Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1616: Go straight to the point

"Miss, wait for me, your speed is too fast, I can't even keep up..."

Lu Yu shouted loudly behind Fu Jing.

He wasn't hiding his clumsiness on purpose this time. After the golden elixir was transformed, Fu Jing's speed was obviously a level higher than before.

Unless Lu Yu recklessly displays such exquisite Taoist techniques as "Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape", it will be really difficult to catch up with Fu Jing for a while.

As expected, Fu Jing paused and stopped where he was.

After Lu Yu caught up, she suddenly flicked her long sleeves, wrapped them around Lu Yu's arms, and pulled him forward quickly.

The whole journey was like flying, and only the whistling wind could be heard in my ears.

"Miss, are we going to kill them directly like this? No need for the madam to come over to suppress the situation?" Lu Yu asked.

Mrs. Ru was originally going to chase after her, but after enduring the attack of the Bird Atlas from Elder Gu head-on, she still suffered some internal injuries, which had a serious impact on her actions, so she was unable to catch up.

Fu Jing shook her head and said: "Although my mother never mentioned it to me, I have always felt that she actually has something very serious on her mind..."

"Before, I always thought that she was worried about the power struggle in Xihai City because of my status as heir, but it wasn't until today that I realized that there was a deeper reason behind this..."

"Over the years, I have grown up completely under the protection of my mother. She has done a lot for me... This time, I want to try what I can achieve with my own strength. !”

As she said that, she turned to look at Lu Yu and continued:

"This is indeed a very risky operation, Afeng, if you are not willing to go with me, it is still too late to turn back now..."

Lu Yu didn't even think about it and said with a smile: "Miss, what are you talking about? We have gone through so many dangers along the way, how could I leave you at this time?"

"Besides, I don't think this is risky. I have confidence in you, Miss, and I have confidence in the divine sword in Miss's hand!"

Fu Jing seemed to be infected by Lu Yu's smile, and smiled: "A Feng, thank you..."

In fact, she couldn't even explain why she wanted to take Lu Yu with her at the beginning. He obviously didn't even have a golden elixir...

Now, she finally knew why.

It is precisely because of her escape experience and Lu Yu's various outstanding performances that she has a very reliable feeling. Unknowingly, Lu Yu has become a kind of spiritual support for her.

At first, she decided to attack the eldest son Fu Tianlin. This was completely an impulsive decision. When she walked out of her mother's courtyard, she was actually hesitant in her heart.

But after Lu Yu's encouragement, her heart immediately settled down.

The two soon arrived at the City Lord's Mansion again.

This time they were not heading towards the warehouse, but straight to the political hall in the center of the city lord's palace.

They don't know the specific location of the eldest son Fu Tianlin, but if people from all forces are really gathering at this time, then Fu Tianlin is probably dealing with these people in the political affairs hall at this time.

This idea was soon confirmed.

Before they even got close to the Political Affairs Hall, the surrounding security levels had become extremely strict, obviously exceeding the normal standards. This could only mean that something big was happening in the Political Affairs Hall at this time.

"Stop! Stop the idlers in the important place of the Political Office!"

A group of guards with bright armor stopped in front of the two people and said.

"How outrageous! Miss Jing is here, who dares to stop her!"

Lu Yu roared angrily and threw the moon-closing stone in his hand directly towards the guard in front of him.

Suddenly a strong wind roared out, and the group of guards was knocked away.

This is the reason why Lu Yu kept his hand, otherwise these people would probably suffer the same fate as Manager Cai and Captain Ma before them.

The closed moon stone circled in the air and flew back again, like a boomerang, and was firmly caught by Lu Yu in his hand.

Fu Jing was shocked: "You actually..."

Lu Yu smiled and did not conceal his improvement in strength: "Thanks to you, Miss, I have also received the guidance of the Divine Sword, but compared with your improvement, Miss, this is nothing..."

Fu Jing immediately stopped talking. At this time, she had already noticed the significant changes in her golden elixir. Indeed, compared with her own improvement, Lu Yu's brute strength could only be regarded as insignificant.

"Is this the token I gave you for you to use like this?" Fu Jing said speechlessly.

Lu Yu touched his nose in embarrassment: "I have never practiced any special techniques. These are all wild paths I discovered while hunting in the mountains. I can use them wherever I feel comfortable!"

Fu Jing said nothing more, but gave Lu Yu a fierce look, but she was secretly frightened by Lu Yu's performance.

Just the skills honed in the hunting process have such power. This Afeng is indeed a guy with extraordinary talents...

The two continued to move forward, and then several groups of guards tried to stop them, but Lu Yu repelled them in the same way. Fu Jing did not need to take action from beginning to end.

Until he met the fourth group of guards, Lu Yu still used the same method to clear the way with the moon stone. Unexpectedly, his trick failed this time.

A tall middle-aged man stood at the front of the queue and received Lu Yu's "flying stone" attack head-on.

The middle-aged man wanted to take the Moon-Blocking Stone directly with his bare hands, but he didn't expect that the Moon-Blocking Stone suddenly exerted force for the second time, and shook violently, not only breaking free from his restraints, but also shaking his entire arm with such a violent force that it made his entire arm numb.

The middle-aged man couldn't help but be stunned.

Fu Jing waved at Lu Yu and called to the middle-aged man in front of him: "Uncle San."

"Xiao Jing?" The middle-aged man was so surprised that he immediately forgot about the "Flying Stone" offensive. His eyes sank: "You shouldn't come here..."

Fu Jing said: "Why shouldn't I come? As one of the heirs of Xihai City, am I not qualified to participate in the meeting here?"

Uncle San looked stern and said in a low voice: "Do you know who are in here now? They are all coming for you! Go back quickly! The city lord and Tianlin are already trying their best to deal with them in there. Don't make things complicated!"

Fu Jing smiled coldly: "Father and eldest brother are already in there? That's great..."

Uncle San was stunned: "Xiao Jing, what are you going to do?"

"Come to make things simple!"

After that, the Galaxy Sword was finally unsheathed for the first time in the City Lord's Mansion.

Uncle San flew out instantly, without any resistance at all.

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