Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1617 Political Marriage

A little earlier.

In the political hall.

There are many powerful people sitting around the main table. They are all representatives from various forces. Not only are their personal strengths extremely outstanding, but the forces they represent behind them are even more gigantic.

Such a gathering scale is often only possible in the surrounding empires.

It can be said that since the establishment of Xihai City, there has never been such a grand gathering, so that the local elders of Xihai City can only take second place.

"Where is Furukawa? Why hasn't he come here yet?" A man in purple robe asked.

He was about fifty years old, his face was gloomy, and he looked a little sick, but his every move attracted the attention of everyone present, because he was the owner of this place, the current lord of Xihai City - Fu Borong.

"City Lord, there was some dispute in the warehouse just now. Elder Gu is the law enforcement elder on duty this month. He has already gone over to take charge of the matter!"

An old man stood up from the second seat and answered.

He was also one of the elders of Xihai City. Seeing the city lord Fu Borong frown slightly, he immediately added:

"It is said that the dispute is related to the servants of Mrs. Ru's house, and two lives were lost. The matter is relatively sensitive, and only Elder Gu can handle it properly..."

Fu Borong understood the elder's hint.

When it comes to Mrs. Ru, Fu Jing is naturally involved.

In this sensitive occasion, Fu Jing's name affects the nerves of every representative present, so it is best not to delve into it here.

So he said nothing more.

At this time, an imposing man stood up and said loudly: "Father, more than half of the elders present are in favor of the marriage. Even if the ancient elder is absent, it will not affect the final result of this matter... Please announce the final decision immediately! "

Fu Borong glanced at the man in front of him.

This person is his eldest son, Fu Tianlin, who is extremely talented and talented, and has always been the most popular successor.

In the past few years, the eldest son has been training in the Shenfeng Army of Grand Duke Heng. He has become wiser and more courageous, and his whole person is as sharp as an unsheathed sword.

Although he presided over today's temporary motion, it has always been driven and led by the eldest son. He is just a puppet on the table.

Although he was unwilling, Fu Borong had to admit that the eldest son at this time already had the strength to replace him.

Fu Borong couldn't help but think of his seventh daughter, Fu Jing. Although she did not come to the scene, in fact she was the protagonist of today's temporary motion about marriage.

Fu Borong found that he was already very unfamiliar with this daughter and had only a vague impression in his mind. On the contrary, it was her mother, Mrs. Ru, who gave him a very profound memory.

Deep in Fu Borong's eyes, there was an undetectable flash of heat, but in the end he calmed down and said in a deep voice:

"I declare that Xihai City accepts the marriage request of Duke Heng Yue! My daughter Fu Jing will complete the marriage contract with the second son of Duke Heng Yue!"

"Tomorrow, I will exchange marriage certificates with the representatives of Grand Duke Heng here and hold a grand engagement banquet. You are also invited to come and witness this event together!"

There was a buzzing sound in the political hall.

The marriage partner is the second son of Duke Heng Yue. This neither wrongs Fu Jing nor humiliates Xihai City. It can even be said to be an achievement...

However, Fu Jing was different at this time.

The whole world knows that she got a divine sword from the miracle of Feng Hezhou. Originally, this would be the wealth of Xihai City, but now such a decision will mean that Fu Jing will take the sword with him. Being sent out.

Therefore, even though the matter was voted unanimously, many people still cannot accept the result.

As for the representatives of other forces, their expressions were even more varied.

Originally, they came here to put pressure on Xihai City, and asked Xihai City to hand over the Excalibur for joint research. However, as Fu Jing was pushed into the side of Duke Hengda, if they still want to continue fighting Excalibur The idea was to have a face-to-face deal with Heng Yue.

Everyone here cannot help but carefully weigh the pros and cons of this.

In the entire political hall, only the eldest son Fu Tianlin had a proud smile on his face.

Originally this matter was a huge threat to him, but after today's operation, he not only stabilized his relationship with Grand Duke Heng, but also resolved the crisis in Xihai City.

More importantly, it also eliminated a potential competitor, which can be said to be a double success.

The only fly in the ointment is that the miraculous sword will be out of his control...

But this is nothing. If you want to achieve great things, you have to make some choices.

Fu Tianlin believed that as long as he became the lord of Xihai City, after working hard on his own efforts, he might not have the chance to get the divine sword back from the hands of Grand Duke Heng.

His goals are not limited to this small Xihai City in front of him!

Just as he was thinking about a bright future, a loud bang suddenly interrupted Fu Tianlin's thoughts.

I saw that the door of the Political Hall was violently knocked open from the outside, and the two door panels flew in upside down.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

The direction in which one of the door panels flew upside down happened to be the main table in the center of the political hall. An elder from Xihai City, who was standing under Fu Tianlin, wanted to move the door panel down so as not to disturb the representatives of all parties at the main table.

Unexpectedly, this elder with the strength of a Great Golden Pill monk failed to catch the flying door panel. Instead, he was carried upside down by the door panel and hit the main table hard.

The huge round table was overturned, and the whole political hall was in a state of uproar.

At this time, two figures, a man and a woman, stepped through the broken door and walked in from the outside.

"Fu Jing?"

The first person to see clearly who was coming was Fu Tiansheng standing at the door.

Originally he was on full alert, but when he saw that the people coming in were Fu Jing and Lu Yu, he immediately changed his face and said with a ferocious smile:

"Seventh sister, you came at the right time! Father just announced his decision about your marriage! Congratulations to seventh sister on your son-in-law!"

"My marriage?"

Fu Jing was immediately confused by these sudden words: "With whom?"

"That is Ding Junhou, the second son of Duke Heng Yue!"

Fu Tianlin spoke loudly, while walking up to him: "Seventh sister, congratulations! You will become a marquise soon!"

Fu Jing's face darkened, and she looked directly at Fu Tianlin in front of her: "So, these are all the arrangements of the elder brother?"

Fu Tianlin smiled softly: "How can you say it was my arrangement? This is the result of a unanimous vote by all the elders, but I did do some planning..."

"Seventh sister, there's no need to thank me. After you become the Marquise, don't forget to take care of us in Xihai City!"

Fu Jing was so angry that he was shaking all over. He looked past Fu Tianlin in front of him and looked directly at Fu Borong behind him: "Father, is this all true?"

Fu Borong's face was as dark as water, and without even raising his eyelids, he said calmly: "This is the unanimous decision of the Presbyterian Council, and it is also your best choice. We will exchange marriage certificates for you tomorrow, and then you will go directly to the Da Rui Empire. You are ready Get ready!”

Fu Jing clenched his fists and shrugged his shoulders slightly.

She has lived in Xihai City since she was a child. Although she is not close to her father, in the minds of every child, her father has a naturally tall image.

But at this moment, the last illusion in her heart was shattered, and her whole body was filled with a sense of powerlessness.

At this time, Lu Yu walked out from behind her.

Facing the gazes of all the strong men in the audience, even though he did not have a golden elixir, he did not show any stage fright. He smiled slightly and said:

"The marriage certificates will be exchanged tomorrow? In other words, my lady is still the heir of Xihai City, right?"

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