Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1623 Potential Discovery

Next is the transfer of power among various departments and changes in personnel.

Fu Borong and his close relatives, Fu Tianlin and his close relatives, and the close relatives of the heirs of other units were all imprisoned without explanation.

Fu Jing did not take the initiative to ask for these things, but later, he carried out drastic reforms in various affairs of Xihai City.

This naturally involves the selfish interests of these elders, but Fu Jing and Lu Yu can't control that much for the time being. What they need is a stable political situation. If there are not enough interests, how can anyone work for them?

After about an hour of this, Mrs. Ru regained her strength and rushed over.

She had been operating in Xihai City for many years and already had her own team. After her subordinates took over, things finally calmed down around Lu Yu and Fu Jing.

"Why is your face so pale?" Fu Jing looked at Lu Yu and said, "Why do you feel like you are more tired than me..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but curse in his heart: Isn't it nonsense?

The series of battles just now consumed all the real essence in your body, but you were just responsible for posing, and the consumption was less than one percent of your own. It would be strange if you weren't tired...

But it certainly couldn't be said like this on the surface. He smiled and said: "How can I compare with the young lady? The young lady's cultivation has reached its peak, and it is estimated that she will touch the threshold of the Great Golden Pill monk soon, but I have not even received a single star." I don’t have any golden elixirs, so it’s pretty good that I didn’t fall down tiredly..."

Fu Jing nodded slightly, agreeing with this statement.

She looked directly at Lu Yu, and slowly came closer, until their breaths almost collided, and then she stopped: "A Feng, who are you?"

Lu Yu saw his own image clearly reflected in her bright eyes, and smelled a fragrant orchid-like breath at the end of his nose. He couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat and said, "Who do you think I am, Miss?"

Fu Jing said: "Your behavior today is not like a person who only knows how to hunt in the mountains."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Everyone has their own past. Before I lived in the mountains, I naturally had other identities. This is a very long story. If Miss is interested, I can tell you slowly. Listen...but I don’t think we have this time at least now.”

As he said that, Lu Yu winked at her.

Fu Jing followed his gaze and saw her mother, Mrs. Ru, walking towards this side.

"Well, when I have time, I will definitely listen to your past and see what kind of story it is!"

After Fu Jing finished speaking, he snorted softly and turned to face his mother.


Mrs. Ru looked at Fu Jing and Lu Yu in front of her, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

When the two of them left the other courtyard alone, she never thought that things would end up like this.

After a long time, Mrs. Ru sighed: "You... are so impulsive!"

Fu Jing said: "Mother, there is nothing to worry about. Fu Tianlin has been defeated by me, and Fu Borong has been imprisoned. The two people you are most worried about in Xihai City are no longer able to threaten us. The rest are more It’s not a problem, you can relax.”

Mrs. Ru smiled bitterly and said: "If only it was that simple! It's true that you have taken the position of city lord, but the entire Xihai City has been troubled internally and externally, and has completely turned into a mess. How should we clean up this mess next?"

Fu Jing glanced at Lu Yu beside him and said: "A Feng said that there must be a way to the mountain... As long as I have this magic sword in my hand, I believe everything will be solved."

Mrs. Ru was helpless and angrily rolled her eyes at Lu Yu, as if she was blaming him for instigating this.

Lu Yu could only spread his hands in embarrassment.

Fu Jing said again: "Mother, now that I have become the Lord of Xihai City, can you tell me your secrets now?"

Mrs. Ru hesitated: "Jing'er, mother really didn't expect that you would become the Lord of Xihai City in this way. Although this is what I have been looking forward to, it is indeed too fast..."

"Can you give me a little more time? At least wait until the immediate troubles are dealt with, and wait until you have secured your position as city lord..."

"Although everyone has been imprisoned now, Fu Tianlin's biological mother has disappeared. If I guess correctly, she must have asked Grand Duke Heng for help. The counterattack will come soon. At this time, we really shouldn't be distracted by other things. …”

Fu Jing looked at his mother's hesitant eyes and finally nodded: "Okay, let's wait until we deal with Grand Duke Heng... Afeng, do you have any good suggestions for the current situation?"

Mrs. Ru was secretly surprised. She didn't expect that her daughter's trust in Afeng had reached such a level.

However, she was indeed curious, what kind of method would this Feng have to clean up the mess in front of him?

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu just spread his hands and said carelessly: "What other suggestions can you make? Of course, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it! Otherwise, we can run to Hengzhou eagerly to serve tea and water to Duke Heng. If we kowtow and apologize, will they let us go?"

Mrs. Ru was speechless for a while.

The truth is this, but it always sounds a bit awkward...

Fu Jing thought seriously and said, "You mean, we have to be ready for a head-on war with them, right? But with the current strength of our Xihai City, can we fight against Grand Duke Heng?"

Lu Yu said: "Miss, don't belittle yourself. In fact, Xihai City has huge potential. Judging from my current contact, there are at least two potentials that can be vigorously tapped."

"Which two items?"

Lu Yu took out the Closed Moon Stone again, held it in his hand and played with it gently: "I once heard Manager Zhong say that this Closed Moon Stone is a unique specialty of Xihai City. Although the output is not large, it is very popular every day. It has accumulated over a long period of time, and now there is a lot of stock in Xihai City..."

"Young lady should have seen it before. As long as this stone is slightly modified, it can explode with powerful power. As long as the young lady agrees to take out all the closed moon stones in stock, the combat power formed will definitely make the coveted people Surprised!”

Fu Jing's eyes lit up: "Could you be able to transform the moon-closed stone?"

Lu Yu said: "Of course I can't do it, but the divine sword in the lady's hand can do it."

"Can this divine sword do it?" Fu Jing was surprised, "How do you know?"

Lu Yu touched his nose: "Miss, don't look at me like this. In fact, I discovered it accidentally..."

With that said, he motioned to Fu Jing to pull out the Galaxy Sword again, and then brought the moon-closed stone in his hand closer.

The crystal stones had not yet touched the sword edge entity, but the light along the edge was lightly rubbed, and suddenly a shining line of fire burst out, leaving an indelible mark in the void.

Countless law characters appeared in the line of fire.

Fu Jing and Mrs. Ru were stunned and looked shocked.

Lu Yu secretly laughed in his heart. The Galaxy Sword has the ability to construct star trails, and it is not difficult to reshape the structural laws inside the Moonstone.

In fact, this was indeed what he discovered accidentally.

Perhaps due to the condensation of moonlight, the Closed Moon Stone has a very good carrying capacity for the power of the stars. After being internally reshaped, the Closed Moon Stone can even reveal the secrets of the stars to a certain extent.

This is the real reason why Lu Yu was able to kill everyone in Xihai City with just one stone.

"It's so simple!" Fu Jing was amazed, "With just one stroke like this, the Moonstone can turn into an indestructible weapon?"

Mrs. Ru also looked in disbelief.

This divine sword is not only powerful, but it can also refine elixirs. Now it also has the function of refining weapons. This is really incredible...

"What else?" Fu Jing asked with a look of joy, "This is just one of them, what is the other potential?"

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