Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1619 Head-on Contest


This time Lu Yu aimed at the head.

Blood flashed and brains burst.

The bearded elder died on the spot.

The whole audience was shocked.

Although this bearded elder was not a Dajindan cultivator, he was already a top master. He didn't expect that he would die in Lu Yu's hands like this.

If the bearded elder was unprepared for the first blow, then this time he was obviously prepared in advance, but he still failed to catch Lu Yu's blow, and even the golden elixir in his body did not take effect. The defense was broken by the Moonstone, and the result was beyond everyone's expectations.

There were only a few representatives at the scene. They were all the best among the various forces and had superhuman vision. Only then did they notice the clues.

On the surface, this was Lu Yu's offensive against the bearded elder, but in fact Fu Jing, who was behind Lu Yu, was the key to the confrontation between the two sides.

The divine sword in Fu Jing's hand unknowingly created an invisible force field, but the bearded elder was already under the suppression of the invisible force field.

It was precisely because of the suppression of the invisible force field that the defense of the long-bearded elder was directly destroyed, which allowed Lu Yu's "flying stone" offensive to drive forward like a devastating blow.

After realizing this, these representatives couldn't help but be secretly frightened. They all focused their attention on the divine sword in Fu Jing's hand, imagining that if they were to face the suppression of this invisible force field at this time, they would What will be the result?

"You... really dare to kill people here?" Fu Tianlin said in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "There is no way, everyone just saw it, I have already given him a chance..."

"Unbridled! It's simply lawless!" Fu Tianlin was furious and roared loudly: "Come on! Come on! Get this lawless man!"

"Inner Guard! Where are the inner guards!"

The defense of the political hall was originally in charge of the inner guards of the city lord's palace, but Lu Yu and Fu Jing had already defeated all the guards along the way, and Uncle Fu Sanshu, who was in charge of the inner guards, had also been knocked down.

And above Uncle Fu is the law enforcement elder Furukawa on duty.

But Furukawa has also been defeated, and his fate is even worse. He turned into a pool of blood and mist, with no bones left...

Therefore, after Fu Tianlin roared for a long time, no one came to respond to his order.

After a while, Fourth Uncle Fu, who was responsible for commanding the city guards, walked in.

But he did not dare to come directly to fight Lu Yu, but reported with a panic look on his face: "The surrounding internal guards have been defeated, and the third brother was seriously injured... In addition, it is said that Elder Guhe has died in Madam Ru's courtyard."

Everyone was surprised.

Elder Furukawa was the mainstay of the entire Xihai City and a genuine Dajindan monk. Unexpectedly, he had already died. This shocked everyone even more than the death of the bearded elder in front of them.

Only then did everyone realize that although they didn't know the specific story of the matter, Fu Jing was obviously playing for real this time, and she showed no mercy even to the dignified Dajindan monk.

"Hahaha... wonderful and wonderful!"

One representative stood up from his seat and clapped vigorously.

"Miss Fu Jing, I have to say that I really admire you today. It seems that Xihai City is about to welcome a new owner with strong courage!"

"I dare not say much else, but at least the Grand Duke Nanlu, whom I represent, absolutely supports Miss Fu Jing in becoming the new Lord of Xihai City!"

"Once the young lady succeeds in ascending the throne, I will immediately report back to Grand Duke Nantian and try my best to promote comprehensive strategic cooperation between Nanlu Principality and Xihai City!"

Grand Duke Nanlu was also one of the seven Grand Dukes of the Darui Empire. Although his strength was not as strong as Grand Duke Heng, he could not be underestimated. He was also a behemoth to Xihai City.

The representative of Grand Duke Nanlu naturally had uneasy intentions when he said such words. His purpose was to muddy the waters and destroy the alliance between Xihai City and Grand Duke Heng.

He had suffered from not having a chance before, but now that he saw Fu Jing's extraordinary strength, he naturally didn't mind standing up to support her.

