sword was because he had unlocked part of the Galaxy Sword's power in advance. However, after all, she was not the real owner of the Galaxy Sword, and it was impossible for her to fully unleash the true power of the Galaxy Sword.

But looking at the situation at the scene, it was obvious that the two swords that Lu Yu had wielded remotely had given the woman such confidence that she wanted to take advantage of the dual advantages of the terrain and the magic weapon to defeat the pursuers behind her.

If she hadn't been so arrogant and had continued to run away, she wouldn't have been in this situation at all.

Sooner or later, the woman thought that the Galaxy Sword would be her trump card, but she didn't expect that this sword would become a drag on her.

After she swung the sword several times in succession, the effect of the attack was only unsatisfactory, but it made her panting from exhaustion.

The surrounding strong men also saw the clues at this time, knowing that the woman could not control this magic weapon at all, and they couldn't help but become more excited. They yelled in their mouths, and the siege offensive became more and more fierce.

In the blink of an eye, the woman's situation became precarious.

Lu Yu had no time to think about it, so he had no choice but to repeat his old trick and control the Galaxy Sword remotely again. With two swishes, the sword was as bright as a horse, and the sword energy soared into the sky.

The power this time was even more powerful than before. Firstly, Lu Yu had returned to his best condition. Secondly, this time he wanted to establish his power deliberately. The purpose was not only to repel the siege of everyone, but also to make everyone He was too timid to continue pursuing them, otherwise even if they killed all the people, there would still be a steady stream of other pursuers who would dare to come. I don't know how long this situation will last.

Suddenly a bloody light filled the air, and the besieging crowd was instantly cut into two pieces. Their heads were missing, and blood flowed into rivers. The originally chaotic situation immediately became peaceful.

Except for that woman, everyone around them had been killed with one sword.

The woman couldn't help but look dumbfounded, unable to believe that the divine sword in her hand could exert such power.

She had obviously exhausted all her efforts in sucking milk with little effect, but now she had achieved such amazing results without even using any effort. All this made her feel as unreal as if she was in a dream.

"Aren't you leaving yet? How long do you want to stay here?"

Seeing the woman standing there without any reaction, Lu Yu couldn't help but frowned again.

At this moment, a feeling of panic suddenly came over my heart.

Lu Yu's expression changed instantly. He knew that this was the aura of a real strong man, and his strength was far superior to the surrounding natives. Apparently because the power of the sword just now was too powerful, the spiritual power fluctuations it produced alarmed the top leaders in the nearby area. Strong.

It’s not a good place to stay for a long time!

Lu Yu was hesitating whether to show up and urge the woman, or to recall the Galaxy Sword and leave directly, but at this moment, the woman opposite suddenly fell softly.

It turned out that she had already reached the end of her strength, and she was completely exhausted and fainted.

Lu Yu immediately stopped hesitating and rushed out of the mist. He picked up the woman by the waist with one hand, held the spell with the other, and flew away with his sword.

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