Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1604: Raising troops to investigate crimes

Along with the long smile, a burst of rapid footsteps came.

Lu Yu didn't care to continue choosing a room, and quickly turned around and walked out of the house, only to see a group of people rushing into the courtyard in a hurry.

The leader was a man with gorgeous clothes and an imposing manner. The appearance of the golden elixir was extremely outstanding, and its quality was not inferior to that of Fu Jing.

"Third brother? Why are you here?" Fu Jing said in surprise.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

It seems that this person should be the third young master of Xihai City. From Fu Jing's reaction, it cannot be seen that this person must be an uninvited guest. The reason why she entered the city quietly is that this third young master may be the one who needs to be guarded against. one.

"I heard that Qimei, Qimei, was seriously injured from Fenghe Province. How could I not come and see for myself?" The man narrowed his eyes and said, "How about it? My dear Qimei, your injury shouldn't be serious, right?"

Fu Jing sneered and said, "Thank you, Third Brother, for your concern, but... what you really want to care about is not just my injuries, right?"

The man laughed loudly: "What did Qimei say? You and I are close relatives of flesh and blood, can my concern for you still be false?"

"But there have been some rumors in the world recently, saying that when you were exploring the miraculous site in Fenghe State, you had an adventure and received a magic sword... Brother Wei is very curious about this, and I don't know what this matter is. True or false?"

Fu Jing's two beautiful faces raised her eyebrows slightly: "So what if it's true? So what if it's false?"

Before the man could speak, a middle-aged man suddenly walked out from behind the man and snorted: "Fu Jing, if you really have the divine sword in your hand, hand it over as soon as possible!"

Fu Jing raised his eyebrows again, but his expression turned serious: "Fourth uncle? Is it you? No wonder Fu Tiansheng came here so quickly. It turns out it was fourth uncle and you were supporting him behind his back!"

Fourth Uncle Fu said coldly: "All the city guards in Xihai City are under my command. Do you think you can deceive me with your little tricks? The Fenghezhou Divine Sword has appeared, and this sword finally fell into the hands of our Xihai City. , this matter is now known to everyone, this matter is too big for you to handle, you should hand over the divine sword immediately and let us handle it uniformly in Xihai City!"

Fu Jing said: "This is indeed a big deal...but why do I have to hand over this sword? Can't I represent Xihai City? Can't this matter be solved with this sword in my hand?"

Fu Tiansheng said: "So, you have already admitted that this sword is in your hand? Fourth uncle, why bother talking nonsense to her anymore? Let's take the divine sword away first!"

With that said, he strode forward and quickly forced himself in front of Fu Jing.

Fu Jing's eyes turned cold: "Fu Tiansheng, you want to use force on me? You don't even look at where this place is, how dare you do it here?"

Fu Tiansheng sneered: "On normal days, I would naturally be wary of that vixen, but now is an extraordinary time, not the time for mother-in-law and mother-in-law... What's more, she is not around now. If you want to rely on her for support, I'm afraid it's... Wrong calculation!"

After saying that, Fu Tiansheng suddenly drew out the long sword from his waist, twisted it, and immediately released a shining sword light, completely covering Fu Jing.

This offensive was extremely powerful, and Fu Jing was already seriously injured. His injuries never really recovered, and he was about to be completely swept away by the sword light.

However, just when she was about to be completely swallowed by the sword light, a powerful momentum suddenly surged, and the energy suddenly exploded from the inside out.

Fu Tiansheng was instantly thrown away, and the shining sword light also disappeared in an instant.

The place where he originally stood was replaced by a shining Galaxy Sword.

The initiator of all this was naturally Lu Yu, but he did not stand openly in front of everyone, but cooperated with Fu Jing's actions to complete the counterattack against Fu Tiansheng.

Fu Jing was completely unaware of the abnormality, and completely thought that he was controlling the divine sword with his own strength.

"You are the one who made the wrong calculation... Do you think this divine sword will be handed over casually? If it were that easy, would I be able to bring it back here?"

Fu Jing looked back at everyone with cold eyes.

"Do you want to go and find out first what happened to those who wanted to take advantage of this divine sword along the way? Why did I fight all the way back to Xihai City?"

There was total silence.

Everyone, including Fourth Uncle Fu, had a look of horror on their faces. Apparently they had never expected that this divine sword would have such amazing power. At this time, Fu Jing was still seriously injured. If she waited until her injuries were fully If it recovers, what will it be like?

"Fourth Uncle, do you think I am qualified to represent Xihai City with this sword strike just now?" Fu Jing asked coldly.

Fourth Uncle Fu's expression was gloomy and uncertain.

"Or, Fourth Uncle, are you going to come forward and try it yourself?" Fu Jing said again, "To be honest, I just got this sword and I haven't figured out its performance yet. If I can't hold it for a while, If you stop, don’t blame me!”

Fourth Uncle Fu's expression became even more ugly, but he still did not move.

"A Feng, see the guests off!"

Fu Jing turned to Lu Yu and ordered.

"Now, I need to have a good rest. If anyone breaks into my courtyard again, I will kill them without mercy!"

Lu Yu quickly rushed over at a trot.

He had already seen that Fu Jing was at the end of his strength at this time. Although the sword just now was actually remotely controlled by him from behind, it still brought a lot of burden to Fu Jing. After all, she was the direct The carrier of the Galaxy Sword, but the power contained in the Galaxy Sword was far beyond what she could bear.

"Everyone, please!"

Lu Yu stood in front of everyone and said neither humble nor arrogant.

"You all heard what my young lady said just now. If you continue to stay here and disturb my young lady, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Everyone present was a strong man in the Golden Core realm, and most of them had middle-grade or above Golden Core. On normal days, a guy like Lu Yu who didn't even have a Golden Core would not even be qualified to talk to them.

But at this moment, facing Lu Yu's strong expulsion, they did not say a word.

These people were naturally not afraid of Lu Yu, but of the Galaxy Sword in Fu Jing's hand behind him.

"You were the one who escorted Miss Seven all the way back from Fenghe Prefecture?" Fourth Uncle Fu asked casually.

"Yes, it's me." Lu Yu met the other person's gaze and said calmly: "My name is A Feng."

The last trace of courage in Fourth Uncle Fu's heart finally disappeared.

Seeing that the other party's servant, who didn't even have a golden elixir, was so confident, he completely gave up his determination to fight to the death.

"A Feng...very good, you are fine..."

Fourth Uncle Fu nodded silently, turned around and left the courtyard.

The rest of the people also left one after another.

Only Fu Tiansheng looked at Fu Jing in the middle of the yard reluctantly, and snorted coldly: "Don't think that it will be over, the elder brother will be back soon, let's see if you can withstand the test of the elder brother!"

After saying that, he got up from the ground, ignoring the dust all over his body, and hurriedly chased him out.

Lu Yu always stood where he was, quietly watching everyone go away.

It wasn't until everyone's figures disappeared completely that he turned around and walked back to Fu Jing.

Fu Jing's body went limp and he was about to faint.

Lu Yu, with quick eyes and quick hands, quickly helped her back to the house.

Once inside the house, Fu Jing opened her eyes again and said, "You performed very well just now... Aren't you afraid?"

Lu Yu blinked and said, "The experience of hunting in the forest taught me that the more ferocious prey you face, the more calm you must be, otherwise the end will be catastrophic."

Fu Jing nodded and seemed very satisfied, but soon her expression changed again and she said: "We are in trouble..."

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