The other representatives from all parties were also not light-hearted. After seeing the performance of Representative Nanlu Grand Duke, they immediately stood up one after another.

"Yes, our Duke Ouyang is also willing to support Miss Fu Jing!"

"As long as Miss Fu Jing becomes the lord of Xihai City, we, the Principality of Jialan, are willing to form an alliance with Xihai City!"

"We, the Principality of Beiliang, are willing to send troops to help defend Xihai City!"

Fu Tianlin's face was ashen.

Although representatives of these various forces cannot directly participate in the decision-making of Xihai City, their attitudes are likely to indirectly affect the elders of Xihai City present.

The originally good situation was about to be completely destroyed by these guys.

Fu Tianlin turned his head and glanced at his father.

Unexpectedly, the lord of a city just sat quietly in his seat, turning a blind eye to the commotion around him and remaining silent without saying a word.

Although his father was on his side in today's rally, Fu Tianlin had to admit that he still couldn't see through his father.

He had no choice but to change his mind and stand up on his own.

"Emissaries, you are so warm-hearted! This is an internal matter of our Xihai City, but I didn't expect it to make you worry so much!"

"Everyone, please be patient. If you have any ideas, you might as well wait until we clear the door before talking about it!"

After saying that, Fu Tianlin snorted heavily and turned his attention back to Lu Yu in front of him.

It was the guy in front of me who was the cause of all this.

Only by killing this lawless guy on the spot first can the opponent's momentum be extinguished.


There was a clear sound, and a shining silver gun was unfolded in Fu Tianlin's hand. The silver light was shining and the coldness was overwhelming.

He decided to take action himself and get rid of this annoying guy who was jumping up and down in one fell swoop.

But just as he raised the silver gun in his hand, Lu Yu suddenly dodged and hid behind Fu Jing.

The target of the silver gun offensive became Fu Jing, who bore the brunt.

Fu Jing showed no fear on her face. She made almost no unnecessary movements. She just gently raised the hilt of the sword. She directly defused Fu Tianlin's silver spear attack with just the qi traction on the Galaxy Sword.

Fu Tianlin only felt that the silver spear in his hand seemed to be stabbing into the vast ocean, and all the power disappeared without a trace.

"Seventh sister, what do you mean?"

Fu Tianlin said with a gloomy look.

"This subordinate of yours committed a murder openly in full view of the public. Do you still want to protect him?"

"Or is it that what he did just now was all based on your instructions?"

Fu Jing did not answer, but said directly: "Fu Tianlin, let's have a fight!"

Fu Tianlin didn't react for a moment: "What did you say?"

Fu Jing said: "I have been recognized by the Divine Sword, my strength has greatly increased, and I have become the chosen one. After all, these are just my words. You may still have doubts about this..."

"Therefore, we might as well have a head-on battle and let everyone verify whether what I said is true!"

"I also want everyone to see with your own eyes whether I have the ability to take over as the Lord of Xihai City now!"

Fu Tianlin was stunned for a moment.

In the past, he would have been eager to have the opportunity to compete head-on with Fu Jing, and would not have hesitated at all for such a request.

But with the news of Elder Furukawa's bad news and Lu Yu's stunning performance just now, he now had to think seriously about the matter.

"What? Are you scared?"

The corners of Fu Jing's mouth raised, revealing a mocking smile.

Fu Tianlin's face turned red, and he snorted coldly and said: "Afraid? Are you kidding me! Fu Jing, the opponents I have encountered in the Shenfeng Army over the years and the killing formations I have experienced are beyond your ability to hide in Xihai City. imagination!"

"Although the divine sword in your hand is powerful, it still depends on how you use it... Let me give it a try and see what kind of progress you have made over the years!"

After saying that, he fired the silver gun in his hand, and silver flowers burst out.

The bright brilliance not only enveloped Fu Jing, but also disappeared from sight of himself.

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