Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1620 The Secret of Silver Flower

Seeing the moves Fu Tianlin performed, Lu Yu's eyes lit up.

Under the explosion of silver flowers, not only was there no trace of the attack direction, but even his own position was hidden.

And this kind of hiding is not just a simple light and shadow cover, but also a kind of fit in the law of the mystery. He used the power of his own golden elixir law and the mystery of the combat skills in his hand to achieve the effect of temporarily erasing his own traces.

This attack method is somewhat similar to Lu Yu's offensive that combines himself with the mystery of the stars.

Of course, its exquisiteness is naturally not as good as Lu Yu's use of the mystery of the stars, nor is it completely without blind spots like the mystery of the stars, but as far as the current situation is concerned, this is already a very unsolvable offensive.

Although the Galaxy Sword is powerful, it must also lock the target to be effective, right?

This is not a battle that Lu Yu personally attends. Fu Jing does not have the extraordinary spiritual perception like Lu Yu, who can accurately lock the opponent in such a situation.

With just this one move, Fu Tianlin showed his extraordinary strength. It seems that he was not bragging. The training he had experienced in the Shenfeng Army over the years was indeed extraordinary.

The representatives of all parties around were also surprised by Fu Tianlin's performance.

"Is this... the secret of Yinhua?"

"I didn't expect that Fu Tianlin could comprehend such a profound secret at such a young age! This boy is indeed a talent!"

"The secret of Yinhua, this is not just something that can be comprehended by talent alone. It seems that Hengyue has invested a lot in him in the Shenfeng Army over the years!"

"Hehe, an heir of Xihai City actually mastered the unique skills of Duke Hengyue. In the future, will Xihai City be named Fu or Hengyue?"

"I say, do you want to be so harsh? Fu Tianlin's mother's family originally came from Duke Hengyue's side, and it is said that he is Duke Hengyue's cousin. What's wrong with Duke Hengyue cultivating his own people?"

"With such strength, no wonder he dared to challenge Fu Jing's Sword of Miracles..."

"Everyone, what do you think? Who do you think is better between these two people?"


The Secret of Yinhua...

Lu Yu listened to the discussions of several representatives and silently remembered this name in his heart.

This was the first time he faced such a powerful secret since he came to this world. Although the attack of the Flying Bird Atlas of the Ancient River Elder was also powerful, it was a completely different way of using power from the secret.

If the top masters of this world all have such a level of secret application, then the overall strength of this world is really beyond his expectations.

Perhaps at the top of this world, there will also be terrifying existences like the Earth Seal God and the Chaos God of War.

Lu Yu thought silently, and in the blink of an eye, the pieces of silver in the hall had fought several rounds with the Galaxy Sword in Fu Jing's hand.

Although Fu Tianlin's use of the secret silver was extremely exquisite, making it impossible for Fu Jing to accurately lock his position, the Galaxy Sword was too powerful after all, and it was not an easy task for Fu Tianlin to break Fu Jing's defense with it.

She just dragged and pulled the Galaxy Sword, and the aura brought by the sword was like a rushing river, forming a huge spiritual vortex in the void, which immediately dissolved Fu Tianlin's Yinhua offensive into nothingness.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that Fu Jing was actually in a passive position. Although her response seemed to be easy, because the power of the Galaxy Sword was too strong, even just dragging and pulling caused him a considerable burden.

If the stalemate between the two sides continued, she would definitely not be able to last long.

"The situation is clear!"

A representative in a green robe suddenly said.

From the pattern of the rising sun on his clothes, it can be judged that this person is the special envoy representing the side of Duke Hengyue.

"The Sword of Miracles is indeed powerful, but the strength of the person using it is simply not enough to match it. It's like a three-year-old child dancing with a sword against an adult. Although the sword in the child's hand is sharp, how can his strength compare with that of an adult?"

"It seems that there is no need to continue watching!"

After the green-robed envoy finished speaking, he turned around and sat back in his seat, picked up a cup of tea next to him and sipped it by himself, and actually stopped paying attention to the battle in the hall.

The other representatives of the parties couldn't help but have different expressions.

Although they really wanted to see Fu Tianlin, who represented the Hengyue Duke, look humiliated, they had to admit that what the green-robed envoy said was indeed true.

"There is really no need to watch it anymore..." Lu Yu also said silently.

Fu Jing has no way to break the current deadlock, but it doesn't mean that he has no way either.

In fact, he had already seen through Fu Tianlin's flaws. The reason why he had tolerated the fight was because he wanted Fu Tianlin to perform more so that he could carefully observe what kind of mystery this so-called Yinhua secret had...

At this moment, he had already understood all the changes of Yinhua secret.

At this moment, Lu Yu no longer hesitated, put his two fingers together, and shook them slightly.

This inconspicuous little action was not noticed by anyone, but the Galaxy Sword in the field suddenly burst into brilliant light, like the reflection of stars.

Under the reflection of the stars, even Yinhua began to dissipate, and Fu Tianlin's whereabouts naturally became nowhere to hide.

Fu Tianlin showed a look of astonishment on his face. He couldn't believe that the Yinhua Secret that he had always used so well could have such a flaw.

Fu Jing was overjoyed. Although she didn't understand how all this happened, she had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The sword thrust out without any tricks.

This kind of attack method is also very handy for her.

Without the cover of Yinhua and his whereabouts exposed, Fu Tianlin had no choice but to bite the bullet and take it on.


With a loud noise, the silver gun in Fu Tianlin's hand shattered and turned into powder.

His whole body was like a rubber ball, being hit hard and flew away.

When he hit the ground hard, the whole audience screamed, and the tea in front of the green-robed envoy had already spilled to the ground.

No one could have imagined that the battle situation would change so quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, Fu Tianlin, who had been taking the initiative before, was defeated.

What exactly is going on?

How did Fu Tianlin lose?

While the entire audience was at a loss, only Lu Yu had a proud smile on his face.

In his opinion, this is completely normal.

Using the secret law to hide one's tracks cannot be a simple combination between the secret and the ontology, but must also rely on the power of a third party.

Even Lu Yu himself had to use the special force field formed by the Galaxy Sword to transform his body into the Star Mystery. Fu Tianlin's Silver Flower Mystery obviously cannot escape this category.

Therefore, the reflection of the stars just now was not directed at Fu Tianlin's body, nor at the offensive of Yinhua Mystery, but at the weapon in Fu Tianlin's hand.

As long as this third party's force field is destroyed, the connection and cooperation of the entire closed loop will naturally collapse.

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