Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1609 Mrs. Ru

"Captain Horse! Captain Horse!"

Everyone was in disbelief and shouted in vain.

However, Mardon, who was lying on the ground, was completely unresponsive, leaving only a bright red blood stain slowly spreading on the ground.

In a depressing atmosphere, the graduation piece fell out again and slowly rolled back to Lu Yu's feet.

Lu Yu bent down and picked up the moonstone, turned to look at the people in front of him, and said calmly: "What I did today was based on Miss Jing's order. Anyone who dares to stop me will be an enemy of Miss Jing... Who else wants to come up and taste the Moonstone?"

This group of people were originally very aggressive and came just to hunt down Lu Yu, but at this moment, Lu Yu showed far more ferocity than them, and everyone couldn't help but be calmed down by him for a moment.

The scene was completely silent, and no one dared to speak out.

Lu Yu smiled, turned back to Manager Zhong and said, "Let's go!"

After saying that, he walked past everyone in a swaggering manner.

Manager Zhong was trembling with fear, his heart was in his throat, but in this situation, he could only follow Lu Yu until it was dark, and quickly followed him.

As expected, no one stopped them, and the two quickly passed through the crowd and walked away.

But Manager Zhong knew that this matter would never end like this. He only felt as if a drum was being beaten hard in his chest.

"Master Feng, why are you so impulsive...Oh, you are in trouble now!" Manager Zhong was sweating profusely.

Lu Yu shrugged indifferently: "What trouble can there be? Don't worry, the moon-closing stone that the lady gave me is really useful. No matter who dares to come to stop us, they can't stop us."

Manager Zhong was speechless: "If only it were that simple, I'm afraid both the young lady and the madam will be in big trouble!"

"How could it be?" Lu Yu smiled, "I can't guarantee what the situation will be like on Madam's side, but Miss will definitely not be in trouble. The only ones who will be in trouble are those who come to trouble Miss!"

"Huh? Where do you start talking about this..."

The smile on Lu Yu's face became more and more mysterious: "Do you think the young lady is still the same young lady? This time in Fenghe Province, the young lady has been chosen by the God of Destiny. Otherwise, do you think that just by relying on this moon-closing stone, you can succeed?" Is there such power?"

Manager Zhong was stunned: "Huh? What do you mean? Could it be that what you just used was not just the power of the moon stone?"

Lu Yu smiled and said nothing, just patted his shoulder gently.

"Manager Cai is right about what he said. Xihai City is indeed going to change soon!"

After saying that, he continued to stride forward.

This ordinary sentence immediately set off a huge wave in Guanshi Zhong's heart. He just felt that his whole body was constantly rising and falling as if he was in the clouds.

Naturally, he also heard some rumors about Fu Jing in Fenghe Province, and knew that she was attracting attention from all parties precisely because she obtained a magic weapon that appeared in a miracle, and he had also seen Fu Jing with his own eyes. The divine sword in Jing's hand...

But he couldn't believe that the divine sword in Fu Jing's hand actually had the power to subvert the entire Xihai City.

But Lu Yu's tone was so firm that he couldn't help but not believe it.

Manager Zhong was confused all the way and didn't know how he returned to Mrs. Ru's courtyard.

At this time, Mrs. Ru, the original owner of this courtyard, had rushed back, but Fu Jing had fallen into a coma due to her injuries.

When the two returned to the courtyard to recover, Mrs. Ru was doing simple treatment on Fu Jing's injuries. However, it was obvious that her medical skills were only average and could not fundamentally solve Fu Jing's injuries. question.

"You are the one who came back with Jing'er? Your name is...A Feng, right?"

Mrs. Ru stood in front of Fu Jing's bed, with her back to Lu Yu and Guanshi Zhong, and turned back to Lu Yu.

The first time the two met each other's eyes, Lu Yu was really shocked.

He didn't expect Mrs. Ru to be so young and beautiful. Standing next to Fu Jing, she didn't look like mother and daughter at all, but like a pair of sisters.

Fu Jing's appearance is already the best in the world, but she didn't expect that this Mrs. Ru is even more perfect than her own daughter. In addition to her impeccable appearance, this Mrs. Ru has something more like the smoke from the Jiangnan water town. Her willow-like gentle temperament made her whole person look full of charm.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly felt deeply about what Fu Tiansheng had called Mrs. Ru before.


This woman was so beautiful that it was difficult for anyone who saw her not to have reverie. Even Lu Yu's Taoist heart was so stable that he couldn't help but feel a subtle flutter at this moment.

"Madam, it's me." Lu Yu replied, standing straight and holding his fists.

Mrs. Ru nodded slightly, and a flash of approval flashed in her watery eyes: "Sure enough, he is a talented person. Although he has not produced a golden elixir for the time being, his potential in the future is unlimited. He is not the kind of natural waste with blocked spiritual roots. Material... No wonder Jing'er took you as his confidant. It was thanks to you along the way that Jing'er was able to return safely. As Jing'er's mother, I am very grateful for your help to Jing'er..."

As she spoke, she bowed slightly to Lu Yu, and the waist branch she held in her hands showed a graceful arc.

Lu Yu said: "Madam, you are so polite... It is my opportunity and blessing to be able to meet Miss Jing and gain her trust."

Mrs. Ru's eyes seemed to be full of autumn waves, she looked at Lu Yu without blinking, and said: "I just came back for a while, and I didn't even say a few words to Jing'er before she passed out... She said you have a way to treat her. The injuries on the body, I don’t know if this is true or not?”

Lu Yu said: "You can't say it's my method. It's actually the method taught by the divine sword in the lady's hand. However, when the lady was referring to the details, I happened to be lucky enough to witness it, so I have some understanding of this method..."

With that said, Lu Yu recounted the story of how Xinghe Sword taught him the pill formula.

Of course, it is from a third-person perspective, never mentioning that he is the initiator of all this.

"Is this happening?"

Mrs. Ru's beautiful eyes were filled with ripples of brilliance: "The method of alchemy... I didn't expect that the magic sword Jing'er harvested this time would have such a magical function..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "The power of this divine sword does not stop there. If it had not been guided by it, I would not have been able to lead the young lady to break through the encirclement... Next, please wait and see, madam!"

Mrs. Ru's eyes revealed a look of joy: "Then what should we do next? You must have an idea, right?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Madam, please let me give it a try!"

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