Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1621 Bloody Coup

"The winner has been decided!"

Lu Yu walked out again with a big laugh.

"Does everyone have any objections to my young lady's strength now? If not, let's continue to vote!"

"It's your turn next... Elder, what's your name?" Lu Yu turned to another elder next to the bearded elder.

"Fu Dejiang." The elder answered stiffly.

Lu Yu said: "So it's Elder Dejiang, do you agree that my young lady will take over the position of city lord immediately?"

Elder Dejiang had a tense face and didn't say a word.

Lu Yu smiled: "Elder Dejiang, don't blame me for not reminding you that the white-bearded elder just now had the opportunity to choose a second time. That was his benefit as the first voter. You won't have that opportunity again..."

As he said that, Lu Yu gently raised the Moon-Blocking Stone in his hand.

"I agree!"

Elder Dejiang said quickly immediately.

"Very good!" Lu Yu smiled, slowly put down the Moon-Blocking Stone in his hand, and turned to the next elder next to Elder Fu Dejiang, "So, elder, what about you?" After Elder Dejiang took the lead, several elders in succession expressed their obedience to Lu Yu. After all, a good man would not suffer a loss in front of him. Moreover, with the strength shown by Fu Jing at this time, it is not a bad choice for her to become the Lord of Xihai City. Until Lu Yu asked the fifth elder, the fifth elder had not spoken yet, but another elder next to him could not stand it and slammed the table: "Ridiculous! What do you think of our Xihai City Elders' Council? Let you ask one by one here, do you think this place is a vegetable market!" Lu Yu turned his head and looked. I saw that this elder was extremely tall, with high muscles on his body, and the whole person looked like a huge ape. This person not only has a unique appearance, but also has a golden elixir that is different from ordinary people. Lu Yu glanced over and could see crystal blocks of spiritual energy solidified around his golden elixir. Lu Yu had never seen such a strange golden elixir phenomenon, which shows that he has extremely terrifying defensive capabilities.

"This elder, what do you think?" Lu Yu asked.

The "Ape" elder snorted heavily and scolded: "Others are afraid of the stone in your hand, but I am not! No matter how you say it, it is not in line with normal procedures for Fu Jing to take over the position of city lord. If our Xihai City allows the city lord to be replaced in this way, if this matter is spread, I am afraid that others will laugh at it! I firmly oppose this matter!"

"This is not a vote, this is a coup!"

"Everyone, are we going to let this person openly trample on the laws of Xihai City and our dignity! I, Fu Kaihong, would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

The elder named Fu Kaihong shouted from a high place, which immediately resonated with many people, and many elders showed their expressions of interest.

"You're right, this is a coup!"

At this time, the green-robed envoy representing Duke Hengyue also stood up and said loudly.

"Hengyue Principality and Xihai City have been friends for generations, and the eldest lady of Xihai City is a relative of our Duke Hengyue. We, the Duke Hengyue Principality, will never sit idly by and watch this happen!"

"If you allow Fu Jing to seize the position of city lord in this way, then I can assure you that the day Fu Jing takes office as city lord is the day when our troops of the Duke Hengyue Principality will head straight for Xihai City!"

"Moreover, maybe the eldest son Fu will lead the Shenfeng Army to come. Just now, you all vowed to give Xihai City all kinds of assistance. If you really have the courage, you might as well try to break through the blockade of our Shenfeng Army!"

This last sentence was obviously said to the representatives of all parties who had just made a fuss.

The representatives of all parties couldn't help but look subtle. Indeed, they were just saying nice words just now. If they really had the strength to confront Duke Hengyue head-on, things would not have evolved to the point now.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly changed again.

The power that Lu Yu and Fu Jing had just established was almost offset by the words of Lu Pao.

"Miss, what do you think we should do?"

Lu Yu shrugged and turned to Fu Jing.

"Since others have said so much, let's stop hiding it and just make it clear!"

Fu Jing felt a strange feeling in her heart, but she knew that Lu Yu's move must have a deep meaning, so she did not interrupt Lu Yu, but followed his meaning and echoed: "Okay!"

Lu Yu turned around and faced everyone again, his expression became wild and flamboyant: "Okay! Since everyone is so looking forward to it, then we will satisfy you! From now on, there is no such thing as voting or not, this is a coup!"

"Now, those who support my lady stand over here, and those who oppose my lady stand over there! Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. Anyone who stands opposite us will be our enemy!"

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Lu Yu to be so unconcealed.

Lu Yu looked straight at Fu Kaihong in front of him again, his eyes were extremely arrogant: "Elder Fu Kaihong, right? I know you are not afraid of the Moon-Blocking Stone in my hand, but do you think you only need to face me?" After saying that, he turned sideways and let Fu Jing behind him come up. The moment the two passed by each other, Lu Yu cast a resolute look at her.

Fu Jing felt Lu Yu's murderous intention, and at the same time she also understood in her heart that this was the best solution. Under the current situation, it was no longer possible to achieve the goal without bloodshed.


Fu Jing didn't hesitate and stabbed out with his sword.

Fu Kaihong was startled and quickly activated his golden elixir to resist. However, the powerful defense he trusted so much was like a piece of paper in front of the Galaxy Sword.

With a "bang" sound, not only was Fu Kaihong's golden elixir shattered, but his entire body turned into a ball of blood mist, which exploded in the hall.

The entire political hall was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

Everyone was shocked.

At this time, they truly understood how powerful this divine sword was.

They didn't know that even the Great Golden Pill cultivator Furukawa turned into a ball of blood mist under the blow of the divine sword, let alone just Fu Kaihong? Although this person's golden elixir is special, it has not yet reached the level of a great golden elixir monk.

Fu Tianlin before was also blocked by the silver gun in his hand, otherwise he might have met the same end.

Fu Jing succeeded in the attack without any pause. He swung the sword and pointed his energy at the other person in the distance.

That person was clearly the green-robed envoy representing Grand Duke Heng.

The green-robed envoy was suddenly startled.

At this time, Lu Yu's voice came over again: "Special envoy, you are so upright, I guess you will not change your original intention and support my young lady, right?"

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