Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1602 Agent

In a dense forest, the woman slowly woke up.

Soon, she showed a panicked expression, obviously not understanding why she suddenly came to such a strange place.

"What kind of place is this? Why...did I suddenly come here?" The woman looked around in panic and murmured to herself.

Of course, she spoke the indigenous language of this world, but this was no obstacle to Lu Yu, because he killed two strong indigenous people who came to stop him on the way, and also carefully studied their " Structure", not only the body parts, but also the brain parts.

As a result, he found that although the people in this world were slightly different from him in terms of structure, there was not much difference.

Think about it, this is normal. In the past, the five ancient heavenly tribes had their footprints all over the world. Most of the origins of today's human race are related to the five ancient heavenly tribes. In two completely different worlds, meeting people of similar race to yourself, this It's not that unbelievable. Maybe the natives of this world have similar origins to their original world, but because of the completely different laws of heaven and earth, the starting point of people's cultivation in this world is generally higher.

In addition to the physical part, there was also the mental part. He also conducted careful research. In addition to obtaining a large amount of memory information, he also naturally mastered the language of this world.

This is very unbelievable to others, but to Lu Yu, who has strong spiritual power, everything is logical.

"You're awake." Lu Yu said to the woman in the language of this world.

The woman was startled and turned around, only to realize that there was a person standing unexpectedly behind her.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" the woman said in surprise.

Lu Yu suddenly made a bewildered expression: "I am a hunter in this mountain. I saw you fainted in the mountains, so I took you out... Girl, you encountered some monster in the mountains. ?"

The woman was startled for a moment, then said with a strange expression: "Did you save me? Did you bring me here?"

Lu Yu shook his head quickly and said: "I was originally hunting in the nearby area, but for some reason, all the wild beasts here have disappeared today. I have been searching for a long time but found nothing. I was about to go home, but I didn't expect that I was suddenly caught by you, girl. This divine sword stopped..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yu suddenly pointed at the Galaxy Sword floating in the air next to him.

He knew that this matter was difficult to explain, so he put all the responsibility on Xinghe Sword. Anyway, Xinghe Sword would not jump out and violate his will.

"It was this divine sword that led me to the girl, and instructed me to carry the girl on my back, and then brought her all the way here under its guidance..."

"Instructions?" the woman asked in surprise.

Lu Yu showed an embarrassed expression and said: "It stopped in front of me and wouldn't let me leave. And judging from the situation at that time, if I didn't rescue the girl and leave, it would chop at me..."

The woman was startled again, but her expression gradually softened: "So, it was this sword that saved me..."

Although everything about this matter is unusual, this divine sword is inherently extraordinary. Several previous experiences have fully demonstrated this. After the woman was surprised for a moment, she soon began to accept this fact.

Lu Yu nodded in agreement: "There seem to be many people around who are looking for traces of the girl. Without its guidance, I wouldn't be able to get here... Girl, this magic sword of yours is really amazing!"

After all, he was just a newcomer to this world. If he wanted to achieve his goals here, he had to find a good entry point, and the woman in front of him was the entry point he chose.

The woman struggled to stand up from the ground, raised her hand to hold the Galaxy Sword in her hand again, and murmured to herself: " chose me?"

Just as Lu Yu expected, the woman was indeed suspicious of this matter, but the object of her suspicion was not Lu Yu, but the mysterious Galaxy Sword in front of her.

Because she would never have thought that the mountain hunter in front of her who didn't even have a golden elixir would be the real owner of this strange sword.

"What's your name? Why are you hunting here?" The woman turned around and asked.

"My name is A Feng." Lu Yu sighed and said, "Why else? It's naturally forced by life... If there are other ways to survive, who would be willing to go to such a dangerous place to make a living?"

By inquiring about the memories of the two powerful natives, Lu Yu knew that it was not that there were no cultivators below the Golden Core realm in this world, but only cultivators below the Golden Core realm. In this world, there were no human rights at all and they were completely exploited. The object is equivalent to a slave-like existence.

The only difference is whether the master they meet has a conscience or not. If they meet a master with a conscience, then life may be passable. If they meet a master without a conscience, then no matter what happens, it will not be surprising.

It is for this reason that Lu Yu is even more determined to use the Galaxy Sword to let women act as agents, because with his current cultivation level, there is no human rights at all in this world, and there are many inconveniences in doing so.

Sure enough, after hearing what Lu Yu said, the woman really did not continue to ask: "I am the princess of the West Sea Clan. Are you willing to follow me back to the West Sea... Don't worry, as long as you follow me back to the West Sea, I can't guarantee anything else, but at least life will definitely be much more comfortable than yours in this deep mountain forest!"

Lu Yu looked at the Galaxy Sword in the woman's hand and said helplessly: "Do I have the qualifications to refuse the girl?"

The woman smiled faintly and said: "You have also seen the power of this magic sword, so you should understand that my West Sea Clan will soon take off, and you will have an extremely bright future if you follow me!"

" Maybe in the near future, we will find an opportunity to help you form the golden elixir!" Lu Yu suddenly showed an ecstatic expression, and said incoherently: "Really, really... That's great! Girl... Ah, no, Miss! I am willing to follow you to the West Sea!" The woman smiled with satisfaction and nodded gently: "Since you have hunted in this mountain forest, you should be familiar with the surrounding terrain. Now take me away from here first!" "Ah... OK, OK! Please go this way, Miss!" After taking a few steps, the woman suddenly stopped in place, showing a weird expression. "What's wrong? Miss?" Lu Yu asked innocently. The woman showed a bit of embarrassment: "Carry me, I was injured before, and my strength has not recovered yet..." All of this was naturally within Lu Yu's calculations. He could have easily cured the woman's injuries. The reason why he didn't do this was to let her rely on him and not be able to easily get rid of him. "Oh... Yes, Miss!"

Lu Yu quickly carried the woman on his back and walked towards the depths of the dense forest.

"By the way, Miss, I don't know your name yet..."

"Fu Jing."

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