Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1618 Temporary Motion

"Bold slave! I don't even look at where this place is. You have no right to speak!"

Fu Tiansheng scolded angrily, immediately drew his sword and struck directly at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu dodged sideways, and at the same time launched a "flying stone" attack with his backhand.

There was a loud bang, and Fu Tiansheng flew out instantly.

When he landed, he saw that the moon stone had been stuck in his chest, and the stone was deeply embedded in the flesh and blood. Fu Tiansheng coughed out blood, and he had no idea how many ribs were broken.

Everyone sitting down was immediately shocked.

Everyone originally thought that Fu Tiansheng's sword would kill Lu Yu without any suspense, but they never expected that things would turn out like this.

Now, they finally knew what happened to the two Daofei door panels just now.

It's unbelievable that just one stone can cause such huge destructive power.

City Lord Fu Borong couldn't help but raise his eyes slightly.

He recognized that the weapon used by Lu Yu was the Moon Moon Stone.

This stone was condensed by Yue Hua, and he had a share of the credit for it. Its original design was an amulet, and its protective capabilities could only be considered average. More importantly, it symbolized the identity given to Fu Jing's heir.

But now that this stone is in the hands of this young man, it has obviously undergone special changes. It has changed from its original protective properties to a magic weapon with offensive properties.

Fu Borong couldn't help but feel his heart sink slightly. Based on this alone, the young man in front of him should not be underestimated.

I don’t know who this person is... Could he be the one who escorted Fu Jing all the way back?

Among the surrounding representatives, many people recognized that this object was Xihai City's unique Closed Moon Stone, and were secretly shocked. They did not expect that Xihai City's Closed Moon Stone had such power.

For a time, representatives from all parties had the same idea: It seems that the overall strength of Xihai City needs to be re-estimated...

But what surprised them the most was Lu Yu in front of them.

This person obviously doesn't even have a golden elixir. I really don't know how he can burst out with such powerful power.

For a moment, everyone in the audience looked at Lu Yu again. No one dared to treat him as a servant without a golden elixir.

"I represent my young lady, who is the heir to Xihai City. Why do you, a guy who doesn't even have the qualifications to be the heir, talk to me like this?" Lu Yu sneered.

As he spoke, he raised his hand slightly, and the moonstone immediately flew back again, displaying it in front of everyone.

Now, no one dared to jump out and raise objections to his words.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Fu Tianlin's eyes became sharp, but he did not face Lu Yu, but said to Fu Jing beside him.

Lu Yu took the initiative to intervene: "Since my young lady is still the heir to Xihai City, she has the right to initiate a temporary motion to the Presbyterian Council."

Fu Tianlin couldn't help laughing: "What? Do you still hope to cancel the just-passed resolution by initiating a temporary motion?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Eldest Young Master, you are mistaken. The content of my young lady's temporary motion is: should she immediately take over as the Lord of Xihai City?"

Suddenly, the whole place was in an uproar.

Everyone thought there was something wrong with their ears, or that Lu Yu was talking nonsense, so they turned to the people around them for confirmation.

Fu Tianlin looked at Fu Jing again and said with a smile: "Qimei, are you serious? You don't care about your subordinates?"

Fu Jing nodded slowly: "Yes, that's exactly what I meant! As the fifth heir of Xihai City, I am asking the Elders Council to discuss and vote on this matter immediately!"

Suddenly the whole place became even more uproar!

Now they were sure that they had heard correctly. Fu Jing actually made such a request.

The smile on Fu Tianlin's face stopped abruptly: "Just you? How dare you initiate such a motion? Do you think you are qualified to replace your father as the Lord of Xihai City?"

Fu Jing said: "I am one of the heirs of Xihai City, why am I not qualified?"

"Besides, this time I was recognized by Divine Sword in Fenghe Province. In Afeng's words, I am the chosen one. I think it's time for me to inherit the position of Lord of Xihai City!"

As he spoke, Fu Jing raised his hands and directly showed the Galaxy Sword in his hand to everyone.

A mysterious force swept across the entire venue, causing everyone to scream in surprise.

The elders and backbones of Xihai City were all excited.

Representatives from all parties also became excited.

These representatives from various forces saw the excitement and did not mind the big deal, and started making noises one after another:

"Miss Fu Jing is right. If you master such a divine sword, you are indeed qualified to be the city lord!"

"Let alone the lord of a small city, so what if he is the lord of a country?"

"Fu Borong, this is an internal matter of your Xihai City. We shouldn't say anything at first, but I really want to ask, can you beat your own daughter now?"

"Haha! Originally, you used the excuse that Miss Fu Jing was seriously injured and sold her out through a temporary motion in her absence! Now that she is here, why don't you let her vote again?"

"Xihai City, Xihai City, do you know how to write the word justice?"

In the midst of the commotion, Lu Yu clapped his hands and said, "Everyone! Let's hurry up and ask everyone to vote again!"

He raised his finger to the bearded elder at the end of the second seat and said, "Let's start with you! Elder, do you agree that my Miss Jing will immediately take over as the Lord of Xihai City?"

The bearded elder snorted heavily: "Unless I die, how could I agree to such a ridiculous decision?"

Before he finished speaking, there was a roar, and the Moonstone flew over from Lu Yu's hand.

The bearded elder was caught off guard. He never expected that Lu Yu would attack directly. By the time he reacted, he had already been hit in the abdomen by the moon-closing stone.

However, he was much stronger than Fu Tiansheng. He was not directly knocked away, but his body suddenly shook and even the beard on his face stood up. He obviously looked uncomfortable.

"You..." the bearded elder gritted his teeth.

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "Didn't you agree only if you had to die? I'm trying to help you! But I think you may not have thought it through just now. I am willing to give you another chance to reconsider..."

"Now, let me ask you again, do you agree that my Miss Jing will immediately take over as the Lord of Xihai City?"

While speaking, Lu Yu moved his hand, and the moonstone flew up from the bearded elder's body and returned to his hand.

When he clenched the moonstone again, lightning flashed between his fingers.

Obviously if he waved his arm again, it would definitely be an earth-shattering power.

Everyone couldn't help but change their expressions.

The bearded elder's face turned pale.

This is just a follower next to Fu Jing, but she already has such strength, and the radiant sword in her hand remains unmoving, which is an even more terrifying existence.

"I, I, I..." The bearded elder's heart was beating wildly, and his speech became awkward.

Lu Yu shook his head in disappointment: "The answer is too slow, I can't save you now..."

After saying that, he waved his arm fiercely, and the closed moon stone flew out again.

The entire political hall was already in a state of excitement.

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