Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1622 Rules of Survival

The green-robed envoy raised his brows, ignored Lu Yu, and looked directly at Fu Jing: "What? Do you still want to touch me?"

Fu Jing said: "If the special envoy gives up his previous prejudices and is willing to return to Hengzhou to explain everything that happened here to the Grand Duke, and ask the Grand Duke to understand our difficulties, then I am willing to let the Special Envoy live."

"Let me live?"

The green-robed envoy was so angry that he laughed.

He is also a Great Golden Elixir monk, and his strength has reached its peak. How has he ever been despised like this?

"What a loud tone! Not to mention whether you have the ability to kill me, based on my status at this time, who of you would dare to touch me?"

"City Master Fu! How long are you going to pretend to be dead? Why don't you come out and discipline your juniors?"

The green-robed envoy turned to Fu Borong and roared angrily.

"Behind me is the Duke of Hengyue, and what I represent is the face of Duke Hengyue! If I lose a hair here today! Your entire Xihai City will be buried with it!"

His voice was penetrating and reverberated throughout the political hall, making it buzz.

Fu Borong finally stood up from his seat.

He stared at Fu Jing quietly, his eyes filled with surprise, confusion, and astonishment. It was extremely complicated, as if it was the first day he had known his daughter.

After watching silently for a while, Fu Borong asked: "Where is your mother?"

Fu Jing was slightly startled. His father had always remained silent. He didn't expect that the first sentence he spoke after being brewing for so long would be such a question.

"Does she know what you did today?"

Fu Borong continued.

"I think she must not know. If she knew, she would definitely stop you from doing this."

"I am very pleased that you were able to obtain the Miracle Sword in Fenghe Province, and you have performed like this today. It is true that I did not think carefully about the marriage. I will communicate with Grand Duke Heng again about this matter, and I will definitely give it to you. A satisfactory answer.”

"You should go back first! Otherwise, your mother should be worried!"

Fu Jing frowned slightly: "You keep mentioning your mother...Father, do you really care about my mother?"

Fu Borong said: "What do you think?"

Fu Jing said: "But why does it sound more like a threat to me? It seems that you, father, are reminding me to always pay attention to my mother's safety..."

Fu Borong was silent.

Fu Jing continued: "When Elder Furukawa went to my mother's residence before, he said some very strange words in order to persuade us to leave with him. It seemed that he thought that my father had important information about my mother. It is for this reason. Mother has never left Xihai City... Father, is this true or false? "

Fu Borong's expression changed slightly and he said, "That's nonsense! I don't know why Furukawa said that, but he is obviously deliberately sowing discord!"

Fu Jing said: "Really? But why do I feel that what he said is true, and my mother did not deny it..."

Fu Borong's expression became gloomy and uncertain.

Fu Jing lightly shook the Galaxy Sword in his hand, and a powerful force rippled out.

She said: "Whether this matter is true or not, it actually doesn't matter. From now on, I will personally protect my mother! So, father, please abdicate with peace of mind!"

After saying that, a powerful force swept out.

Fu Borong's body trembled suddenly, then he slumped down and sat back in his seat.

As the lord of Xihai City, Fu Borong is also a great golden elixir monk, but he also has no power to parry in front of the divine sword.

At this time, everyone could see that Fu Jing had to hold back. Otherwise, Fu Borong's end would not just be as easy as sitting back down.

Fu Jing abandoned Fu Borong, stepped forward with his sword in hand, and came face to face with the special green-robed envoy of Grand Duke Heng.

Now, no one can interfere with her actions again.

The green-robed envoy had a vein on his forehead and sneered: "Are you really going to attack me? Have you thought about it clearly? Do you know what this means?"

It has to be said that this moment is the most important decision Fu Jing has faced in her life.

She had never thought before that she would one day attack Duke Heng's special envoy and become a face-to-face enemy of Duke Heng.

When things came to a close, it would be unrealistic to say that there were no waves in her heart.

For some unknown reason, Fu Jing suddenly turned her head involuntarily and glanced at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu laughed loudly and stood out from the crowd: "Pull him down! Your Excellency, Special Envoy, you may be a figure here, but in front of Grand Duke Heng, you are at best a slave. I believe that Duke Heng's wisdom will not do it for the sake of A slave creates a powerful enemy!"

After a pause, he turned to Fu Jing and said:

"Miss, you know, I was originally a hunter in the mountains. There is a very simple survival rule in the mountains where animals gather. That is, the more ferocious beasts you face, the more sharp claws you have to show. ! Let them know clearly what the price is for provoking you. Only in this way can they have a chance of survival!"

"Miss, please believe in the sword in your hand. I think it will be the sharpest claw in the world!"

Fu Jing smiled slightly, and the hesitation in his heart disappeared without a trace again.

It seemed that the divine sword in her hand had sensed her thoughts, and a powerful force filled her body.

A strong wind blew up from the ground in the political hall, and the fluctuations in spiritual power caused by the divine sword were like the roar of the ocean tide.

The green-robed envoy felt that he was locked by a very powerful will. The sharp and cold breath was like a maggot attached to the bone. His expression immediately changed. He could no longer care about anything else. He quickly activated the golden elixir in his body and concentrated it throughout his body. All the forces want to get rid of the lock of this powerful will.

However, no matter how hard he struggled, that powerful thought was always with him and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

The green-robed envoy was confused. He remembered that not long ago, Fu Jing's use of this divine sword was still very immature, just like a three-year-old child dancing with a sword. How could he suddenly become so experienced?

Just like a master of swordsmanship who has been immersed in it for many years...

Before he could figure it out, the power on the divine sword suddenly exploded.

The green-robed envoy has also tried his best to resist, but under the lock of that powerful thought, all the changes in the laws in his body have been understood by the opponent, and all resistance is in vain.

In the blink of an eye, the Xinghe Sword penetrated the chest, instantly shattering the golden elixir that was combined with the power of Tiangang Earth Evil.

The special envoy representing Duke Heng's side died on the spot.

Everyone was stunned.

No one thought that Fu Jing actually killed the special envoy of Duke Heng!

In their opinion, as long as they defeated the man and spared his life, it would make Duke Heng's face look better. They didn't expect Fu Jing's performance to be so radical.

Fu Jing pulled out the divine sword from the chest of the green-robed envoy, causing a bright red blood line.

She raised the Galaxy Sword high and shouted loudly:

"From today on, I, Fu Jing, will officially take over the position of city lord. Who else is dissatisfied?"

The whole place fell silent.

After a while, it was an elder from Xihai City who stood up first and knelt down tremblingly: "Join City Master Fu Jing!"

The rest of the people followed suit and knelt down one after another.

Soon the entire political hall knelt down and shouted in a thin voice: "See City Lord Fu Jing, see City Lord Fu Jing..."

In the bustle, no one noticed that one of Lu Yu's hands behind his back was trembling slightly.

"Huh, I finally got it done! This time... I almost didn't drain me dry." He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

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