Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1615 Becoming a Big Tree

"Jinger, how are you?"

Mrs. Ru was the first to break the silence.

After all, she had withstood the attack from Bird Atlas head-on. Her face was already pale, but she was still the first to care about her daughter's condition.

Her worries were not unnecessary. The effects of force were reciprocal. The divine sword had killed the ancient elder with overwhelming force, and even the golden elixir did not leave any traces. Its backlash must be very powerful.

"I'm fine..." Fu Jing looked at the blood mist surrounding him with confusion, "Mother, is this some kind of novel technique?"

Mrs. Ru looked at the divine sword in her hand and slowly shook her head: "This is not any magic."

Fu Jing looked shocked: "Could it be that... Elder Gu is really dead?"

Mrs. Ru gently flicked the thick bloody mist in front of her with her hand, and said: "I can't die anymore."

Fu Jing was speechless for a moment.

At this time, Lu Yu stood over, clasped his fists and bowed: "Congratulations, Miss, Miss Congratulations! Miss is indeed the chosen one. It seems that the combination of power between you and the Divine Sword has become closer!"

Fu Jing lowered his head and looked at the sword in his hand carefully.

The sword was gleaming with brilliance, and the circles of brilliant light seemed to be even more brilliant than the stars in the sky. The light shone on her beautiful face, but revealed a trace of confusion.

"Are you saying that Divine Sword chose me? But why on earth is this..."

Lu Yu spread his hands: "I think there are not so many reasons in this world. The young lady appeared in the right place at the right time, and she naturally became the chosen one..."

"Just like when I happened to meet the lady, it was a complete coincidence. Otherwise, if another person had appeared in the deep mountains at that time, maybe nothing would have happened to me, A Feng..."

Fu Jing remained silent, lowering his head and lost in thought.

Mrs. Ru turned her head and looked at Lu Yu, with a profound look in her eyes: "Xiao Feng's skills are very agile. I didn't even think of that moment just now. If you hadn't interfered with Elder Gu in time, maybe at this time It’s a different scene…”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little shocked. He didn't expect that in the situation just now, this woman could still notice his movements.

Feeling the depth in her watery eyes, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little suspicious at this moment. If he hadn't taken action just now, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been controlled by the ancient elder's bird album.

This point is not unfounded. From the surface, it seems that the golden elixir in her body does not reach the level of the ancient elder's great golden elixir monk. At least Lu Yu did not see that there is as much golden elixir in her body as the great golden elixir monk. There are signs of the combination of the Dan law and the power of Tiangang Earthly Evil. According to common sense, she should not be the opponent of the ancient elder at all.

But as early as the moment Elder Gu showed up, she was already able to face Elder Gu head-on, fight on equal terms, and not be at a disadvantage in the slightest.

Therefore, this charming woman is not as simple as she seems on the surface, and her true strength cannot be judged by what she sees on the surface.

"Interesting, I didn't expect this woman to be so hidden. Even I couldn't see through it for a while..." Lu Yu said silently in his heart.

He secretly speculated that all this might be related to the secrets mentioned by the ancient elder just now. For some special reason, Mrs. Ru had to hide her identity and whereabouts, so she did not finally explode completely.

These thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's mind in just a moment.

At this time, facing Mrs. Ru's scrutinizing eyes, Lu Yu looked calm and said: "Madam, you are so complimentary. All these skills of mine are honed by hunting in the mountains for many years. There are often large monsters in the mountains. I My cultivation level is already low. If I didn’t have any agility, I might have been killed by monsters. In fact, these are just instinctive reactions..."

Mrs. Ru said nothing, and the scrutiny in her eyes did not diminish at all. It was obvious that she did not think things would be as simple as Lu Yu said.

But no matter how hard she thought, she would never think of Lu Yu's true origin and the initiator behind all this.

Fu Jing on the side didn't think too much. Lu Yu had given her many surprises along the way, and the biggest surprise was the divine sword in her hand. Compared with these, Lu Yu's performance was just ordinary.

"Mom, what should we do now?"

Fu Jing said in confusion.

If what the ancient elder said just now is true, then there are powerful people from all walks of life gathered in Xihai City at this time, and the purpose of these people coming here is naturally self-evident.

Moreover, even if there were no such threats, just now she killed the law enforcement elder of Xihai City with one sword. Just for this incident, it was impossible for everyone to let her go.

"How about... we just leave here?"

Mrs. Ru thought for a moment and said, "It's not the right time yet."

Fu Jing glanced at her, showing an expression that he was hesitant to speak.

Although she is the seventh young lady of Xihai City, Xihai City's heir selection system is destined to make her feel little family affection in the big family. The only person she feels close to is her biological mother.

"Mother, is what Elder Gu said just now true? Do you really have some reason why you can't leave here?"

Mrs. Ru sighed faintly: "Jing'er, I don't want to hide anything from you, but now I know that these things are harmful to you. When the time is right, I will tell you everything..."

"When is the right time?" Fu Jing asked.

"At least, after you become the Lord of Xihai City..."

Fu Jing was also smart as ice and snow. She rolled her eyes and said, "So, mother does have something to blame in father's hands. Only if I take her place as the new city lord can I solve this trouble for mother, right?"

Without waiting for Mrs. Ru to answer, she continued: "Okay! If that's the case, then I'll try my best to fight for it! By the way, I'll also see if I'm really the one chosen by the Divine Sword!"

"A Feng, let's go!"

After saying that, she picked up a piece of armor scattered on the ground, held the divine sword in her hand, and strode outside.

Lu Yu was startled and quickly asked: "Miss, where are we going?"

Fu Jing didn't even look back: "There are currently five heirs in Xihai City. As long as the other four are eliminated, I will naturally be the next city lord... Now, let's start with the eldest son who has the loudest voice! "

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned. He didn't expect Fu Jing to change so drastically and become so decisive all of a sudden.

But think about it, this is normal. Fu Jing's performance just now was just that he was shocked by the power of the Galaxy Sword. He had not adapted to it for a while. Now that he has accepted this fact calmly, everything has changed naturally.

Anyway, the heirs of Xihai City must have long wanted to get rid of each other, but they just didn't have the ability to do it. There is no tenderness and silence in the power dispute.

"That's fine... I originally wanted to use the big tree behind her to find a place to stay temporarily. Since this big tree is unreliable, then let her become a big tree by herself!"

Lu Yu said silently in his heart, and then quickly followed.

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