Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1603 Xihai City

Lu Yu carried Fu Jing on his back, hiding his traces among the mountains and ridges, and walked all the way through.

During this period, they encountered several waves of strong men who came to search for them, but under Lu Yu's super spiritual sense, they all managed to avoid them without any risk.

Of course, Lu Yu did not show his spiritual sense in front of Fu Jing, but used the Galaxy Sword to issue an early warning, giving all the credit to the Galaxy Sword.

Fu Jing is not without suspicion about this. Why did the Galaxy Sword not respond at all along the way before, but it suddenly warned in advance... If it had warned in advance like this before, then she would not have fallen into trouble. The situation is under siege...

However, she never imagined that the real troublemaker behind all this was "A Feng" beside her. She could only blame everything on the unknown changes in this divine sword.

Two days later, a towering city was in sight.

"Is this the legendary Xihai City?" Lu Yu looked at the outline of the city in the distance and said with slight surprise.

"How is it? Isn't it shocking?"

Fu Jing lay on Lu Yu's back and spoke.

"There are very few people who are not shocked by its majesty and grandeur when they see our Xihai City for the first time..."

Lu Yu nodded blankly, looking shocked.

He was indeed a little shocked, but it was not because he was shocked by the scale and momentum of this majestic city, but because the architectural style of this majestic city had many similarities with Lu Yu's original world architectural style. , so that for a while Lu Yu couldn't help but have the illusion of returning to his original world.

However, after taking a closer look, Lu Yu discovered that these similar styles actually had the same source, which was the "Heavenly Court" force once controlled by the Storm Clan.

After silently comparing it in his mind, Lu Yu became more and more certain of his conjecture.

It seems that both the original world and this sky-viewing world have been deeply influenced by the Storm Clan.

"Let's go! Don't be in a daze here. I promise to open your eyes even more when we get to the city!"

Fu Jing patted Lu Yu on the shoulder and urged.

Lu Yu came to his senses, said nothing, carried Fu Jing on his back and continued to stride towards the majestic city.

It didn't take long for a strong sense of oppression to hit them, and the majestic city was already in front of them.

"Take the small door next to it!" Fu Jing instructed again.

Lu Yu asked doubtfully: "Why don't you go through the main entrance? Didn't the lady say that you are the princess of the Xihai tribe, isn't it still safe here?"

Fu Jing said: "It's true that I am the princess of the Xihai tribe, but I am not the only daughter of my father. The relationship between us brothers and sisters is not as harmonious as ordinary people..."

Lu Yu nodded clearly: "Then where are we going?"

A flash of light flashed in Fu Jing's eyes: "Go to my mother first. She will definitely ensure our safety. We will wait until my injury recovers!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

In the princely family, there are power disputes, and there is no warmth and silence at all...

It seems that there is not much difference between the original world and the current sky-viewing world.

Lu Yu followed the instructions and walked to the small door next to him. Under Fu Jing's guidance, he stuffed half a piece of gold into the gate guard and lied to him that he was bringing his seriously ill wife into the city for medical treatment.

They had disguised themselves with this identity many times along the way, without arousing any suspicion, and successfully entered Xihai City.

This process was also a very rare experience for Lu Yu. The guards at these city gates were obviously at the Golden Core level. He didn't expect to be interested in worldly gold and silver. This was unimaginable in his original world. things.

However, something even more unimaginable was yet to come...

After entering the city, I saw that the people walking in the streets and alleys were all cultivators of the Golden Elixir realm and above. Even if they were just peddlers and lackeys, they all had a formed Golden Elixir...

This place is like a city formed by the gathering of powerful people in the Golden Core Realm.

Although Lu Yu had already expected this, when he actually saw this scene, it still gave him a great shock.

He soon discovered a pattern among them. Although the people here all had strength above the Golden Core realm, they were also divided into three, six or nine levels according to the different grades of the Golden Core.

Most of the peddlers and foot soldiers here, or other city residents who are engaged in low-level jobs, are of lower third-grade gold elixir quality.

People with the third-grade golden elixir are much more luxuriously dressed and look very respectable. They can be regarded as the middle class here.

As for the quality of the third-grade golden elixir, it is very rare. Occasionally, one or two appear. They are all covered with nobles and exude the aura of a superior person, which is not much different from the Fu Jing he carries on his body.

It seems that even in this world where golden elixirs are everywhere, those with top golden elixirs are rare.

After looking around, he didn't even see the legendary super-grade golden elixir expert.

According to the Bixiao Shrine, the scene of the nine-star Qianmo shown in the golden elixir seeds in Lu Yu's body is exactly the appearance of a super-grade golden elixir.

I don’t know what kind of status I can get in this world when I complete the elixir?

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? Is it an eye-opener?"

Fu Jing said proudly.

She thought Lu Yu was shocked by the magnificent buildings in front of him, but little did she know that for Lu Yu, who had seen the ruins of the ancient city of Wuyun, the buildings here were nothing at all. There was another reason that really shocked him.

"As expected of Xihai City, my eyes have been opened now!" Lu Yu replied in agreement.

After a while, the two came to a magnificent building.

"Stop! Untouchable! Is this where you should be?"

The guard at the door blocked the two people's way and yelled at Lu Yu.

Fu Jing straightened her slender waist, straightened up on Lu Yu's back, pulled down her hood, revealing a beautiful face.

"It's me." She said in a low voice.

The guard was stunned for a moment, and after taking a closer look, he was shocked: "Miss Jing? Is it you? Are you back?"

"Open the door! Don't make any noise!" Fu Jing shouted.

"Yes Yes!"

Fu Jing pulled up her hood again, continued to lie behind Lu Yu, and quietly entered the mansion under the escort of guards.

It wasn't until she entered a courtyard in the inner courtyard that she pulled down her hood again, revealing her true face.

"Go tell Madam that I'm back... She can only be told to one person about this! If the news leaks out, I'll skin you!" Fu Jing warned sternly.

"Yes Yes!"

The guard quickly stumbled out.

It wasn't until the guard's figure disappeared outside the courtyard gate that Fu Jing breathed a long sigh of relief: "Finally we're home safely... Ah Feng, you've worked hard along the way, please take a rest here first!"

Lu Yu looked around and said, "Miss, if I'm not wrong, this should be your residence. I'm afraid there's something wrong with me staying here..."

Fu Jing said: "There's nothing wrong... You saved my life. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to get back here safely... I will never treat you badly!"

Lu Yu knew that these words were somewhat insincere. The main reason why she kept her was to put her under house arrest to prevent herself from leaking the news.

Lu Yu didn't say anything, and said with tears of gratitude: "Thank you, Miss! It's my blessing to meet Miss! I am willing to follow Miss to the death!"

Fu Jing was very pleased, nodded with satisfaction and said: "You should retreat first! Then we can have a good rest for a while!"

Lu Yu apologized and retreated.

However, when he was choosing a room in Yiyan's courtyard, a burst of laughter suddenly came in.

"My dear seventh sister, I heard that you are back?"

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