Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1610 Void Alchemy

Under Lu Yu's command, the site was quickly cleared.

Manager Zhong followed Lu Yu's instructions and filled the floor with materials taken from the warehouse.

Looking at the dazzling array of materials, Mrs. Ru's eyes narrowed slightly and asked: "You actually brought so many materials from the warehouse, I'm afraid it's not easy, right?"

Manager Zhong couldn't help but smile bitterly. The experience along the way was not only not easy. At this time, everyone in the City Lord's Mansion was in a state of panic. I believe that the news will soon spread here...

"Fortunately, there are indeed some people who want to obstruct it. According to Manager Zhong, they are all members of the eldest son... But thanks to what the lady gave me, those people have been sent away!"

With that said, Lu Yu took out the moon-closing stone again.

Although the blood stains on it have been wiped clean, the remaining bloody smell is still exposed in front of a master like Mrs. Ru.

"It... it seems that this journey should be exciting." Mrs. Ru was startled, "Don't worry, you are a person Jing'er trusts, and you are acting on Jing'er's orders. I will take care of this for you! "

"Madam..." Manager Zhong quickly tried to persuade her, reminding her that the seriousness of this matter was far beyond her imagination.

However, before he could finish speaking, he was immediately stopped by Mrs. Ru's stern eyes.

"Manager Zhong, there is no need to say more. I know the seriousness of this matter. They have all come to the door openly. Do you think there will be room for easing this matter?"

Manager Zhong was stunned and immediately shut up and stopped talking.

Mrs. Ru turned her attention to Lu Yu again and said, "Xiao Feng, don't worry, I can't guarantee the rest, but at least during the period when you are treating Jing'er, I can guarantee that no one can disturb you."

The two looked at each other again, and in her eyes, there was clearly a kind of wisdom that could understand the world and the courage to move forward.

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly startled. It seemed that Mrs. Ru had more than just her perfect appearance. No wonder she was able to occupy a place in the complicated situation of Xihai City.

"Thank you, madam. I will do my best to rescue the young lady." Lu Yu responded.

Soon, all the materials were laid out, and Lu Yu motioned to Manager Zhong and Mrs. Ru to step aside.

Mrs. Ru asked curiously: "Are you going to start practicing alchemy right here?"


"But how to solve the problem of the alchemy furnace? Do you have an alchemy furnace?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "I don't have it, but the lady does."

Mrs. Ru was surprised: "Jing'er...she has a pill furnace?"

Lu Yu took a deep breath, turned around and smiled: "Madam, please wait and see!"

After saying that, I saw him raising his hands above his head and murmuring: "Excalibur, Excalibur, I have prepared all the materials according to your request. Now please use your magical power immediately. You must be my lady!"

Mrs. Ru and Manager Zhong on the side couldn't help but feel stunned. How dare Lu Yu actually be praying to the Divine Sword?

Is it possible that this divine sword can also create an alchemy furnace?

Just when the two of them were in doubt, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound, and the Galaxy Sword flew up from Fu Jing's side, suspended in the mid-air, dancing rapidly, casting down brilliant lights and shadows.

The mottled brilliance connected together and intertwined into the image of an alchemy furnace out of thin air.

This is an alchemy furnace made of light and shadow!

Mrs. Ru, Manager Zhong, and all the servants in the courtyard could not help but marvel. They did not expect that this divine sword could have such an effect.

All of this is naturally the result of Lu Yu's manipulation behind the scenes. The power of the Galaxy Realm is so powerful, and its internal array structure is so complicated. It is naturally not that difficult to evolve the light and shadow image of an alchemy furnace.

However, such an alchemy furnace is just superficial. In fact, there is no real effect of the alchemy furnace. It's just that the people around them don't know this at all, but they are deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

Just when everyone was in shock, Lu Yu looked like he had some enlightenment and strode to the front of the alchemy furnace.

Then, with the magic formula in his hand, he began to operate the alchemy furnace in front of him.

He tried the alchemy furnace in front of the numbers one after another before finally reacting, and suddenly a raging fire ignited.

This was naturally because Lu Yu was deliberately hiding his clumsiness. He just wanted to perform such a double act with Xinghe Sword.

Then, he put the neatly arranged materials into the alchemy furnace one by one according to the established order.

Although the alchemy furnace is fake, his alchemy techniques are not fake. With the exquisite power of red lotus, it is no problem for him to purify the medicine and convert it into nitrogen even without independent assistance.

When he was in Da Luo Holy Land, he was already able to use the heaven and earth as a furnace to give a "rain of elixirs" to all the disciples of Da Luo Holy Land, and said that it was "a gift from the saint."

Of course, this method can only be used to refine simple primary elixirs. If it were to use the real high-level elixirs from the Lotus Alchemy Sutra, this method would never work.

For Lu Yu, the healing elixir refined for Fu Jing was definitely not that high-end.

But how can these people around me see through this? For people in this world, being able to master some basic alchemy skills is already very valuable. Who would have thought that there would be someone like Lu Yu.

Therefore, including Mrs. Ru, they only regarded this as a miracle performed by the Divine Sword, and Lu Yu just received the guidance of the Divine Sword by chance, and thus carried out various operations step by step.

The truth is too incredible, and this is the only way they can understand it.

Even to this extent, everyone's jaws almost dropped in shock.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In fact, considering Lu Yu's current level of cultivation, it would not take much time to refine such an elixir. However, considering the psychological endurance of the surrounding audience, he decided to delay it for as long as possible.

After all, as a good-for-nothing Afeng, it was his first time to perform such an operation. If he acted too relaxedly, it would be unreasonable.

Gradually, more and more people gathered around, not only the servants of Mrs. Ru's house, but also some masters who obviously came from outside, and the quality of the golden elixir in their bodies was quite good.

Mrs. Ru did not stop all this, maybe she herself was too carried away by it.

However, he did not break his promise to Lu Yu, because these people did not disturb Lu Yu.

Everyone who came to the scene was deeply shocked by the scene before them, and even forgot to communicate with each other.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lu Yu was hesitating on how to end it all.

But at this moment, a powerful pressure suddenly came.

A master has arrived, and this time a real master has arrived.

Lu Yu resisted his inner impulse and did not turn around to check the source of the powerful pressure behind him.

But he knew in his heart that everything that should come would eventually come.

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